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Symptoms of Pregnant Dog | Signs of Dog Pregnancy | Dog Pregnancy Period

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:18 am

Symptoms of Pregnant Dog:

The breeding season for a pet owner who hasn’t got the dog spayed can be extremely difficult to handle. Dog owners who breed their dogs have to be careful to prevent pregnancy and detect it. Unlike humans, pregnancies in dogs are not that easy to detect. In fact, in a lot of cases, the dog may be pregnant without the dog owner even realizing it.

There are different symptoms of pregnancies at different stages. If the pregnancy is unwanted, identifying the symptoms will help you detect it and get it terminated. In dogs, pregnancy lasts for about sixty days. The real duration can be shorter or longer depending on several factors. During the initial phase, the dog starts to eat less, and there are clear signs of a decreasing appetite. The dog gets easily exhausted even though its activity levels are low. For an active dog, there may be a discernible decline in the levels of activity.

One of the most prominent signs of pregnancy in dog is the growth of the mammary glands. The nipples become large and puffy. The breasts begin to swell because of milk production. The behavior of the female dog will change too. Due to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, there is a noticeable change in the personality and the behavior of the dog. The dog becomes listless and may not enjoy the company of other pets or its owner.

As the pregnancy progresses, the dog will begin to regain some of its lost appetite. The dog will begin to gain weight which will be especially evident around the abdomen. The abdomen area becomes thick and firm during this period. The abdomen continues to grow, till in the last stage when it becomes extremely hard. The size of the abdomen depends largely on the number of puppies in the litter that the dog is carrying.

In the last week of pregnancy, you may even feel the movements of the puppies if you feel the dog’s abdomen. During this last stage, the teats of the female dog may begin to leak, with a thick milky fluid oozing out; this the first milk of the dog. It is an indication that the puppies are soon going to be born.
If you are able to identify the initial symptoms of pregnancy in your dog, take your pet to the veterinarian so that an exact diagnosis can be made. An ultrasound test should be able to put your doubts to rest.

Skin Supplements for Dogs | Nutritional Supplements for Dog Skin

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:14 am

Skin Supplements for Dogs:

Pets require nutrition in order to maintain a healthy and shiny coat. Depending on the breed, and the coat type and length of the dog, arise different nutritional needs for different kinds of dogs. Dogs that have longer coats may need more supplements than those who have a wiry coat which is close to the skin. Available, are many different nutrients that are good for the dog’s coat. These supplements provide nutrition to the coat of the dog, not only making it lustrous, but also improving the texture of the skin. Most of the skin and coat supplements for dogs contain fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Together, these nutrients help the coat remain supple and silky even when the dog sheds its coat to get a new one.

Certain kinds of polyunsaturated fats are also good for the coat of the dogs. Two specific classes of fats – Omega – 3s and Omega – 6s, are great skin supplements for dog. Though dogs do produce some fatty acids themselves, they cannot produce the essential fatty acids. Sometimes, the body needs one kind of essential fatty acids and the enzymes present in the body convert them into other kinds of fatty acids. Certain diseases may cause a deficiency of such enzymes. In such a case, the dog may require several fatty acids which are then converted into other nutrients by the dog’s body.

In overweight dogs, fat is usually restricted and they may tend to have rough and sticky coats. Also, their skin texture may not be very smooth and clear because of the deficiency of fatty acids.
Recent researches have shown that both, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are extremely essential for growth and the maintenance of the skin and the coat. If your dog has skin infections or inflammation of any kind, these fatty acids can help improve such conditions.

Skin supplements for dogs tend to work best when the dog is kept on a low fat diet. A dog’s diet is usually designed in such a manner that it has more of omega 6 fatty acid, than omega 3. When supplements are taken, omega 3 fatty acids are also received in good amounts, creating a better ratio between the two and providing optimum benefit. Once the veterinarian recommends a supplement, adhere to feeding it to your dog. Usually, it takes about 12 weeks to determine if the supplements are working well, and that the dog is benefiting from them.

