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Cat skin condition

Cat Skin Conditions:

Skin problems in cats are quite common.

Sunburn, infections, allergies and skin cancer are some of the cat skin conditions that affect your feline pets.

  • Allergies: Some of the allergens that can trigger of skin problems include dust mites, certain grains or meats, nylon or rubber, or grass. The symptoms of allergies to look out for are twitching, excessive grooming, lesions, and hair loss. If the cat has a swelling, then it could be from an insect bite.
  • Skin cancer: This generally affects older or middle-aged cats.

    Some of the signs to look out for include unhealed sores, hair loss, and growing lumps. Tests as well as a biopsy is done to diagnose and confirm cancer. If the tumor is benign, then it can be cured by carrying out a surgery.
  • Growths: Cats are affected by ringworm and dermatitis. Some of the other skin problems include lesions (malignant or benign), bumps and growths.

    The signs you should look out for include flaky, dry skin, redness and scratching. They also get fluid-filled pustules or abscesses that need to be cleaned and drained. Treatment options can include antihistamines, creams, antibiotics, shampoos or surgery.
  • Mites: Ear mites can not only cause ear infection but the mites can cause hair loss and itching. Cats can also suffer from scabies.
  • Fleas: Cats are allergic to fleas. Fleas scratch and bite at the place where the tail joins the body. You know these are flea bits, when you see crusty lesions. Flea bites lead to itching, which can cause the cat to scratch. This can cause infection.
  • Cheyletiellosis: Caused by skin mites, this can lead to itching, flaking of skin and scaling. It can be treated.
  • Alopecia: Endocrine disturbances can lead to hair loss or illness. The cat will have bald patches as well as inflammation and redness on the affected area. The fur will grow back after the condition has been treated.
  • Pruritis / Pruritus: This causes a painful or sharp sensation, which happens because of allergies, toxins from bites, infection or stress.
  • Cat Acne: This can be easily treated. We suggest that you show your cat to a vet if your cat has acne.
  • Scratch wounds: Cats can be territorial and are prone to fighting with other cats. They generally lash out at the other with their sharp claws that can cause scratch wounds. The wounds need to be treated immediately.
In general, we suggest that you keep a sharp lookout for bites, scratches, redness or inflammation as these are some of the symptoms of cat skin problems.
  Submitted on May 7, 2010  

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