Pet Blogs, Pet Health Care Advice, Symptoms | Pet Care Tips, Info

Pet Health Problems, Symptoms | Pet Health Care Treatment

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:48 am

Pet Health Issues:

A healthy pet can be a wonderful companion but will require careful and patient care to keep him/her in optimum health. Each species and breed is susceptible to certain kinds of health issues and the owner needs to look out for early signs of these conditions so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. Unfortunately, ignored signs of pet disease can usually become fatal for the pet concerned. Every breed also has specific requirements; for instance, some dogs that are naturally hyperactive require large open spaces to romp in and lots of play time lest your tiny garden gets remodeled every time the pet is let out. So choosing a pet should also involve careful consideration of the home environment and so on.

There are a few symptoms which are indicative of the onset of a deadly disease in most pets and these are a loss of appetite, acute weight loss or a steep weight gain, an unusual amount of water consumption, sudden changes in behavior such as viciousness or lethargy, a dull, ragged coat, constipation or diarrhea, unusual shaking of the head, excessive scratching, licking or biting some parts of the body, discharge from the nose, eyes, mouth and other openings of the body, limping, difficulty while lying down or getting up, abnormal lumps, foul breath and too much tartar on the teeth. Cancer is one disease that attacks a lot of pets and the symptoms include an offensive odor, bleeding from body openings, reluctance to exercise and a lack of stamina, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, sores that refuse to heal and so on apart from the symptoms mentioned earlier. Rabies can be a pet health problem and since it is difficult to keep track of mild injuries, nips and bites your pet may have incurred from another animal, it is necessary to keep them vaccinated regularly along with all the other necessary shots. In case the pet is bitten by another animal, they will have to be revaccinated and kept under strict observation for a month and a half. Ear mites are another common pet health problem. These pests are found in the animal’s ears and it is only once the infestation is very advanced that owners usually note the signs. A regular examination by your veterinarian is the only way to prevent an infestation as the chances of it spreading deep into the ear and affecting the brain, causing convulsions and death is a possibility. Take care of your pet’s oral hygiene with regular visits to the veterinarian to remove plaque from the teeth. Avoid feeding your pet junk food, and try to steam a few vegetables and add it to a well cooked meat or fish diet. Do take care to remove sharp bones though as it can prove harmful for your pet.

Pet Respiratory Infection Treatments, Causes | Pet Respiratory Problems Prevention

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:17 am

Respiratory Infection in Pets:

A respiratory infection is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs and affects pets in the same way it affects humans in the forms of a cold, flu, chest infection or sinus infection. Respiratory infections are contagious and spread through direct contact with the infected pet.

The symptoms of respiratory infection in pets might develop early or be delayed, depending upon the pet’s age, stress level, immunity, diet , presence of irritants such as pollution or chemicals, and lifestyle. If unnoticed, the symptoms might worsen and lead to a secondary infection, further deteriorating your pet’s health. Starting treatment in a timely manner can lessen the discomfort level of your pet.

The few common symptoms that can tell you that your pet is suffering from a respiratory infection are:

  • Your pet becomes lethargic.
  • Your pet stops eating or being particular about food.
  • Coughing, sneezing, running nose, and fever.

Antibiotics are usually the most common treatment given in such an infection. Antibiotics make the immune system weak, so proper care is very important when your pet is on antibiotics. Here are a few tips to prevent respiratory infection in pets and also to boost their immunity:

  • Always feed your pet with high quality food devoid of any colorant and preservatives. Raw vegetables and meat are always preferable to highly cooked food.
  • Give your pets plenty of pure water to drink.
  • For pet health care, ensure a good exercise regimen for your pet as it will boost its immunity and keep it fit.
  • Make sure your pet is vaccinated against known viral and bacterial diseases.
  • Always wash your hand before and after handling your pet.
  • Avoid giving products that contain milk or sugar to your pet.
  • It is beneficial to add a teaspoon of olive oil in your pet’s meal everyday
  • It is recommended to give your pet a special diet, vitamins, and supplements to maximize its chances of quick recovery
  • Lastly, spend quality time with your pet to keep it happy and reduce stress.

If your furry little friend is suffering from a respiratory condition for a long time, you must see a veterinarian. A vet will prescribe some respiratory medication to soothe your animal’s pain. In addition to allopathic medicines, there are good herbal and homeopathic treatments available for respiratory infections in pets. These have very less or no addictive properties. Homeopathy and natural remedies help reduce the symptoms of respiratory infections and speed up the natural healing process.

