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Dog Leg Pain Symptoms, Causes | Treatment for Pain in Canine Leg

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Dog Leg Pain

Dogs appeal to people of different age groups and nationalities; hence they have been given the title “Man’s Best Friend”. As a dog owner treating your dog with care and affection should always be your priority. When a dog experiences any kind of physical discomfort, it cannot express itself so it is important for you to recognize any signs it might display.

Some common symptoms of dog leg pain are, you notice the dog limping which could mean it is experiencing terrible pain, it does not move around a lot, the dog continuously licks the spot that pains, the dog yelps in pain or even snaps at you when you touch the affected leg and the dog is very moody, barks and snaps at familiar faces. Dog hind leg injury becomes extremely difficult and painful for it to move around so as the owner you need to recognize and decide if the dog has to be taken to the VET. A lot of people have misconception that if the dog has a broken leg, it can be checked by simply bending the leg. However that is not the case as doing this will cause more pain and damage to the dog’s leg. A broken leg can be a serious problem if not treated in time. The leg can heal in the wrong way or not at all thus leaving your dog crippled for life.

Some of the causes of dog leg pain are; osteoarthritis which is a problem with the joints,  Hip dysplasia which is displacement of the hip, Panosteitis which is a bone disease, Hypertrophic osteodystrophy is a condition that occurs in mostly the big breed dogs and Luxatingpatella which is a problem with the kneecap. It could also be experiencing pain due to a bite from another dog. This is easily visible and curable.  In order to treat dog leg injuries and pain it is advisable to observe the dog for a while before rushing to the VET. If the problem persists then consult the doctor immediately. The VET will be able to recommend some exercises as well as provide a better dietary plan. Dogs suffer from many leg injuries like sprains, muscle pulls and broken bones just like humans do. The treatment for such conditions could be anything from medication to surgery. If you suspect that your dog has suffered any king of traumatic injury should treat it in time. If this is not done then these conditions can become chronic and get more complicated.