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Raise puppy

Raise Puppy

There are several things that need to be kept in mind when you are considering getting a puppy.

The moment you bring a puppy into your life, you become the family and caretaker and hence it is important that you undertake this responsibility properly. In order to raise a dog, you need to act like his mother and hence you have to provide him with a comfortable bed and warm milk every night. You need to make him feel safe and give him the comfort and attention he requires. He also needs rest, just like other babies, and hence he must not be overplayed with.

Raising a dog involves proper feeding at regular times.

Puppies under six months of age should be fed three to four times each day. A dog’s diet must include meat and he needs to be fed this at least once every day. Other important additions to the diet include cereal, milk, dog meal, cooked vegetables, clear soup, eggs and some amount of fat. This will help to keep dog healthy and allow for good growth and development.

Large beef bones which do not splinter may also be given to puppies. Puppies of six months must be fed two meals every day. Puppies that have completed one year can be fed once daily at night. You may also give them a small meal in the mornings. It is advisable not to feed thick stews and soups to puppies as it may cause dog vomiting.  Puppies should also be given certain rules to follow and this is necessary for both your puppy and you. Housebreaking involves teaching the dog how to behave inside the house. A popular method involves placing newspapers around the bed. Place the dog on the paper at regular intervals. When the dog uses the paper, reward him through praise and by petting him. Dogs may also be taught to perform these behaviors outdoors.

Other aspects of raising a dog involves giving him adequate exercise, grooming him regularly and taking care of any health-related problems he may be experiencing. Dog vaccinations are an important way to protect from disease. You may consult a veterinarian regarding this. Dog grooming depends on the type of breed. Long haired dogs are more susceptible to tangles and dirt sticking to their coats. Dogs also need to be bathed at regular intervals. You can also refer to many books, DVDs and websites that carry detailed information on how to raise a dog.

  Submitted on May 21, 2010