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Homemade Pet Food | Home Cooked Diet for Dogs, Cats

Filed under: Pet Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:51 am

Homemade Pet Diet Tips:

Pet food depends on breed type, age, personality, genetic weaknesses, the climate, stress levels and the amount of daily exercise that they do. The pet food recalls that occurred recently have seen a rise in the number of pet owners who wish to feed their pets with food from home. However the American Veterinary Medical Association warns against certain things while preparing food for and feeding your pet. It is important to remember that substituting the food that you eat and this includes table scraps is not a substitute for commercially available pet food. The skin of poultry, gravy and meat fat can prove fatal for your pet and lead to a stomach upset or an intestinal upset, occasionally even to a condition known as pancreatitis which may be fatal. Be careful to not feed your pet chocolates, especially dark chocolate as baked products with this ingredient contain xylitol which is a sweetener known to cause liver diseases and subsequent death. Apart from chocolate, it is best that your pet does not consume onions, garlic, raisins, grapes, avocadoes, tomatoes and macademia nuts. Bones are best avoided in your pet’s diet as they can splinter and cannot be digested.

Protein forms two thirds of the general pet diet and these are found in lean ground beef, ground turkey, ground chicken breast with the skin removed and fish such as salmon, halibut and orange. Canned tuna can be avoided as a lot of cat owners warn against it, but you can give your pet pond raised cat fish. If your pet is a confirmed fish eater, you may want to wean it away a little as scientists report a high toxic and metallic content in fish. Hence it would be advisable to give your pet the fish meal only twice in a week. Organ meat, particularly the heart, liver and kidneys are rich in nutrients and economical for the owner as well. A high fiber diet is essential for pets and will help prevent constipation. Oatmeal is rich in fiber although it should not be over done as it may give your pet loose stools. Unflavoured and unseasoned peas are also an excellent source of carbohydrates and fiber. Moderately cooked, diced or shredded carrots are good for pets as they clean the pet’s teeth and prevent bad breath. Nevertheless a well balanced diet will have to be decided upon in consultation with your veterinarian as it will have to meet all your pet’s needs.

Pet Food Storage Tips | Storing Pet Food Safely

Filed under: Pet Diet — Tags: , , — Nik @ 5:33 am

How to Store Pet Food:

Storing your pet’s food safely is extremely important as improper storage can ruin the nutritional value of the food at best and at worst it can cause severe gastrointestinal diseases and even be fatal. Improper storage of pet food can create the perfect environment for fungus and mould to thrive. This can result in gastrointestinal problems as well as urinary tract infections. Pets are a lot more vulnerable to these types of infections as compared to humans. It is also important to make sure that the storage area is kept clean and well ventilated. If you want to transfer dry food into a storage container make sure that the container is cleaned well and thoroughly dried before you transfer the food into it. It is important to keep in mind that the type of food you feed your pet is as important as storing your pet’s food safely.

When storing your pet’s food, the first thing that you will have to ensure is that you read the lab el of the box in which it came for instructions on how it should be stored. You can opt for a pour and store wall mounted pet food dispenser. These dispensers allow you to easily store your food as well as dispense it as and when it is needed. These dispensers have a small chute in the bottom that makes it ideal for refilling a doggy bowl. In addition to this, since these dispensers are made especially for this purpose, you can be sure that the food inside will not spoil easily. You could also opt for a wooden storage box. A pine box with a hinged lid looks very presentable and is ideal for storing those rather unattractive bags of pet food. When choosing a storage container, make sure that it is made out of durable plastic and that it is air-tight. This will ensure that pests and other invaders cannot get into the food bin even if it is left unattended. Do not store the container under your sink or in a damp area as this will make it more susceptible to mold. It is also important to buy a container that is big enough to hold all your pet food. This will depend on how much you feed your pet and how often. When storing home cooked meals for your pet, make sure that the food is kept in a sealed container and refrigerated or in the freezer.

If you are going to be traveling with your pet, it would be wise to invest in travel food bags that are meant especially for storing pet food.

