Persian Kittens - Information on Care, Development, Food and Diet For Persian Kitten Persian kittens are an exotic breed and have to be cared for more persistently.
Grooming a Persian cat is the most difficult part as they have long fur which gets knotted up and should be brushed or combed regularly. If the knots become too many you may have to resort to clipping the hair or shaving it off. The eyes should also be wiped clean with a soft damp swab regularly as they tend to have a lot of discharge.
To ensure that you do not loose your cat put a tag on it with your contact details.
Persian Kitten Care For Persian kitten care it is best to take the advice of your vet as far as feeding is concerned. The cat can be adopted when it is at least 6 weeks old and not earlier.
When the female is around 6 months old it should be spayed while the males should be neutered a month or two later. Female cats come on heat when they are about four months old so if you do not want to have them crossed it is best to have them operated. Cats are extremely finicky about cleanliness and there litter box should be cleaned regularly.
Persian Kitten Development Persian kittens should be kept indoors as they tend to get very dirty if they are left outside. These kittens are born bigger than other kittens and have to be handled carefully. In fact for the first ten days or so one should not touch them too much. They should be given a bath when they are around ten weeks old, when their nails should be clipped and they should also be de-wormed. Persian kitten development is very much like other kittens though they are larger in size.
Persian Kitten Food When the kitten is around a year old it can be given adult food which should be mixed with the Persian kitten food. The ratio is usually 1 of adult food to four parts of kitten food. The adult food can be increased gradually. Cats should be given only specific good brands of cat food and not food which is meant for other animals. Bones and uncooked food are not good for the cats and even milk does not agree with their digestive system.
Persian Kitten Diet Until the kittens are around six months old the Persian kitten diet should consist of canned cat food at least four times in a day. When the kittens are 8 months old this can be reduced to twice a day. Dry kitten food and clean drinking water should be kept always so that if your kitty is hungry or thirsty it can help itself.