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How to Bathe a Dog | Give Puppy a Bath | Tips for Dog Bathing

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Dog Bathing Tips:

If someone tells you that bathing your dog frequently is not good for the dog’s health, remember that this is a myth. Unlike cats, dogs love water and are natural swimmers. If you bathe them from a young age, they will grow to enjoy their baths.

Bathing a dog depends a lot on the breed - size, coat type and coat length. The frequency of baths depends on the activity levels of the dog. There are dog specific shampoos that can be used for bathing a dog. However, frequent bathing with these shampoos can cause the natural skin oils to get depleted. These shampoos make the skin dry, scaly and itchy.

Depending on your dog’s skin type, you can use medicated shampoos or shampoos which are mild. These shampoos can be used to cure skin disorders or specific skin conditions.

Dogs tend to get dirty due to their activities and begin to smell foul after some time. If you live in a small confined space, the smell may become too much to bear. To remedy this, keep the dog clean most of the time by grooming it. There are several grooming products like powders and deodorants that can be used to groom the dog. Even brushing the dog everyday can help spread the natural oils over the skin and remove tangles or any other pieces of sticks etc. that may be caught in the fur.

To bathe the dog, first get all your material ready. You will need lukewarm water, dog shampoo and conditioner, a washcloth, and towels. Keep a brush and a comb ready with you. Get some super absorbent towels which will help in drying the dog quickly.

Take a thorough look at your dog before you begin bathing it. If the dog’s hair is matted, use a brush to detangle the fur. Remove any sticks or pebbles that may be caught in the coat of the dog. After doing this, use a water jug or a hand held shower to pour water on the dog, and lather it nicely with shampoo. Since you have already detangled the fur, the shampoo will spread on the skin easily. After shampooing the dog, rinse it thoroughly. You may need to use your hands to part the fur to ensure that the shampoo is rinsed completely. After rinsing the shampoo, use the conditioner on the dog and leave it in for a few minutes. Wash it off completely with water, using your hands to part the fur.