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Dog Nausea Home Remedies | Dog Nausea Causes, Medicines

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: — Nik @ 1:54 am

Dog Nausea Home Remedies

Dogs are known to suffer from nausea and vomiting as they tend to explore the world around them mostly with their mouths and noses. In fact what may smell awful to us may actually smell very delicious to them.  There are some of the typical things that a dog may eat and vomit back up namely old clothes, garbage, feces and dirty water. Dog nausea causes may not only be because of it eating stuff that it shouldn’t but also may be an indication of an underlying medical problem. Dog nausea symptoms are typically observed in the form of the dog salivating at the mouth and of the dog actually vomits and that to frequently he may suffer from dehydration and there may also be an eventual reduction in the weight of the dog.  Dog nausea treatment is not required as such if the dog has a one off episode of vomiting however chronic vomiting may require immediate medical attention  as  the dog could be suffering from a serious medical illness that needs to be addressed immediately. Before deciding on a particular treatment for dog nausea, the owner should observe the dog after it has vomited to check if there is any change in the dog’s behavior, whether it seems to be acting depressed or is refusing to eat or drink water. If the dog starts behaving normally after vomiting a couple of times then the owner should stop feeding it for 24 hours at least after the vomiting so that the stomach is allowed to cleanse itself. This is an extremely effective dog nausea home remedy.

However the owner should never withhold water from the dog, as dehydration post vomiting is known to cause serious complications and the dog should be encouraged to drink water. Another dog nausea natural home remedy which can be used to ease the nervous system and the digestive system of the dog especially while traveling is to feed the dog a combination of mint and ginger which supports the digestive system and also helps provide same balance. Raw garlic should also be incorporated into the dog’s diet to keep its digestive system free from parasites, which may result in nausea and vomiting. The dog may also be given some peppermint to soothe its stomach either in the form of the leaves of the peppermint plant which can be eaten raw or one may also prepare some peppermint tea and feed it to the dog to treat nausea and vomiting at home. You need to exercise a great deal of caution however, and preferably consult a vet before administering any of these threatens as most herbs tend to be toxic for dogs, particular in significant dosages.

Cat Diarrhea Home Remedies | Feline Diarrhea Home Treatments

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:44 am

Cat Diarrhea Home Remedies

Healthy cats usually do not suffer from diarrhea. If a cat is suffering from diarrhea is most probably due to a digestive problem i.e. if there is something in the cat’s food or water that has upset the cat’s stomach. Cat diarrhea home remedies include the following:

  • If the cat is unwell keep her indoors. It is also easier to see if your cat has diarrhea if she is indoors.
  • Keep the cat away from all dairy products. Cats find it difficult to digest dairy products and often this is the cause of diarrhea.
  • Unflavored yogurt might help the cat as it helps to restore the bacteria needed in the intestines.
  • Do not feed the cat any solid food for 24 hours if you suspect that the cat has diarrhea. Start a bland diet after 24 hours. Plain fish or white meat is good. Limit the quantity and give this about 4-6 times a day.
  • If the diarrhea is due to food allergy or food intolerance, eliminate that particular food from the cat’s diet.
  • Another cat diarrhea home remedy is stopping cat foods that contain dyes or other artificial ingredients. A cat’s gut has to worker harder to process these foods and this is not good for a cat that has diarrhea.
  • Ensure that the cat is given plenty of fresh water to drink. Cats with diarrhea should not get dehydrated. In fact cats need even more fluid at this time to replace the electrolytes she is losing.
  • Give the cat foods that are easy on the stomach. For example, chicken meat, boiled hamburger. Mix either with cooked rice.
  • Another cat diarrhea home remedy is just simple stress reduction, relaxation and exercise for the cat. Do not medicate the cat unless advised by the vet.

Some cat diarrhea causes are: a simple, stomach upset, eating garbage, stress, eating food intended for humans, eating items that are not foods, changes in the cat’s activities, sudden change in diet, eating food that is rich, bad or not easily digestible. A recent shock like a new pet could also be a cause. Other causes that warrant a visit to the vet are: inflammatory bowel disease, hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism, Feline immunodeficiency virus, pancreatic diseases, bowel or intestinal cancer, intestinal and stomach parasites or viruses, fungal or bacterial infections and feline leukemia virus.

