Pet Turtle:Over the years, there has been an increasing interest in the housing of turtles as pets.
Turtles can make good pets if they are cared for properly, however, too many people simply buy a pet turtle because of the novelty effect of owning an exotic animal. Most of these individuals will usually end up neglecting the animal, which is quite sad considering the fact that most turtles live on for very long life spans that carry on through a number of human generations.
Whenever you choose to pick out a pet turtle, prior research or knowledge on the variety and their specifications is always helpful. Certain species of turtles require a little more special care and technique.
Turtles such as snapping turtles a prime example given the fact that these animals are rather aggressive while the softer shell turtles are more vulnerable to the impurities in water or damage sustained from some sharp rocks. The first task to accomplish when you are getting a pet turtle would be to create the proper environment for your pet. Large turtles, such as sea turtles, will require large tanks and a 40 gallon tank is probably the minimum that should be installed. This will help you create different areas in the tank where certain parts can be cordoned off with land in order to allow the turtle to get the required amount of exercise and space to move around. Most people will choose proportions of about 75% water and 25% of dry land. You could also place a few large flat stones in the dry area to create a basking area for your pet. The tank should be stored in a quiet area of the house because of the fact that a new turtle may tend to get stressed out with the combination of being in a new environment as well as the added factor of being the center of attention whenever new people walk into the room. The turtle could be very shy at first.
It is essential that your pet turtles tank be kept as clean as possible with the help of a high duty filtration unit to help get rid of any fecal matter as soon as it appears. You should also add ¼ cup of table salt for every 5 gallons of water present in the tank in order to prevent any fungus.