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Cat Fur Care Tips, Treatments, Techniques | Fur Loss Problem in Feline

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:01 am

Cat Fur Care

Cats may be finicky about cleanliness and seem to be constantly grooming themselves, but they do need some amount of cat fur care. Different types of cat breeds differ in the type of fair or hair they possess, so your cat fur care needs may differ slightly, but cat hair care is essential for all cats, to avoid problems of cat hair loss, hairballs and some other common conditions. Some general cat fur care and grooming practices are all it takes to ensure that your cat has a healthy coat and doesn’t suffer excessive cat hair loss.

Brushing that luscious coat: All cats and long haired breeds like Persian cat in particular, need to be groomed regularly, as they can be particularly vulnerable to skin conditions and fur loss.  You’ll probably need two types of grooming devices for this – a wide toothed, and a metallic brush. You can ask your vet for recommendations as he would be best acquainted with your particular cat and the best practice for it. Some of these devices may look painful, but you can be sure they’re not. Brushing shouldn’t take more than ten minutes a day, but getting your cat to sit through it may prove challenging. Short haired breeds may not need to be groomed as regularly, but it is not something that should be neglected. Besides, grooming a short haired cat is a lot easier and would take a lot less time. The first time you brush your cat’s fur you will probably be astounded at the amount of loose fur you collect, but this is normal. It saves the cat a lot of trouble and harm that could be caused from ingesting it and it also helps keep your house relatively fur free.

Bathing your Cat: This may be your worst nightmare but it is unavoidable. Cats sweat quite easily and they can’t really wash themselves. Their meticulous grooming routines do help keep them clean, but your intervention is necessary.  Make sure you bathe your cat at least once a week, and for short hairs at least twice a month. Avoid using any human products on the cat, and only use special cat shampoos. Your vet would be able to recommend the ideal brand, as your cat may be allergic to certain artificial ingredients. Make sure the water isn’t too cold and hot and don’t allow any water to get into the cat’s mouth, nose or ears. It’s also important that you wash your cat thoroughly after shampooing to make sure there’s no residue. Gently towel dry the cat with a soft towel once done.

Cat Stops Eating, Drinking Causes, Diagnosis | Cat Not Eating Food

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:56 am

Cat Stops Eating

A cat stops eating and drinking may seem strange and bothersome to an owner who is used to having that feline friend begging for food and stealing normally. But cat loss of appetite is not always a sign of illness, as just like their human counterparts they can have their good and bad days. Just pay attention and you’ll soon figure out if it’s just the heat getting to your cat or some other problem.

If your cat is just as active and alert than it usually is and shows no other signs of illness, then they are not very likely that there’s anything the matter. Very often cats that are allowed to wander around are fed by neighbors or even hunt and eat their own prey, like birds or mice, and may sometimes even scavenge on garbage. This behavior would quite naturally affect your cat’s appetite at home. Although these behaviors can be troubling there’s little you can do if your cat roams free, but the cat not eating food is at least not a cause for worry. You also need to keep in mind that just as the weather affects us, it also affects your cat, and there is bound to be a loss of appetite in warm weather.

At the same time if a cat stopped eating then it could be symptomatic of some illness, so if it does persist it would be wise to get the cat to a vet. If you notice any other symptoms of illness then don’t attempt to wait it out. An injury or abscess in the mouth and gums often causes a loss of appetite, so you could examine the cat’s mouth. This would also be a minor problem that your pet can solve quite easily. Cat appetite loss for a prolonged time or accompanied with other symptoms should be addressed promptly however, and your vet would be able to make a diagnosis. Some of the common causes of cat appetite loss include anorexia, which may set in once the cat stops eating, as the increase of stomach acids and simultaneous drop in blood sugar does cause nausea and uneasiness, which in turn reduces appetite. A cat that is unwell due to an infection or ailment may also not eat because of the discomfort it is in, or because of a loss of smell. Certain medications can also cause nausea that will again diminish the cat’s appetite.