Chocolate Poisoning in Dogs, Cats | Chocolate Toxic for Pet health

Filed under: Pet Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:21 am

Chocolate Poisoning in Pets:

Few among us can resist the temptation of chocolates and our pets quite alike. In the context of human consumption research has shown that chocolate does offer some peculiar but definite health benefits, when consumed in moderation. When you consider the health of your pets however it would be wise to consider the fact that although they may be good for us, chocolates can be quite toxic and even fatal.

Dogs are possibly the most frequently affected pet, because they do tend to develop a sweet tooth. Although most of us are familiar with the idea of chocolate being toxic to dogs, they are not the only species of pets that are affected adversely. The reason we’re more familiar with this idea probably has more to do with the fact that dogs are one of the most common pets and we do tend to pander to their tastes to a large extent. Cats, which are probably just as common as dogs as pets, are a lot more picky and independent when it comes to food choices and eating habits. This may explain why the problem is not as common or well known among cat owners. Cats too can have a sweet tooth and are just as susceptible, as are almost all other pet species.

Chocolates are prepared from beans of the cacao tree, and an important component of chocolate is theobromine, which is a toxic compound. Caffeine is another toxin that we are more familiar with that is also present in chocolate, but this is in much smaller amounts as compared to theobromine. Both caffeine and theobromine are classified as drugs in the class called methylxanines.

To give you an idea of the toxicity of chocolate, here are some of the effects of these toxins:

  • They act as a stimulant to the central nervous system,
  • As a stimulant to the cardiovascular system,
  • A mild effect of increasing blood pressure,
  • They may also cause nausea and vomiting.

Toxicity levels in chocolates vary greatly, with unsweetened chocolate containing up to ten times the amount of theobromine as compared to milk chocolates. White chocolate contains negligible amount of either toxins. Your veterinarian or animal welfare societies would be able to provide you with specific levels of toxicity and dosage that is threatening. It would be safe to say however that it is best to completely avoid feeding your pet any chocolate. It should also be pointed out that smaller pet species would generally have lower tolerance levels.

Pet Diet Health Care Information | Pet Food Advice

Filed under: Pet Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:18 am

Diet for Pets:

For all of you who are proud owners of a pet, the joy and deep emotional connection that you share with your faithful friend is something that can not be described. They also bring out the protective and parental instincts in us, with almost every owner of a pet wishing to provide his or her companion with the best possible life. This does bring with it tremendous responsibility, because as the care giver the pet is dependent on you not just for everyday care and maintenance or feeding, but also when dealing with any problems or threats, whether direct or indirect. To fulfill these responsibilities you need to be aware of the various pet health issues and concerns that could crop up. It’s not as grim as it seems, and there can be a lot of pleasure and joy to be got from caring for an animal.

There is a vast amount of pet health information that is easily accessible online and even in encyclopedias and journals, at book stores or libraries. There are also educational dvds and cds on the subject. Although the internet can be a treasure trove for researchers it does have some serious pitfalls as it becomes hard for the untrained eye to sift through the info and decipher which has any merit to it. Your local veterinarian or animal shelter is therefore the best source of pet health info. Pets can be afflicted with a variety of health conditions, parasitic or other infections and various diseases. Many of these are easily avertable or treatable at home itself, and could include problems like obesity, fleas, poor skin, a dull coat of fur, among other problems.

Another very important area of concern is your pet’s diet, and this is one aspect that is generally neglected. Foods of convenience are not always the best choice, as a lot of the commercially sold pet foods are not best suited for regular consumption. Many of these products contain artificial flavors and food preservatives that pose a health risk to your pet. This is particularly true of most of the foods available for cats and dogs. Your local veterinarian would be able to provide you with more info on dietary choices. Home prepared foods are however the best bet. Exercise is another aspect of pet health care that goes hand in hand with the diet. Make sure that your pets are active and get adequate opportunity and stimulation to play and exert themselves.

Vaccinations against common diseases like rabies, or viral and bacterial infections are also necessary, and regular visits to the vet would be necessary.