Cat diarrhea treatment is as given above. The vet may recommend antibiotics, anti inflammatory drugs, treatment for worms or parasites, a fluid and electrolyte replacement or a special diet.

Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infection | Canine Ear Care, Treatments

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:40 am

Dog Ear Infection Home Remedy

Dog ears are found to be very prone to all kinds of infections especially bacterial ear infections. This is primarily so due to the shape of the dog’s ear canal. Due to this particular shape it has it allows for parasites, moisture, and even all kinds of debris to get collected or to get caught in the dog’s ear canal. The oil in the dog’s ear canal also causes an infection if dirt collects there.  One can tell if the dog has an infection when you see the dog scratching its ears. Another way to tell if the dog is infected is by smelling the ear. If there is a strong odor emanating then that means that there is an ear infection in the canal. The smell will have a sour under lying smell which is a result of the yeast or bacterial infection that has occurred.

Besides taking the dog to the vet there are many home remedies for dog ear infections. The first step one needs to take when dealing with an ear infection in one’s dog is to try and clean out the dog’s ear. Dog ear care involves the owner needing to keep the ears clean by trying to remove all the dirt and the debris from the dog’s ears. Try taking a piece of gauze and use it carefully to try and scoop out all the dirt. Avoid using a piece of cotton swab as this can further aggravate the problem by pushing the dirt down even further. This can worsen the problem.  Another method of cleaning the dog’s ear canal is by flushing out the dog’s ear with a special dog ear wash. One can use a cotton ball to dip into the ear wash and then squeeze in to the ear canal. Then with the next hand the owner should proceed to massage the dog’s ear at the base. This helps in distributing or moving the ear wash to all parts of the ear canal. Some of the ear washes that one can make at home include ear wash made out of alcohol and vinegar. Mix equal parts of both the alcohol and vinegar and use this solution to flush out the dog’s ear passage. The vinegar present in the solution makes it next to impossible for any bacteria or any yeast to survive in the dog’s ear canal. A dog ear infection remedy which is an ear wash can also be made out of mullein along with some garlic oils.

Cat Mange Home Remedy, Treatment | Notoedric, Otodectic Mange in Cats

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: — Nik @ 12:02 am

Cat Mange Remedies

Mange is a skin disease that affects domestic pets. Mange is caused by parasites in the animal’s skin. The type of parasite that is found in the skin may defer from case to case but the classification remains as a mange infection. Parasites that cause mange are found in the hair, the open hair follicles and in the skin. Mange is contagious as the parasites and the infections caused by them can spread from pet to pet. Mange infections can also affect human beings. Parasites that cause cat mange can live on the skin of the pet but can also burrow tiny microscopic tunnels where they may spend their whole lives. They lay their eggs in the burrows from which new born mites come.

Infected cat mange symptoms include constant scratching due to itching, bumps or lumps on the skin that look like human chicken pox infections and patches where hair is lost. These patches appear as the disease progresses. Mange can also cause scabs on the skin. These form due to the cat’s habit of scratching the irritated skin. There are different scientifically classified cat mange types. Otodectic mange affects the cat’s ear and the ear may appear to have pus seeping out of it and may be bright red in color. Notoedric mange is known by the term scabies. This affects the entire body of the cat and can cause hair loss and red, irritated skin. A crust may also form on the skin surface due to the skin injuries that occur from scratching and from the mites themselves. Notoedric mange is caused by the type of mites that burrow into the skin surface and treating this is more complicated than treating Otodectic mange.

You can solve your pet’s mange condition at home with some useful home remedies. It is always good to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, but there are ways to make your cat’s life easier at home using some simple remedies. Primarily, you should clean your cat’s bedding and change the entire area that it lives in. Bedding should be washed thoroughly. Bathing your cat regularly with an antiseptic soap will also help to heal the sores although it might be uncomfortable for the pet. You can even prepare a lemon based concoction as an effective cat mange home remedy. A half lemon, with its peel should be kept overnight in boiled water as the water is cooling. The resulting lemon water can be used on the sores and scabs.