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Bunny Care and Food | Tips and Basics | Newborn Bunny Care Guide

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 1:44 am

Adopting a bunny for a pet is hard work and requires commitment. It involves an initial for food, shelter and inoculations. You also need to get your house for a bunny including cordoning an area where it can be by itself, if it wants to.

Bunny Care

At the same time, the bunny should be able to social and mingle whenever it wants. Bunny care and baby bunny care include tips and basics that you can remember. The bunny needs social interaction and exercise, along with good healthy food to keep it happy. A good idea for the bunny to intellectually challenged and stimulated is building a cardboard castle, with old books and paper around the house and toilet rolls.

Prepare to give the bunnies litter box training. The can be trained and it is important that you persevere. You also need to make sure you give bunnies the correct food and stick to the nutritional profile. Hay and some vegetables along with fruits for treats is the preferred diet.

Newborn Bunny Care Guide

The bunny care guide helps you with pet bunny and newborn bunny care. Baby bunnies largely feed from the mother. And within a few weeks are ready to eat hay and other permitted foods. Socializing your rabbit with other humans and other rabbits is also important. How well each rabbit takes to it depends on your rabbit’s personality. You have to learn to decipher its noises, like thumping for annoyance, gentle grinding of teeth for contentment or loud grinding to indicate discomfort. Rabbits are also known for blinking and even licking your feet. You need to observe and decide what your rabbit’s personality is. You have to let your rabbit approach you. They are not as carefree as dogs or cats. That is also the reason that if anything goes wrong with its health, it will not make it apparent as it would not want any weaknesses to be perceived.

If you have a dwarf bunny or a lionhead bunny, you have a specialized pet. Dwarf bunnies are the third most popular kind of pet. They are tiny and quite cuddly. They are usually bred and bought in pairs who are inseparable and can keep each other busy and entertained.

The lionhead bunny is a new bunny breed to be introduced in America and the evolution of that breed is still being studied. It is known for its mane and longer coat. This breed is developing a reputation for a show rabbit.

Bunny Food and Treats | Healthy Bunny Food Guide | Baby Bunny Diet

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 1:13 am

Bunnies are vegetarian and though the idea of feeding them seems easy peasy, it is actually tricky as there are some things that can be great for bunnies while others can be trouble. It may be a good idea to look at a bunny food list to formulate the ideal bunny diet.

Healthy Bunny Food Guide

Healthy bunny food includes a food list of many fruits and vegetables. The bunny food guide includes all vegetarian food. But despite what common items suggest, apparent favorites like lettuce, cabbage, potato tops, tomato leaves should not be given to rabbits.  Even fruits like cherries, peaches, plums and apricots are not good for the bunny.

The most common favorite food for rabbits is hay. If you cannot find hay, you can certainly find nutrition packed hay pellets at your pet store. Fresh food that you can feed the rabbit can include carrot, apple, banana, broccoli, as treats.

Treats in bunnies are largely fruits and are considered fattening for rabbits. A little fruit is good but making an everyday diet of fruits is not advisable as it could cause diarrhea, causing much anguish to the bunny and you too. You can also feed your bunny things like coriander, collard greens, artichoke, arugula, basil, beet tops, brussel sprouts, celery, chard, fennel, endive, dill, cucumber and chives.

If your choose to let your bunny eat out in your garden and grow plants that it will like to eat, remember there are some plants that should not be there at all. These plants can be life threatening for rabbits. Plants like cloves, honeysuckle, poppies, ivy, oleander, holly, poinsettias, rhubarb leaves and daffodils along with many others can kill a rabbit quickly if it ingests it.

Baby Bunny Diet and Treats

The baby bunny diet has food that is also fed to adult bunnies. Adult bunnies tend to eat a lot as they are used to that in the wild, where eating a lot means getting some nutrition. That is also why digestion is so important in bunnies. You will need to monitor what and how much your bunny eats.

Your bunny also cannot see his food, rather can smell it. A bunny also cannot vomit which make a digestion irregularity that much more difficult for the bunny.

Some rare bunny treats can be raisins or dried fruits, unsalted peanuts, dried banana chips and perhaps graham crackers. But this is not food that can be given every day and the bunny needs his share of greens to keep his digestive system intact. Chocolate is a big no no as it can be toxic for bunnies.

Safe Rabbit Foods List | Recipes, Meals Safe For Rabbits

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: — Nik @ 3:30 am

Safe Rabbit Foods

If you think that food pellets are made especially for your pet because they enjoy them, think again. While pellets usually make for safe rabbit foods you never know what is really in them. Pellets are not formulated because our pets like them, but because they are convenient for us when we decide to feed them. No one wants their pets to perish and for pets to have a long and healthy life, proper nutrition is a must. The commercially available foods do promote fast growth as well as development of fur. However, nutritionally these pellets may not be the best thing for your rabbit. Rabbits have a very delicate body and when you are planning their meals, it is imperative to consider their delicate digestive systems. The digestive system of a rabbit is designed in such a way that it can absorb as much of fat and protein as possible from its diet. Therefore, when you are giving your rabbit a high fat and protein diet, it may not be in the best interest of your pet.