Pesticide, Fertilizer Poisoning in Pet Dog | Lawn Chemicals Harmful for Pet

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 4:13 am

Lawn Chemical Poisoning in Pet Dogs

Many chemicals have harmful effects on your pets. The story is entirely different when the chemicals are stored safely in your home as they are out of reach of your pets. However, the lawn is a matter of concern as the pets run, play, eat grass, roll about, and groom themselves there. They may end up ingesting the harmful chemicals which you may have used in your lawn. So you need to administer lawn chemicals with close supervision, otherwise it may put your pets at serious risk.

Insecticide Poisonous for Pets

Lawn chemicals can be dangerous to pets and have health risks associated such as skin irritation, rashes, and damage to a pet’s paws from walking on a chemically treated lawn. So it is necessary to know what is going into your lawn so that you can check its effect on your furry friends. The common symptoms of pesticide or fertilizer poisoning in pets are increased heart rate, unsteady gait, foaming of the mouth, difficulty in breathing, vomiting, seizures and collapse.

Here are a few pointers to educate you on lawn chemical poisoning and the steps to be taken to ensure a healthy environment for pet health care.

  • You must avoid using pesticides such us insecticides and herbicides in your lawns as pets are more likely to suffer their ill effects.
  • The best lawn for your pets is one which is free of fertilizers and pesticides. Fertilizers are known to contain heavy metals which can prove to be hazardous to your dog health.
  • You must be cautious and always read the manufacturer’s instructions while purchasing lawn products and know more about the product’s toxicity and potential environmental impact. If possible look for natural alternatives which are non toxic to your pets.
  • You must water your lawn after the application of fertilizers and pesticides; meanwhile prevent your pets from going into the lawn.
  • You must develop a routine of washing your pet’s paws or fur if they have been playing in the lawn immediately after the application of fertilizers and pesticides.
  • You can also maintain a small separate area in your lawn for your pet which is not chemically treated .The pet can use this area to run, play, and walk.
  • You must never allow your pet to drink ground water from an area where the lawn has been sprayed with chemicals.
  • Lawn chemicals can be absorbed by pets through their skin, swallowed, or inhaled. Thus, the use of pet safe lawn fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals can negate such problems.
  • In case your pet comes in direct contact with a lawn chemical, immediately call the local poison control office or a veterinarian to seek medical attention for your pet.

Get to know about Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs and Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs

Pet Obesity Prevention | Obese Pet Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:10 am

Pet Obesity Control:

It’s not only you but even your pet that needs a balanced diet and exercise to stay fit and healthy. Overweight or downright obese pets are on the increase. Any weight loss program for your pet needs long term commitment as it is a gradual process. There is a need to inculcate new eating and exercise habits in your pet, which requires considerable time and patience.

An animal is considered obese when it weighs 10-15 percent above its ideal body weight. It is important to seek your veterinarian’s advice on weight management programs for your pet. The factors responsible for increasing weight in your pet are its breed, age, regular activity levels, food style, feeding portions, lifestyle habits, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, and insulinoma.
You have to recognize the symptoms of obesity in pets and also understand the health risks. The typical overweight signs in a pet are varied and include:

  • While walking the pet’s flank folds sway from side to side.
  • The backbone cannot be easily felt when touched because of heavy fat covering.
  • A layer of fat over the ribs.
  • The abdomen appears rounded.

These symptoms may aggravate and lead to health risks such as diabetes, kidney problems, cancer, orthopaedic dysfunction, and cardiovascular diseases. Here are a few behavioural change tips which can help your pet in leading a leaner, healthier and longer life. If left untreated, obesity can decrease your pet’s life expectancy and make the life it does have very uncomfortable.