Sick Dog Winter Diseases | Dog Winter Care Tips

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:11 am

Sick Dog Winter Hazards:

With a change of season, both humans and their pets become susceptible to many illnesses and disorders. Therefore, to ensure a healthy run through a season, especially during winter, humans should take special precautions for both themselves and their dogs. There are some common dangers that pet owners should look out for. These winter hazards for dogs are bad, but are especially dangerous for older dogs and dogs that are already ailing.

Dog Winter Ailments:

•    Antifreeze:

Though this is a potential problem in both summer and winter, it becomes more evident in the winter season. Antifreeze smells sweet due to its chemical composition, and because of this smell, dogs can resist it. If you spill some antifreeze or if you have a container full of antifreeze within reach of your pet, chances are the dog will ingest it. Antifreeze gets absorbed very quickly and is highly toxic. Ingesting it can cause death within minutes, depending on the amount ingested. Some heat exchange fluids and transmission fluids contain this toxic chemical. Other chemicals which contain antifreeze are brake fluids and fluids used in the processing of camera film. Some of the common signs of anti freeze toxicity are lethargy, depression, intoxicated effect and vomiting. The kidneys are affected first, and the dog may die soon after due to kidney failure.

•    Arthritis:

Humans and their pets who suffer from arthritis or any other degenerative condition, find it difficult to live comfortably in cold and damp weather. In winter, even younger pets could get affected by arthritis. However, older pets are more susceptible to it. Cold and damp climate can also cause fractures to heal slower than usual. If you notice your pet struggling to lie down or get up from the floor, it is possible that the dog suffers from arthritis. Dogs may also cry often or snap when they are picked up. In any case, don’t try to avoid going to the veterinarian in such a condition.

•    Flu and Pneumonia:

Pets that are housed outside are susceptible to dying from cold or developing infections and disorders. If your dog’s kennel is outside, make sure that the kennel is adequately protected from wind and cold. In case it snows, bring your pet inside. Also make sure that your dog is always supplied with warm water. You can also opt for non-electric warm bedding for your dog. Alternatively, you can also get heated floor mats.

Female Dog Heat Cycle Stages – Proestrus, Oestrus, Diestrus, Anestrus

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 2:07 am

Female Dog Heat Cycle

Every female animal goes through a period of sexual receptivity which is part of its reproductive cycle. It is extremely important for pet owners to understand the signs of heat in female dog. The onset, also known as estrus, may begin as soon as the dog steps into adolescence. This period varies for different dog breeds since puberty for each breed is not the same.

Smaller breeds may start experiencing heat when they are only six months old. However, large dog breeds take as long as 2 years to begin their heat period. The frequency of heat also depends largely on the type of breed. There are some breeds that typically mate only once a year. However, the frequency of the estrus decreases as the female dog gets older. If you have a female dog at home, chances are you will become familiar with the heat cycle as time progresses.

There are four stages in the heat cycle of female dog. The first one is known as proestrus, and it lasts for about 9-10 days. This is a stage where the body begins to release large amounts of estrogen. Male dogs begin to get attracted to the female dog during this stage. However, this is the stage when the female dog is largely inattentive to male dogs.

The next stage is known as oestrus which lasts for 5-9 days, and occurs when the female dog begins to ovulate. This is also the time it will begin to accept male dogs. The behavior of the dog is very typical. The female dog begins to crouch while elevating its hind quarters. She points her backside towards the male and may move her tail to one side. There is a clear discharge from her vulva. This is also the time when the female dog may begin to roam around in search of a potential mate and therefore, the dog should be restrained and if necessary, locked up to prevent unwanted litters.

The third stage is the diestrus which is the longest stage and may last for about 9 weeks. During this stage, male dogs are not as attentive to the female dog as before. If the dog is not yet impregnated, the progesterone levels will keep circulating in the blood for about 2-3 months. Such dogs can develop infections in the womb, and should therefore be given special care.

Anestrus is the last stage; during this stage, the hormones in the blood stream begin receding. This is a period of sexual inactivity and may last for 3-4 months.

Read more on female dog bleeding

Dog Throwing Up Bile Causes, Treatments| Dog Vomiting Bile

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:04 am

Dog Throwing Up Bile:

Every now and then you may find your dog vomiting a yellow colored substance. Sometimes, you may simply find yellow colored vomit, without knowing that it is your dog’s doing.

