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CNM Test For Dogs

CNM Test For Dogs - Information on Centronuclear Myopathy Test For Dogs

Dogs are one of the most commonly housed domestic pets all over the world and understanding the various medical complications these animals suffer from will go a long way into ensuring that you make the right choices when it comes to their quality of life.

This is primarily because of the fact that most dogs tend to suffer in silence rather than make noticeable hints to their masters about any possible medical conditions affecting them; as a result, it is up to the master to realize that they are suffering.

CNM test for dogs is primarily performed for the detection of a condition known as Centronuclear myopathy – which is rather common, especially in the Labrador breed of dog.

While the puppies are usually born normal and without any noticeable defect, the condition will slowly start to develop as a result of the centralization of nuclei in the muscle fibers that is primarily a result of a very big insertion of the PTPLA gene. Some of the most common symptoms that a puppy is affected by the condition will become prominent between the second and fifth month of the puppies life and some of the more prominent symptoms include a loss of muscle tone and control, an awkward gait as well as extreme intolerance towards exercise. When affected by the condition, the dog is usually likely to lead a normal life, however the symptoms are likely to be around right through the animals life cycle.

Centronuclear Myopathy Test For Dogs

The CNM test for dogs is a genetic test that is primarily designed to ensure that the condition is detected and documented in purebred animals. Having the CNM test for dogs performed on your is a kind of certification that informs prospective parties interested in breeding with the animal that no strain of the condition is present in your animal. Another factor to keep in mind when talking about the condition is that Centro nuclear myopathy is considered to be a recessive condition  - meaning that the animal does need to have two copies of the defective gene in order to be affected by the condition. Some animals are known to be purely carriers of the condition, but this is also picked up in the CNM test for dogs as they can pass on the mutation to their offspring.



  Submitted on November 23, 2011