  • You must walk your pets (especially dogs) everyday. Long walks help combat excess weight and will keep your pet active. Make sure you don’t walk on hot or hard surfaces; it’s best to walk on soft lawn grass or smooth paths. It is good for your pet’s emotional health and at the same time will improve your walking capabilities as well.
  • You must make your pet exercise 20-50 minutes twice a day as it not only helps in burning calories but also strengthens respiratory and circulatory systems, keeps muscles toned, aids in digestion, and keeps its mind active.
  • You and your furry friend can play fetch or hide and seek. You can also set up obstacle courses for them or take them swimming as this adds to mental simulation and keep them happy as well as fit.
  • You must provide a low calorie, protein rich, and high fiber diet which helps in maintaining the pet’s muscle and gives it a satisfied feeling devoid of unnecessary calories.
  • You must feed prescribed portion sizes of meals to your pet which is mentioned on the pet food packages. If you measure each serving, you will avoid over feeding your pet. Also serve smaller portions more frequently throughout the day (2-3 times) which will keep him satisfied and active.
  • You must avoid feeding your pet human foods like pizza, baked goods, ice creams or cookies. It is advised to look for high grain content in the commercial foods which you choose to buy for your pet.

Pet Poisoning Symptoms | Pet Poison Causes, Treatments

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:07 am

Pet Poison:

Many substances like fabric softener sheets, detergents, batteries, moth balls, and coffee grounds in your home may be fatal to your pets. Poisons may not be necessarily eaten by the animal but can also be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Some of the potential toxins may not be palpable, but think again before your pet reaches for it.

The common signs of pet poisoning are muscle tremors, vomiting, swelling of limbs or the face, excessive salivation, redness of eyes, difficulty in breathing, and blisters in the mouth. You can keep your pet safe and healthy by being aware of the common toxins around your house and yard. Here below are few guidelines which will help you in understanding pet poisons:

  • You must be familiar with the plants that you have in your house. The ingestion of sago palm, oleander, Easter lily, and schefflera may prove to be poisonous for your pets.
  • You must keep your pets away while treating your lawn with fertilizers and insecticides as these are harmful for their health.
  • Human medications which have coatings on them such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants, and dietary supplements attract pets. You must ensure that these are kept away from your pet’s reach.
  • You must follow the usage directions of the products that you use on your pets like shampoos and dips to reduce the chances of unnecessary exposure to harmful substances.
  • You must get specific products and medications that are designed for your pet. This is because the amounts will vary depending upon the species. It is better to seek a veterinarian’s advice before giving any medications.
  • You must keep away antifreeze (ethylene glycol), paint thinner, and drain cleaners away from your pets as they pose a substantial danger to them.
  • You must avoid giving your pet mouldy foods, chocolates, caffeine based products, alcoholic beverages, grapes and raisins as these are toxic to it. They can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, and seizures.
  • You must keep your pets away from rodenticides as they contain inactive ingredients that are attractive to some pets. The ingestion of baits may prove to be fatal for pets.
  • You must keep a check on the salt intake by your pet or otherwise it may lead to sodium ion poisoning in pets. Large amount of salt consumption leads to vomiting, elevated body temperature, seizures, and even death.
  • Household cleaners such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants when inhaled by pets can cause irritation to their respiratory tract. So, precautions must be taken to protect your pets from these common agents.

Different toxins need specific attention or else the condition of the pet may deteriorate. If you detect that your pet has a reaction due to a flea product, rinse it with large volumes of water using mild shampoo. In case your pet has inhaled poison, take the animal out in an open space immediately so that it gets sufficient fresh air. If your pet has ingested poison it becomes important to induce vomiting. If the situation is out of your control, seek emergency assistance and immediately contact a veterinarian or the nearest Animal Poison Control Center.

Pet Sickness Treatment | Sick Pet Symptoms, Care

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 5:37 am

Sick Pet Care:

For most of us, our pets are practically family, and in some cases are closer and more important to us than even family could ever be. Therefore, when illness strikes, it can be an extremely traumatic experience. Just like us, our pets are bound to suffer from periodic sickness, and in most cases, this is likely to be a mild condition that may not even require medical treatment. However, it is always important to be on the safe side and consult a veterinarian at the first sign of sickness.

Sickness is an important consideration even before you get yourself a pet. It is essential that you are able, financially and otherwise, to care for your pet when it gets sick. Your pet is bound to fall ill at least a couple of times a year, and there is always the additional risk of a serious medical condition developing. You must be able to handle any such contingency. If you think you will be unable to handle the expenses on doctors and medicines, as well as the investment of time and emotional energy, it is best that you avoid keeping a pet.