Some other possible causes of a cat not eating include tooth decay, injury or trauma, chronic pain, even stress and anxiety, or hairballs.

How to Cook for Dog | Home Cooked Food for Dogs | Cooking for Canine

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:54 am

Cooking for Dog

There are a number of dog foods available in the market but if you feel that you are not confident your dog is getting the required nutrition, you can try cooking for dogs at home yourself. Before this however, it is important that you consult with your vet on what are the nutritional needs of your pet.

Most people are under the common misconception that dogs enjoy a bone the most. This can be very dangerous – especially bones of chicken, which have a tendency to splinter when bitten. The splinters can lead a dog to choke to death. When cooking homemade dog food one meal you could try is a mixture of cooked oatmeal with bits of chicken and chicken stock for flavor. This should ideally form the dogs’ breakfast. You can also substitute oatmeal for another variant of cereal, but it is ideal if there is milk and some vegetables – such as carrots, peas and beans as part of the dogs’ diet. You can also make a mixture of minced meat – chicken, mutton or beef and mix that with egg and bread crumbs. This can be fried lightly – remember not to deep fry it and serve it to the dog with gravy made of the chicken stock. Another recipe is a doggy pie – where you can take three to four cups of chicken meat and boil it with a little salt. Cook some rice separately and mix the rice with some of the chicken broth. Add the chicken meat on top of the rice and steam or bake this for about ten to fifteen minutes.

If you choose that your dog should be a vegetarian, ensure that the animal gets enough nutrients and vitamins from vegetables it consumes. Soya is a healthy substitute for meat but the dog might need to eat more often in the day as opposed to a dog that is being fed meat. If you are following the instructions of a nutritionist, then make sure that the food is cooked exactly to the said specifications. It could be that by over cooking the food, or missing on some important ingredient the dog might lose out on vital vitamins. During the day, you can also feed the dog light snacks such as carrot sticks, strips of boiled chicken, beans, liver pate on dog biscuits etc. Use oil such as flaxseed and canola to cook your dogs’ food as they are a good source of essential fatty acids.

Cat Keeps Vomiting | Symptoms, Causes of Persistent Vomiting in Cats

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:34 am

Cat Keeps Vomiting

Cats’ vomiting is a very common complaint from cat owners. It can be a perfectly natural thing and most of the times it is nothing to worry about. There can be a multitude of reasons for a cat vomiting. It can be something very harmless or even something serious. One must check not just for the obvious and primary symptoms, but also any secondary symptoms and consult a vet in case for a sound diagnosis. Most of the times, cats vomit because of ingested hairballs, eating grass and similar vegetation, or very often from simply eating too hastily. Eating grass or plant matter and then throwing up is actually quite healthy and should be no cause for worry. In some of the more severe cases of hairballs, it might need medical attention. The easiest way to control the problem of hairballs is by cat grooming regularly and providing it with food and medication which will help prevent them. Vomiting can sometimes be a serious issue in case of some diseases and other complications such as kidney and liver disease, intestinal parasites, central nervous disease disorder, inflammatory bowel disease, feline panleukopenia, which refers to unexpected vomiting accompanied by fever (usually seen in younger cats), tonsillitis, sore throat, peritonitis infected uterus, infectious diseases, ingestion of toxic substances, hyperthyroidism or Chronic Renal Inefficiency or Chronic Renal Failure.

One can know if the vomiting indicates something serious. Usually symptoms such as persistent vomiting, sporadic vomiting, projectile vomiting, vomiting feces, worms or cat vomiting blood, can indicate a more serious problem. Cats suffering from vomiting can easily suffer from dehydration. It can become dangerously dehydrated if the cat is also suffering from diarrhea. One must seek immediate veterinary care if the cat is suffering from persistent vomiting for more than twenty four hours or if there are any secondary symptoms seen such as fever, weakness, diarrhea, lethargy, blood or feces in the vomit.