Throwing up bile is nothing out of the ordinary in dogs. Although this is a common ailment, it is not serious enough to warrant a visit to the veterinarian. In fact, you may notice that your dog vomits bile either in the morning or late at night. There could be some major diseases that cause a dog to vomit bile. However, these are very rare and usually associated with young dogs or puppies, and are typically accompanies by other symptoms like chronic lethargy and stunted growth.

It is not easy to determine the exact cause for a dog vomiting bile. Even a thorough diagnostic evaluation of a dog may not be able to establish a cause for such kind of vomiting. However, based on your observations, you can hazard a guess on what could be wrong with your dog.

If your dog only vomits in the morning or late at night, it is doing so on an empty stomach, and therefore, is throwing up bile. Bile is a digestive juice which is essential in breaking down fats. Bile is acidic in nature and can cause a lot of discomfort if it accumulates in your stomach. When the dog’s stomach is empty, and bile begins to accumulate, it causes irritation in the lining of the stomach, making it contract, and pushes the bile up into the throat, from where the dog ejects it in the form of vomit.

If the accumulation of bile becomes a regular feature, it may affect other organs along with the gastro intestinal tract. The irritation may begin to spread all through the body, and the dog may begin to suffer from a bowel irritation syndrome. Initially, this condition may be mild. However, if proper medical attention is not give to the dog, it could become severe, and sometimes, even life threatening.

As the condition grows worse, the dog may also begin to experience diarrhea. There could be chronic irritation in the intestines, leading to vomiting and passing of loose stools intermittently. To rectify this problem, try to prevent the dog from sleeping on an empty stomach. Feed your dog a treat right before it goes to bed. This way, the stomach won’t be empty overnight, leaving no room for bile to accumulate. You can also try changing your dog’s diet. Your dog’s stomach may be sensitive, so either go for completely home cooked meals, or commercially available meals for sensitive stomachs.

How to Bathe a Dog | Give Puppy a Bath | Tips for Dog Bathing

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , — Nik @ 2:00 am

Dog Bathing Tips:

If someone tells you that bathing your dog frequently is not good for the dog’s health, remember that this is a myth. Unlike cats, dogs love water and are natural swimmers. If you bathe them from a young age, they will grow to enjoy their baths.

Bathing a dog depends a lot on the breed - size, coat type and coat length. The frequency of baths depends on the activity levels of the dog. There are dog specific shampoos that can be used for bathing a dog. However, frequent bathing with these shampoos can cause the natural skin oils to get depleted. These shampoos make the skin dry, scaly and itchy.

Depending on your dog’s skin type, you can use medicated shampoos or shampoos which are mild. These shampoos can be used to cure skin disorders or specific skin conditions.

Dogs tend to get dirty due to their activities and begin to smell foul after some time. If you live in a small confined space, the smell may become too much to bear. To remedy this, keep the dog clean most of the time by grooming it. There are several grooming products like powders and deodorants that can be used to groom the dog. Even brushing the dog everyday can help spread the natural oils over the skin and remove tangles or any other pieces of sticks etc. that may be caught in the fur.

To bathe the dog, first get all your material ready. You will need lukewarm water, dog shampoo and conditioner, a washcloth, and towels. Keep a brush and a comb ready with you. Get some super absorbent towels which will help in drying the dog quickly.

Take a thorough look at your dog before you begin bathing it. If the dog’s hair is matted, use a brush to detangle the fur. Remove any sticks or pebbles that may be caught in the coat of the dog. After doing this, use a water jug or a hand held shower to pour water on the dog, and lather it nicely with shampoo. Since you have already detangled the fur, the shampoo will spread on the skin easily. After shampooing the dog, rinse it thoroughly. You may need to use your hands to part the fur to ensure that the shampoo is rinsed completely. After rinsing the shampoo, use the conditioner on the dog and leave it in for a few minutes. Wash it off completely with water, using your hands to part the fur.