Popular rabbit foods include all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as leafy greens. Here is a list of safe rabbit foods-foods which the rabbits enjoy as well. Rabbits can eat apples, barley, alfalfa, bluegrass, acacia, Bermuda grass, bread-both dry and soaked in milk, beets, buckwheat, beans, dandelions, cow parsnip, chicories, carpet grass, crabgrass, cabbage, corn, carrots, clovers, cereals, hazelnut leaves, Kentucky bluegrass, artichokes, grains, dogwood, fescue, knotgrass, Napier grass, kudzu, oats, lettuce(but beware of large quantities of iceberg lettuce), milk and milk products, millets, poplar, plantain, parsnips, peas, Rhodes grass, redtop grass, orchard grass, potatoes, sunflower, sprouted grains, rye, Timothy, sweet potatoes, spinach, sorghum, wheat, turnips, and willow.

When you are picking out grass, grains, and vegetables for your pet, make sure that you pick out only those foods which are fresh and free from mold. Whatever foods you give to your rabbit, make sure that the rabbit consumes a lot of roughage along with it. The best rabbit foods are those which have a healthy amount of roughage in them. Therefore, greens are usually considered among some of the good rabbit foods.

Fresh fruits and vegetables supply all that the rabbits require nutritionally. Apart from the roughage, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, rabbits also require roughage in high amounts to keep their alimentary canal healthy. Fresh fruits, hay, green leafy vegetables, and grains provide all of these nutrients that the rabbits require.

Mini Rex Rabbit Food | Diet, Treats for Mini Rex Rabbit

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:23 am

Mini Rex Rabbit Food

As far as domestic pets go, rabbits are definitely one of the most adorable creatures to have in your household. Their innocent and cuddly exteriors can make anyone’s heart melt but you need to keep in mind that they can be just as destructive as innocent little children can be. Rabbits are known to cause a significant amount of destruction when left out of their hutches and chewing on electric cables is one of their frequent habits. As a result, you may want to cover any loose cabling in some kind of plastic guard to ensure that there is no damage to any of your electrical appliances around the house. Studies have shown that there are about 40 different species of rabbit all over the world - most of which can be trained to live in a domestic environment. However, some are more suited to a domestic household than others with some breeds still very much at home in their natural surroundings of large open spaces.  One breed of rather popular pet rabbits is known as the mini rex - which appears to be a miniature version of the bigger rex rabbit. The mini rex rabbit is highly regarded on the aesthetical front because of the graceful proportions that it has while its fur is also rather plush and has a nice texture. Mini rex rabbit food is a very important part of the animals well being if you want to see it live out its entire lifespan of around 10 years with the minimum of complications.

On an average, the mini rex rabbit is likely to weight between 3.5 to 4.5 lbs and the prominent factors of the animal include rather strong and muscular shoulders as well as erect ears. The mini rex is available in a number of different and pleasing colors of which only a select few are regarded as being worthy of show bunnies. The mini rex rabbit diet is substantially helped by the fact that rabbit pellets are easily available in most well stocked pet stores around the country. Your mini rex rabbit food can comprise of ½ a cup of dry pellets, fed to it on a daily basis. However, if a mini rex rabbit is pregnant, then the mini rex rabbit food quantities may need to be amended to meet the additional nutritional requirements. During pregnancy, mini rex rabbit food should be increased to about a whole cup up until about 3 days prior to the delivery.

Dutch Rabbit Care, Health Tips | Caring for Dutch Rabbit

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: — Nik @ 2:27 am

Care for Dutch Rabbit

Rabbits are one of the more adorable animals that make very good domestic pets. However, just because the animals look very innocent, the amount of care that needs to be provided is considerable. Unlike most cats and dogs that can be more or less set free while being unsupervised, almost all rabbits are notorious and can cause a significant amount of destruction to household property. Because of the fact that they have a tendency to nibble on electric wires, it is highly recommended that you wrap any loose cables into some sort of plastic protective layer while also expecting your furniture to be chewed on to some extent. Studies show that there are approximately more than about 40 different rabbit species all over the world, most of which make very tender and loving pets. Another factor that contributes significantly to the popularity of rabbits as household pets is the fact that they can be easily potty trained, making sure that the house remains rather clean at most times. Rabbits tend to groom themselves regularly and are rather obsessed about cleanliness when it comes to there soft fur, so there may not be too much additional cleaning that the owner is require to perform.

Dutch rabbits are one of the most popular domestic rabbits and are believed to have originated in Holland sometime around the 1850’s. The fact that the Dutch rabbits are rather small is a major contributor to their popularity all over the world and the animals will usually have erect ears and powerful back legs that are usually stronger than their front legs. Very often pet owners choose to keep smaller pets as they tend to think of them as being easier to manage, but dutch rabbit care cannot be treated so trivially. Proper Dutch rabbit care requires the owner to ensure that the animal is provided with the right kind of housing as well as food to guarantee that the animal has an enjoyable life in captivity.