The vet will usually take a medical history of the cat. He might even as a lot of questions about the cats vomiting and even about the cat diet. He will ask if there were any secondary symptoms seen along with vomiting. He will check the cat’s abdomen for signs of tenderness. He might run a blood test and take an X-ray. Depending on the condition, he might also perform endoscopy or laparotomy. After the correct diagnosis, the vet might administer subcutaneous fluids to prevent dehydration and inject anti-emetics. Hospitalization is required for severe cases. Follow the prescribed medication and the vet’s advice closely.

Pyometra in Dogs | Open, Closed Pyometra Infections in Canine

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:29 am

Dog Pyometra

Pyometra is a uterine infection in dogs. This infection usually occurs in unspayed dogs and can also be fatal. During the female dog heat cycle or the estrus cycle, their cervix relaxes and opens a little. This opening can allow the bacteria to enter the uterus of the dog. When the cervix closes the bacteria gets trapped inside the uterus. Usually the body is able to fight off the bacteria, but if sometimes the immunity of the dog’s body is compromised then pyometra can develop. The bacteria which usually causes pyometra is known as E. Coli.

There are also other bacteria which are known to cause this infection. Dogs in their middle age, old age or within their last 60 days of their last heat cycle are prone to pyometra infections. There are certain symptoms which can help identifying this condition. Pyometra infections can be open or closed. In case of an open pyometra, the cervix is open and there is a foul smelling discharge from the cervix. There is no discharge seen in closed pyometra. Closed pyometra is difficult to diagnose since there are no evident symptoms seen. In case of a closed pyometra, the dog is sicker since the infection in the body is retained in the uterus.

If one sees such symptoms in their pet dog, take her to the vet immediately. The vet will probably run a blood test and take an X-ray of the abdomen. The X-ray helps in ruling out pregnancy and shows the enlarged uterus. The preferred treatment for canine pyometra is an ovariohysterectomy. This process is commonly known as spay. Most of the times, the dog is very sick and hence the surgery is a risk. But it is risk which cannot be avoided because if the uterus ruptures, the dog might go in a shock and die. After the surgery, the dog needs proper medication and IV fluids. If the infection has not progressed too much, the condition can be healed without a surgery. However, non-surgical treatments show recurrence of the infection in almost 26% to 40% of the female dogs. One needs to take care of the pet after this surgery. Keep a close watch on the incision to see if the incision comes back. If one sees redness, swelling or discharge near the incision area, immediately seek the vet’s advice. Follow closely all the instructions given by the vet.

Understanding Cat Behavior | Feline Behavior Problem Training

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:21 am

Cat Behavior

Cats communicate with one another in many interesting ways, and understanding cat behavior may take a great deal of time, patience and perception, as they are pretty complex creatures. A flick of the tail and a little movement of the ear sends a message. Since their body language is so controlled, humans’ find it difficult to understand. We find it easy to understand cats from the sounds they make. They make a lot of different sounds, the most famous being “The Meow”. This sound when made by little kittens could mean a variety of things such as, they are hungry, feeling cold or they are trying to help their mother find them. As these kittens grow older The Meow is used to grab the owners’ attention. Another sound made by an aggressive, angry or frightened cat is the Hiss. This indicates that you should go no closer to the cat. A sound that sounds a little scary and mournful is the yodeling. This is a sound generally made at night. Female cat in heat makes this sound in order to signal that they are ready to mate.

It is important to understand your cat well in order to train them. You will never be able give cat training for doing something out of the ordinary, but teach it to adapt those behaviors. If your cat is very aggressive and destructive, many vets’ will suggest getting a second cat. This is so that the cats energy is focused on the new cat. If your cat attacks you for no reason and without any warning you have to get it examined by the vet. Many cats react in this way, as there is something wrong but don’t know how to explain it. This behavior could be related to a hormonal imbalance, pain or a problem with the nervous system. Cats are very finicky eaters so you need to learn to put your foot down and teach your pet to eat the food that is given to it. Most cats will eat the same kind of food more than once a day all their lives as long as it tastes good. Cats by nature are considered to be very clean animals. As kittens they are instinctively cover their waste in order to keep parasites away and not attract other cats due of the scent. This is not a behavior they learn by watching their mothers, as the mother never eliminates near the nest. Surprisingly if you put a little kitten in the litter box it might just eliminate there and cover up the mess.