Common Dog Vaccinations | Vaccinating Dogs | Vaccination for Puppies

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:55 am

Common Dog Vaccines:

There are many dangerous infections that could affect our dogs. Right from the time they are puppies, dogs are susceptible to many health risks. Vaccinations, however, are what help the dog fight these infections and survive. There are different kinds of vaccinations for puppies and older dogs. These vaccinations are based on their requirements at a particular age.

Puppies require a series of vaccinations which are grouped together and known as DHLPPC vaccinations. These are given to puppies when they are 3-4 weeks old. A booster shot may be given every 3-4 weeks. Vaccinations are usually given till the time the dog is about 16 weeks old. After this, there are yearly immunization shots, the frequency of which may depend on the vaccination. Since older dogs are not susceptible to the same infections as young puppies, their vaccinations too are different.

Here are some of the common vaccines for dogs:

• Distemper:

Distemper is a highly contagious virus. There was a time when this virus was the leading cause of death in puppies. This virus causes infection in the upper respiratory tract and is accompanied by high fever and other neurological signs. Since this is a fatal disease, vaccination is extremely important.

• Adenovirus:

This is a virus which thrives in the body and is passed on to other animals through the excretions of the infected animal. This virus may cause damage to the liver and kidneys. Some of the other symptoms of the disease are bloody diarrhea, lethargy, fever, pain in the abdomen and anorexia.

• Leptospirosis:

This is another contagious disease which causes damage to the liver and the kidneys. This is a fatal disease that is passed on through the excretions of the infected animal. The animal shows signs of fever, jaundice and dehydration.

• Parainfluenza:

This is an influenza virus which causes infections in the upper respiratory tract. This disease spreads through nasal secretions of dogs.

• Parvovirus:

This is a virus that affects the intestinal tract, causing severe diarrhea and vomiting. A highly contagious virus, this is passed through infected stools and urine.

• Corona Virus:

This virus attacks the intestines and causes diarrhea and vomiting.
Some of the other vaccinations that dogs receive are for diseases like bordetella, lyme disease, giardia and rabies. These are all contagious diseases and may spread through excretion or body fluids. Some of these diseases may be dangerous for humans too, and therefore, care should be taken to get young dogs vaccinated as per their schedule.

Skin Conditions in Dogs | Disorders, Allergies, Infections in Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:00 am

Skin Infections in Dogs:

It is not unusual for dogs to suffer from minor skin rashes and allergies. Disorders like itchy and bumpy skin, canine acne, dandruff and lesions are among the most common dermatological problems that dogs are susceptible to. The most common cause of skin infection in canines is the staphylococci bacteria, which mostly affect the trunk. Typically, yellowish pustules appear on the dog’s skin that later turn rough and scaly and may cause local loss of hair. Parasites growing on the skin of the dog, allergens present in the immediate environment and abnormal functioning of the dog’s immune system are other factors that may lead to skin disorders in dogs. Young pups also suffer from ringworms, which is caused by fungal growth on the skin. The loss of hair in small, circular patches is the telltale sign of this condition. Since your pet cannot easily communicate to you minor discomforts, you should be observant as to whether your dog scratches or licks itself constantly or chews its paws. The appearance of moist, red “hot spots” on the dog’s skin may also indicate an allergic reaction to mold, dust, pollen, flea saliva and chemicals present in certain pet care products. If the condition is allergic in nature, your dog may also suffer from symptoms like sneezing, wheezing and discharge from the eyes and the nose. Unless the problem is persistent or recurrent, there is no need to worry. You may of course consult a vet and get medical tests done just to make sure that your dog is not suffering from any serious internal ailment.

These skin conditions can be treated through natural means at home in most cases. Make sure that you get rid of fleas that may be infesting your pet’s hair and skin. Give your dog a thorough bath with water and an antibiotic shampoo containing benzoyl peroxide. You should dry the dog’s skin and hair completely and then apply an antibiotic ointment on the lesions or the crusty patches. You may also give your dog a bath in a solution of colloidal oatmeal and lukewarm water in order to destroy germs on its skin and thereby relieve it of itching and irritation. Another means of treating skin conditions in canines is to grind two aspirin tablets in a tablespoon of alcohol, add a cup of warm water to this mixture, dip a tea bag in this solution and apply it locally on the itchy patches on the skin.