Pet Vitamins, Supplements | Nutrition, Vitamins for Pet Health Care

Filed under: Pet Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 11:45 pm

Pet Nutrition and Vitamins:

Just like humans, our pets also need vitamins and other supplements. These vitamins are intended to supplement the pet’s diet in order to meet their daily requirements. Pets too require many nutrients to help fight disease, germs and other ailments. Animals that are suffering because of nutritional deficiencies require supplements on a daily basis.

These pet vitamins are essential in boosting the immune system of your pet. If you have a pet that is either very young or very old, vitamins are essential for them in order to maintain their health. Most of our pets are not able to meet their nutritional requirements because the processing and the addition of chemicals to the commercially available pet foods decrease its nutritional value and nutrient content.

There are many functions that vitamins perform in the body of animals. They are required for the formation of bones and growth and maintenance of fur and skin. Vitamins are also essential in keeping the sensory organs healthy. If an animal is suffering from a vitamin deficiency, it is likely to have dull hair, poor skin, broken teeth, low levels of energy, weak bones and also anemia.

As with humans, the vitamins for pets are also divided into water soluble and fat soluble ones. Fat soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E and K while vitamins B and C are the water soluble ones. Vitamin A is required by the animals to have a healthy and shiny coat. Vitamin B helps in the formation of muscles, blood and skin. Vitamin C and E are antioxidants and are therefore important for fighting disease and raising immunity of the pet. Vitamin D is vital in the formation of teeth and bones and Vitamin K is required for efficient blood clotting and healing of wounds.

Though our pets do require vitamins and other supplements, they often require them in different quantities than humans. Therefore, it is not safe to give your pets any supplements without consulting your doctor first. Your veterinarian will not only tell you which supplements are required by your pet, but will also suggest the quantity in which these supplements need to be given and the brand names which you should buy them under.

If you know of any specific allergies that your pet may have, discuss them with your veterinarian before buying any supplements and giving them to your pet. Also, different animals need different supplements. It is not safe to assume that the vitamins prescribed for your dog will be good for your cat too.

Healthy Pet Food | Pet Health Diet, Nutrition Products

Filed under: Pet Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 11:22 pm

Pet Health Food:

There was a time when having and keeping a pet was not something everyone could do. However, today more and more people have begun keeping pets because of the affection and companionship they offer. Owing to this rising number of pets and the necessity to have commercial products available for them, the pet nutrition industry has seen a great boom. In fact, today, this has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, as more and more business corporations enter into this industry, the quality of commercial food available to your pets has gone down. With false marketing and advertising, companies often dupe unsuspecting pet owners into believing that their food is the best for their pets. However, the sad truth is that most of the commercial food that you buy for your pets is extremely low quality and sometimes even toxic. Most of these commercially produced foods contain low quality meat products and inferior vegetable and grains products. Thousands of pets die every year because of these inferior quality foods. It is imperative therefore to make sure that our pets get the healthiest of foods.

Here’s essential pet diet which you can give:

  • Precooked meats with a high amount of proteins. Make sure that you get meals which have a high amount of proteins listed in their ingredients list. Since a lot of proteins are lost in the process of cooking, it is better to have meals which have high levels of proteins. Some of the beneficial meat products for your pet are lamb, chicken and venison meals. Some of the ingredients like grains, corn and corn meal can be potential allergens and therefore should be avoided.
  • Grains like barley, rolled oats, brown rice, millet and quinoa are also beneficial for your pet (especially dogs). However, you should consult your vet to find out the proportions in which the grains should be given.
  • Though dogs are omnivorous, they can be given an all vegetarian diet if the protein requirements are met. Give them fresh cottage cheese or soy from time to time to make sure they are getting enough proteins in their diet.
  • Avoid foods which contain chemicals and preservatives like Ethoxyquin, BHT and BHA. Instead go for foods which have natural preservatives like vitamin C or vitamin E.
  • If you intend to feed your pets food meant for humans, you can give them fruits and vegetables like turnip, squash, and broccoli. You can also give them fresh pasta with garlic and olive oil.