Dog Leg Pain Symptoms, Causes | Treatment for Pain in Canine Leg

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:14 am

Dog Leg Pain

Dogs appeal to people of different age groups and nationalities; hence they have been given the title “Man’s Best Friend”. As a dog owner treating your dog with care and affection should always be your priority. When a dog experiences any kind of physical discomfort, it cannot express itself so it is important for you to recognize any signs it might display.

Some common symptoms of dog leg pain are, you notice the dog limping which could mean it is experiencing terrible pain, it does not move around a lot, the dog continuously licks the spot that pains, the dog yelps in pain or even snaps at you when you touch the affected leg and the dog is very moody, barks and snaps at familiar faces. Dog hind leg injury becomes extremely difficult and painful for it to move around so as the owner you need to recognize and decide if the dog has to be taken to the VET. A lot of people have misconception that if the dog has a broken leg, it can be checked by simply bending the leg. However that is not the case as doing this will cause more pain and damage to the dog’s leg. A broken leg can be a serious problem if not treated in time. The leg can heal in the wrong way or not at all thus leaving your dog crippled for life.

Some of the causes of dog leg pain are; osteoarthritis which is a problem with the joints,  Hip dysplasia which is displacement of the hip, Panosteitis which is a bone disease, Hypertrophic osteodystrophy is a condition that occurs in mostly the big breed dogs and Luxatingpatella which is a problem with the kneecap. It could also be experiencing pain due to a bite from another dog. This is easily visible and curable.  In order to treat dog leg injuries and pain it is advisable to observe the dog for a while before rushing to the VET. If the problem persists then consult the doctor immediately. The VET will be able to recommend some exercises as well as provide a better dietary plan. Dogs suffer from many leg injuries like sprains, muscle pulls and broken bones just like humans do. The treatment for such conditions could be anything from medication to surgery. If you suspect that your dog has suffered any king of traumatic injury should treat it in time. If this is not done then these conditions can become chronic and get more complicated.

Heavy, Excessive Dog Panting Causes, Treatments, Diagnosis

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:09 am

Panting in Dogs

One of the main reasons for a dog panting excessively would be because it is a method of cooling down its body through rapid shallow breaths. When a dog pants after any exercise or strenuous activity it is normal. During this time a dog pants because it is happy. On a hot day it is normal for dogs to pant as this is the only way for them to cool themselves down. Always be careful on hot days as many dogs die of heat strokes. At times dogs pant during obedience training when they don’t understand a certain technique or command. There are many reasons why a dog pants excessively. Some of them are, respiratory disorder which cause a problem with the upper and lower respiratory tract, neurological disorder due to head trauma or a brain tumor, cardiovascular disorders and hematological disorders that cause anemia and an increase of carbon monoxide that causes panting.

Sometimes a excessive panting in dog can be due to fear or stress. It is your job as the owner to help your dog fight and overcome this fear and nervousness. Before performing any tests you need to consider factors that cause panting such as heat and exertion. Try and get rid of them from your dog’s environment. If you notice that your dog is still panting despite removing these factors it is important to seek veterinary care. The vet will conduct a series of tests in order to diagnose the problem. Some of these tests are: A complete blood count, urine analysis and bio chemical profile. These tests will help you determine if the dog suffers from conditions such as anemia, infections and diabetes, which could be the reason for excessive panting. X-rays of the chest abdomen and neck will be done in order to check if there is any foreign body or tumor in the upper body respiratory tract. If there is a central nervous system disease suspected a CT Scan or M.R.I might be done.

In order to treat the problem of excessive panting the VET will need to understand the cause of the problem and correct it if possible. If there is an obvious environmental problem just eliminate it. Antibiotic and anti inflammatory medicines will be prescribed if the dog has any inflammatory disorders. At home always keep your dog in a cool stress free zone and avoid over exerting the pet.