Most Dutch rabbit care sheets prepared by experts on the species will require the owner to make hutches to house the animal in measurements of about 4 ft x 18 inches x 18 inches, that also comprises of a sleeping section for the animal. It is also important for optimum Dutch rabbit care that the hutch be placed a little off the ground and in a sheltered position to protect it from the direct glaze of the mid day sun and direct wind. The animals diet is a very important aspect of proper Dutch rabbit care and the feed should, as much as possible, mimic the animals natural feeing instincts. While the commercially produced rabbit pellets are fine for the day feeds, the evening feeds should generally be a good quantity of high quality hay.

Californian Rabbit Facts | Info, Statistics Of Californian Rabbit Breed

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: — Nik @ 2:20 am

Californian Rabbit Facts

Rabbits are a very popular domestic pet and are definitely one of the most adorable. While being more used to open lands and living on their own, they are also very docile creatures when housed in domestic environments. But a rabbit owner should not be taken by its innocent looks as the animal can be quit a terror when let out of its cage, unsupervised. Rabbits are known to cause havoc unless they are watched over, and chewing on electrical wires is one of their favorite activities. While there are over 40 different species of rabbit in the world, the Californian rabbit facts point to this particular breed being considered as a true American original. The Californian rabbit history is a rather long one, coming into prominence around the 1920’s and originally being bred as livestock rather than as pets.  As far as the animal aesthetics go, the animal has erect ears and is rather moderately sized. The regular weight of the animal is usually about 7 to 10 pounds and the coat color of the animal is very similar to the Himalayan rabbit.

When housing one of these animals, it is important to know your Californian rabbit facts as there are certain aspects of their natural outdoor lives that might need to be created in a domestic environment. Most of these rabbits are actually very comfortable in well insulated cages and are usually litter box trained while also being compulsive groomers - sometimes even more than cats! The most comfortable dimensions for the cage in which the rabbit will be held is about 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet. It is very important to be able to effectively manage the temperature within the cage as rabbits are not used to very extreme temperatures. An addition of straw is going to help the animal regulate the temperature to its advantage. A major part of

Californian rabbit care is the kind of food that the animal is provided. Commercial rabbit pellets are highly recommended and can be purchased at any well stocked pet store. The recommended dosage is about ¼ cup of pellets for every 5 pounds of the animals body weight, fed on a daily basis. However, there is a lot of dependence on the animals age when it comes to the most appropriate feeding. For instance, if the rabbit is less than about 8 months of age, it is highly recommended that you feed it an unlimited supply of alfalfa pellets.

Dutch Rabbit Size, Care | Dutch Rabbit Personality, Colors

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:06 am

Dutch Rabbit Size

The Dutch rabbit is a beloved pet which originated in Europe, as its name suggests. Though the precise period of the discovery of the Dutch rabbit is not very specific, it is believed that the Dutch rabbit first gained popularity in 1850, when it became immensely popular as a pet. The Dutch rabbit size makes it an extremely adorable and affectionate pet. Though a native of the Netherlands, as its name suggests, the popularity of the Dutch rabbit was so much in the late nineteenth century that the rabbit was exported to many different parts of the world.

Apart from the Dutch rabbit size, another important characteristic which makes the animal so popular are the royal Dutch markings.  Also known as the Hollander rabbit, the Dutch rabbit is one of the oldest breeds of domesticated rabbits known to man. However, since the rabbit has extremely fancy markings all over the body, it is considered a fancier pet than the regular wild rabbits which were the original domesticated rabbits in Europe.

Breeders from all over the world try to breed the Dutch rabbit carefully in order to enhance the fancy markings on the body. Though not much consideration is given to the size of the Dutch rabbit, over the years, there have been many attempts to improve the breed by careful breeding. The Dutch rabbit size and the shape of the body get special attention when the breeders are pondering selection for crossing the rabbit.

Professional breeders find breeding Dutch rabbits a true challenge since there is a considerably high demand for creating perfection in the markings of the Dutch rabbit. Only the most ardent and experienced breeders have been able to achieve the level of excellence that is demanded of these rabbits. However, there are many breeders who try very hard to achieve the same level of finesse in their results.

The Dutch rabbit personality is something which is as likeable as the Dutch rabbit size. The rabbit has erect ears and back legs which are very powerful. However, what makes it such a precious pet is its personality. The rabbit is extremely friendly and very playful. When let out in the open, the rabbit loves to frolic around. When kept in pairs in a pen, the rabbits can be very playful with each other. They are extremely sociable and have a lot of fun with each other. It is a pleasure watching them interact with each other and play. The Dutch rabbit colors are as fancy as its markings and the breeders continue to endeavor to create better looking rabbits. b