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Glen of imaal terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier Dog Breed:

The Irish Glen of Imaal terrier is a dog of unknown origins that belongs to Ireland and is named after the Glen of Imaal in the Wicklow County in Ireland.

The dog was initially bred to hunt and kill animals like the fox and badger that live underground. The compact size of the dog made it easier for it to move underground and drag the animals out. It was also used in dog fights and pitted against badgers.

While this activity was banned in the 60’s, the dog if trained well, has a natural instinct to hunt out vermin. A dog of medium size, when it is full grown it weighs approximately a16kgs and grows up to a height of 35.5cms. Large headed with stumpy short legs, its coat colour ranges from brindle, blue to a wheaten coloring.

Glen of Imaal Terrier puppies usually has black hi-lights in their fur, but these usually fade away unless they were born black. As puppies the breed characteristics are evident and the pup must be carefully trained by a firm handler or owner who proves to the pup his/her leadership qualities. For instance, the pup must be trained to walk beside or behind the owner on a lead as they will otherwise decide that they must run the home. A keen learner, the dog should not be dealt with harshly as they are extremely sensitive to correction. Although initially slow on the pickup, the breed is extremely intelligent, patient, loyal and mild mannered indoors. They respond well to children and are popular as family pets but caution must be exercised if the family has other dogs or non-canine pets like hamsters, mice, gerbils or rabbits around. If trained well, they will learn to accommodate these animals and perhaps curb their hunting instincts. They require daily walks apart from being allowed to roam around in a preferably fenced yard. If deprived of their walks they might display behavioral problems as it is part of their primal instinct.

Adopting a full grown Glen of Imaal Terrier dog instead of a puppy should not be a problem as these dogs adapt well to new owners. They possess a powerfully deep bark that gives the impression that the dog is bigger than it actually is and they usually bark if they seriously suspect danger. The dog is not difficult to groom but requires a stripping twice a year especially since it sheds little to no hair. Its average life expectancy is 13-14 years although some dogs have been known to go up to 15or 16 years of age.

  Submitted on November 25, 2009  

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