In conclusion it is important for you to closely monitor when your dog pants and if it looks serious consult your vet immediately.

Metal Poisoning in Dogs Symptoms | Effects of Metal Toxicity in Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: — Nik @ 6:42 am

Metal Poisoning in Dogs

Metal poisoning in dogs is as dangerous for them as it is for humans – the effect can be life threatening. In order to find out the presence as well as test the levels of metal present in the dog’s body hair analysis can be conducted. If there are traces of metals such as arsenic, lead or iron then this is called iron toxicity in dogs. Mercury poisoning dogs is another problem wherein traces of mercury are found. The presence of all metals in the body can be detected through hair testing as it is an extension of the body. A large amount of these metals are very dangerous and can lead to the death of the dog in a very short time period.

The extent to which these metals will affect the dog also depends on a few factors such as the type of dog, their size and body weight. There are a number of ways in which your dog could get metal poisoning. There are heavy metals present in the environment or the air which the dog breathes in – for instance, if you live next to a manufacturing site the dog breathes in this polluted air and might even lap up some of the waste metals if left carelessly around. Another way of getting metal poisoning is due to the amount of heavy metals present in our everyday water and food. Metals and chemicals such as chlorine are infused into water and food items to cleanse them of certain impurities. When such foods are consumed in large amounts, it can be very harmful to the animal. There is also the danger of the chemicals emitted from cars, buses and waste in dumping grounds.

Some of the immediate side effects of metal poisoning you may notice are vomiting, stomach aches, and ulcers. The reason for this is that the presence of heavy metals in the body causes a disproportion in the already prevailing natural minerals of your dog’s body. There is some recourse you can resort to – such as allopathic cures or homeopathy medicines that are dissolvable in water so it is easier for you to give your dog the medication. If you do suspect that your dog is suffering from metal poisoning then it is best to immediately rush it to the nearest vet for an examination. The vet will check the level of metal poisoning in the dog’s body and tell you the next course of action.

Read more on Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs.

Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs Symptoms | Effects of Ethylene Glycol Toxicity in Dog

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: — Nik @ 6:32 am

Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs

Antifreeze smells and tastes very attractive to most animals. However ingestion of this product can be very dangerous and deadly for the animal. When trying to ascertain if one’s dog has ingested antifreeze, some of the basic signs to look for include nausea and vomiting accompanied by excessive canine drooling and loss of appetite. The other signs are increased drinking and also an increase in the urination. This can however progress to a point where there is no urine being produced. There may also be signs of lethargy, a drunk like or a wobbly gait and also some muscle twitching. There may be some signs exhibited by the dog of rapid eye movement. The worst case scenario is of coma and death. Thus antifreeze toxicity in dogs should be taken very seriously and one should get medical intervention as quickly as possible. If the dog exhibits any of these symptoms have the vet check the animal.

Antifreeze is easily available and thus is easy for one’s pets to lick up. Every year lots of dogs and cats end up licking up some of the antifreeze that has pooled under cars with a leaking radiator and will end up suffering from antifreeze poisoning. The substance known as ethylene glycol is found commonly in the antifreeze and will result in this poisoning. This product is also found in the toilet bowls of houses which are being winterized. It is also present in the coolant that is used for air conditioning, and also in brake fluids. Even those who are into professional photography will have many products around their house that contain ethylene glycol. Once the dog has ingested this ethylene glycol it becomes toxic in their bodies. In this stage the liver begins to metabolize the ethylene glycol and converts it into other toxic substances. One should try and use antifreeze products that are less hazardous to one’s pets. Once the pet has ingested these toxic substances it can also lead to kidney failure. If a 10 pound dog has had about a spoon or two of the ethylene glycol, it is sufficient to poison the animal. If a 10 pound cat was to consume that amount, it would prove to be fatal. It is essential at this juncture to rush the animal to the vet hospital and get treatment for the animal. Otherwise it may be too late to prevent damage to its vital organs.

Read more on Iron Toxicity in Dogs and Metal Poisoning in Dogs

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