Many pet owners prefer to use home remedies rather than visiting a vet. While this is often practical and effective, it is also risky. There is always the danger of an unexpected reaction, because any particular substance can have a considerably different effect on two different species. What is good for us may be dangerous for our pets. Another thing to remember is that you are not trained to read the signs of sickness. Relying on home remedies might allow the sickness to worsen drastically, while a good veterinarian will be able to tell whether your pet is responding and proceed accordingly.

Contrary to what you might assume, regular visits to the vet could actually save you a lot of money and emotional stress in the long run. A vet who has been regularly seeing your pet is aware of its normal behavior and condition, and is better able to read any symptoms. Your pet will also submit to treatment more happily and calmly if he or she is used to being handled by a vet. In addition, once you and your pet have developed a relationship with your vet, he or she is more likely to give you quick tips over the phone if necessary, and give you honest advice on whether a visit is necessary or the problem can be handled at home.

Pet Health Treatments, Care | Pet Health Problems, Issues

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:35 am

Pet Health Tips:

Pet health treatments are generally determined by your vet after a through examination and diagnosis. There are various pet treatments and the most common among them are pet flea treatment, pet allergies treatment, and pet arthritis treatment. In addition to these, pet gastrointestinal disorders treatment and pet urinary tract infection treatment are also common pet health treatments.

Pet health treatments can consist of creams for topical application or medications that need to be ingested. Depending on the condition and the severity of the situation, the doctor may prescribe a combination of both topical applications as well as prescribed medications. Pet health treatments like pet flea treatment are among the most common of health treatments for a variety of pets.

De-worming treatments are another common and routine treatment for almost all pets, just as with humans. De-worming is extremely important as parasitic worm infestations can pose serious threat to your pet, and there is also a risk of contagion to humans.

Vaccinations and shots are another important area of pet health treatments, and this should in fact be the first treatment that will also be a routine treatment. Your local veterinarian would provide you with information regarding the necessary vaccines and also a schedule for the vaccinations that are necessary. For example, rabies vaccinations are among the most common, but there are also other vaccines against common viral and bacterial infections. Getting tests and checkups done for pets that have been imported is also absolutely essential.

There are also many other treatments that may be specific to certain species or certain breeds. Cats are known to suffer from problems due to ingestion of fur and most of us know of this as ‘fur balls’.

Another routine pet health treatment that is common at least for cats and dogs is spaying or neutering. This is extremely important if the animal has not been kept for breeding purposes. Apart from the fact that it prevents any unwanted pregnancies it is also highly beneficial for the health of your pet. It helps prevent the animal from going in to heat, which also means that your pet will not attempt to wander of in search of a mate or keep you up at night with the incessant howling. This procedure also helps eliminate the risk of several diseases and cancerous growths that can afflict the reproductive system.

Your veterinarian would be the best source of information on pet health care and treatments that are necessary for your pet, as these can vary significantly, not just from species to species, but also among different breeds, within a species.

Pyometra Infection in Pets - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 5:26 am

Pyometra Infection in Pets:

Pyometra is a uterine infection that can be quite severe and potentially fatal. It is quite common in a number of pet species, particularly in cats and dogs. The problem with a pyometra infection is that it is not very easy to treat, but prevention is quite simple.

This infection can occur as a result of normal hormonal fluctuations that can be experienced by many intact female pet species. These fluctuations are also what govern the reproductive cycles in females of the species that have not been spayed. In the case of a pyometra infection there is an abnormal reaction in the uterus to these fluctuations, which can result in a bacterial infection in the uterus. With the progression of the disease, bacteria and toxins that are present within the uterus start to seep into the bloodstream, which causes the affected animal to become seriously ill. The infection is so severe that without prompt medical intervention it would be fatal. The treatment generally involves surgical removal of the infected uterine tract.

Here are some common symptoms that you can look out for as warning of a pyometra infection:

There may be a bloody or pussy discharge from the vaginal area. In conditions where such a discharge is present the condition is referred to as open pyometra, in which case the cervix remains open to enable discharge from the vagina. In some cases however there may be no discharge and this is referred to as closed pyometra. Here are some common symptoms of pyometra infection in pets that you can observe:

  • Dehydration
  • Malaise
  • A loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Higher fluid intake
  • Increased urine volume
  • Vomiting and fever

The most commonly used treatment for a pyometra infection is surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries that have been infected. This basically achieves the same end result as routine spaying. Unfortunately the procedure for a pyometra infection is a lot more complicated as the subject is not stable and suited for such a surgical procedure. The treatment is therefore not without risk of complications, which may include peritonitis and excessive, both during and after the surgery. There are also hormonal treatments now available as an alternative to surgery in certain cases.

