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Grain free dog food

Grain Free Dog Diet

It is often a challenge for dog owners to choose from a wide types of dog food in the market, the one most suited to their pets’ needs.

It is thus absolutely vital to assess your pet’s individual health requirements before deciding on the right diet for him/her. Dog owners should take into consideration possible allergies, illnesses and possible nutritional deficiencies their pets may be suffering from before deciding on any grain free dog treats. In addition, your dog’s age and his/her everyday lifestyle will also determine the nature of diet and choice of dog food.

Older dogs or dogs that have active lives and participate in competitive sports may have different dietary and nutritional requirements. Grain free dog food is now very popular and many owners who are proponents of raw food diets are making the switch to grain free dog food. Grain free dog food is popular because it is considered closer to dogs’ natural diets.

Dogs tend to derive most of their nutrition from meat and are not naturally inclined to eating grains. In the wild, the dog’s ancestors survived on the meat of their prey and rarely graze on greens or eat grains. Grains are therefore viewed as being an unnatural addition to dog food. Grain free dog food thus aims to provide dogs with food that is part of their natural diet.

In addition, some dogs may even benefit from a grain free diet. Dogs suffering from cancer or diabetes may be recommended grain free dog food to help alleviate their symptoms. In addition, grain free dog treats help regulate weight on account of its low carbohydrate content. Before changing your dog’s diet, however, you should consult your dog’s veterinarian about the pros and cons of such a switch. Most dietary changes have to be made gradually to give your dog time to readjust to his/her new diet. Your dog may experience indigestion or a lack of appetite if you make a drastic change in his/her diet. Start with small quantities of grain free dog food and mix it with larger quantities of your dog’s earlier diet. You can then slowly start to increase the proportion of grain free food until your dog is completely on a grain free diet. You should however, ensure that you buy a reputed brand of grain-free dog food to ensure that it does not contain any by-products of grain despite being labeled as ‘grain-free’.

  Submitted on May 7, 2010