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Cat vomiting

Feline Vomiting:

A cat vomiting once in a while or on a rare occasion is normally not considered a big problem.

But if the cat vomits more often then there may be something seriously wrong and it should not be ignored. A cat vomiting is definitely a symptom of some cat health issues, and it also then leads to several other problems occurring like dehydration, among others. If the cat vomit has traces of blood or is generally bloody then the cat should be taken to an animal hospital or to a vet clinic immediately.

Some of the cat vomiting causes include the cat eating too fast.

This causes the stomach walls to expand very fast and this triggers off a signal in the brain that causes the cat to regurgitating. Watch the cat’s feces for any small rice speck like grains or tiny worms as these could be parasites. They also show up in the cat’s vomit. A treatment with a bland diet can help deal with this.

A bland diet mainly includes chicken broth, rice or chicken steamed without the bones. Another cause could include hairballs. If this is the case try giving the cat either petroleum jelly or hairball medicine. You can coat the cat’s paws with the hairball medicine. Grooming the cat regularly will also help with this condition. A cat vomiting bile is also not unusual. The causes for this occurring could be cancer, kidney disease, metabolic disorders or pancreatitis.

There are various cat vomiting treatments that exist and some of them include starving the cat for at least 24 hours. Do not give it anything to eat and watch the cat’s reaction. If it objects then it means that the cat is not too sick. Another remedy includes preventing the cat from drinking any water by taking away its water bowl. Observe the cat and see if it has not vomited for a few hours then reintroduce the water slowly. Start by either giving it an ice cube or ice chip to suck on or drop a few drops of water on its tongue. If the cat continues to not vomit then it can be given a little more water and this can be done at regular intervals over the course of the day. If the cat’s vomiting persists for over 48 hours and the situation appears to be getting worse with the cat showing signs of lethargy or acting sick then contact an animal hospital or a vet immediately.

  Submitted on May 7, 2010  

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