Because of the high risks of treatment preventive measures are the best option. Spaying your pet eliminates the possibility of the occurrence of a pyometra infection. This is just one benefit of spaying, but it can not be over emphasized.

Pet Health Issues, Problems | Pet Health Conditions

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:16 am

Pet Health Problems:

Caring for a pet can be one of the most rewarding and exuberating experiences you will have. Pets do however require special care, as just like humans they are susceptible to a variety of ailments, but unlike us they can’t really point these out. There are many health conditions that are common and it would help to be on the look out for, or cautious about these. At most times prompt detection of a condition will enable a swift diagnosis and treatment that could make a world of difference to your pet. Not all health conditions can be treated easily though, and some may require greater care and attention.

Here are some of the most common pet health issues and problems that you would most likely encounter. Not all of these problems may be widespread among all species, but most of them are, while all of these are common to the most popular species of pets like cats, dogs, rabbits, and others.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders can affect almost any pet and you would easily notice such a problem as it would be accompanied by obvious symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, or a stomach upset. At times these may be symptomatic of a more serious condition, and at times there may even be no visible symptoms. Although it isn’t always necessary to bring your pet in to the clinic for every digestive or gastrointestinal disorder it does help to play safe, and most importantly you need to observe any changes in behavior or appetite and report these to the vet.
  • Obesity is another problem that seems to be on the rise not just among humans, but among their domesticated counterparts too. This could be caused by a variety of factors, but very often the culprit is low quality food. Pet food formulas are often inappropriate as a diet for many species, particularly for cats. This holds true for dogs as well.
  • Cancers are another ailment that almost all pets are susceptible to.  Cancer is in fact so widespread that it is believed to be the cause of at least half of all deaths in aged pets. Abnormal swellings or lumps, difficulty eating, difficulty walking, and observable weight loss are just some signs that could accompany cancer. Not all forms of cancer are hard to treat, and some can be cured quite easily. The main reason for the high death rate from cancer is that the symptoms most often go unnoticed until the cancer is well advanced.
  • Rabies is another common pet health problem that you need to be very guarded against. It is a fatal condition that can easily be prevented with vaccination. It’s also easily communicable to humans.

Pet Diarrhea Causes, Treatments, Symptoms, Prevention

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 4:50 am

Diarrhea in Pets:

Pet health issues are great in number and one of them is pet diarrhea. It accounts for the majority of pet owners’ visits to veterinarians. Just like human beings, animals are also prone to it. It is a condition characterized by frequent watery stools. This could be a result of the sensitive digestive system or a one off problem. Whatever the case, it implies that something is not right and requires quick action to firm up those stools. Diarrhea is said to originate from either the small intestine or large intestine. This is further classified into acute or short term duration and chronic or long term duration. The reasons for diarrhea are varied and differ from species to species. They normally occur when different dissolved substances gather in the intestine. This causes too much to come into the intestine. So if your pet eats something that its stomach is unable to absorb, the overload in the intestine could lead to diarrhea. It may also occur due to bacteria, viruses, internal parasites or food allergies. Sometimes pets may eat food that contains toxic substances which causes diarrhea. Eating spoiled food from the garbage, eating table scraps or a change in pet food could be some of the other reasons.

You should also note that that frequent bowel movements may not necessarily mean that the pet is suffering from diarrhea. It is possible for your pet to have two to three bowel movements per day. You should be concerned only when the fecal water in the bowel movement is excessive. If your young pet is suffering from diarrhea you need to rush to the veterinarian as they are more at risk. For adult pets, food may be withheld for 12 to 24 hours and can be started with small portions of meals and then checked upon if the diarrhea has stopped. However, in case of blood, greasy feces or any foreign objects being passed, a visit to a veterinarian is obligatory. The consistency of the feces and its color can help in diagnosis of diarrhea. Therefore, a watch on the same is required. Always ensure that your pet is on a healthy balanced diet. Make sure that your pet consumes highly digestible food with less than 1 percent of fiber. This is especially necessary after the pet has suffered from diarrhea. Pet health care is important and you seek your pet’s health information by visiting a veterinarian.

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