Keep Dog Safe during Holiday Season | Care for Dog in Holiday

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 4:57 am

How to Keep Dog Safe during Holidays:

While it is natural that you should want to enjoy the holiday season to the utmost, it is also necessary that you take a few basic precautionary measures to ensure that your celebrations do not harm your pet in any way. Avoid using decorative plants such as mistletoe, rhododendron, holly, hibiscus and chrysanthemum, as they may trigger allergic reactions in your dog. It is also advisable that you keep all naked wires beyond the reach of your pet or at least tape cover up their ends securely with insulating tape. This will ensure that your dog does not get an electrical shock even if it accidentally steps on a wire or chews on it. You should also take care to keep Christmas decorations away from the reach of your dog. Objects with sharp edges or pointed corners, as well as those made of plastic, glass or rubber can lead to accidental cuts, bruises and even choking. Thus, it is a good idea to confine all your gifts to a single room to which your dog is temporarily denied access so that it does not come into contact with things like aluminum foils, ribbons, glue and plastic wraps that are commonly used during festivities during the holiday season. If you are planning to put up a Christmas tree, make sure that you do not tie up candies and chocolate within the reach of your dog. While it may be tempting for your pet to try these goodies, they might actually cause digestive disorders and even allergies. Also, refrain from feeding your dog any of the delicacies that you may have cooked to celebrate, and instruct your guests too to not indulge your pet with food containing lots of spices, fats, gravies and artificial sweetening agents, as this might also lead to severe gastrointestinal problems in your pet. Take special care to keep your dog off limits from any food item containing caffeine, as this may lead to nervous, urinary or cardiac complications if accidentally ingested by the pet. Make absolutely certain that your dog in nowhere around when you use artificial snowflakes and globules, as these contain antifreeze chemicals that are toxic for animals. In addition, you should also let your pet relax in a secluded space of its own in case it gets too disturbed by the noise, crowd and activity that celebrations almost always involve. However, check on your dog periodically to prevent it from feeling lonely and neglected.

Vaccinate Dogs | Vaccination for Dogs | Core, Non-Core Vaccine for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , — Nik @ 4:54 am

Vaccinating your Dog:

It is important that you immunize your pet dog through vaccination against several common preventable ailments to ensure the well being of the creature. Vaccination plays as crucial a role in boosting a young puppy’s immunity as it does in the case of a human baby. The antibodies that vaccines produce in a creature defend it against several preventable diseases so it is essential that every pet owner take vaccination seriously. The breed of your dog and its geographical location determine to a great extent the potential risk that it faces of suffering from particular diseases. Thus, it is necessary that you consult your vet before drawing up a schedule to get your dog vaccinated. The American Animal Hospital Association categorizes canine vaccines into two groups: “core” and “non-core”. The former category includes vaccines such as adenovirus, distemper, rabies and parvovirus, which are commonly found in dogs and are easily transmissible. The latter category includes vaccines for kennel cough, leptospirosis and Lyme disease.

A combination vaccine, consisting of adenovirus cough, distemper, parainfluenza, parvovirus, and hepatitis vaccines, should be given to the puppy between 6 and 9 weeks of age. You must also give your dog a canine distemper vaccine after it is 8 weeks of age or older. A single booster dose of the parvovirus vaccine at the end of the year is believed to provide sufficient immunity for several years. When the puppy is 12 weeks old, you should get it vaccinated against rabies. This is essential to keep your dog in good health as well as to ensure the safety of your family and friends who come into close contact with your pet.  Some vets may also recommend a Lyme disease vaccine for your pet before the age of 15 weeks, especially if you plan to travel to a place where this ailment could be a concern. At this age, your dog should also be given the leptospirosis and the coronavirus vaccines. You should remember, however, that vaccinations often produce allergic reactions in dogs, especially if your pet suffers from some nutritional deficiency or an already weakened immunity. Thus, several veterinary doctors suggest that the puppy should be vaccinated only against the most serious and deadly ailments. Minor symptoms like mild fever and lethargy often appear for 24-48 hours after dog vaccination. If your dog starts sneezing, wheezing or vomiting after being vaccinated, you should immediately rush him to an animal hospital.

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