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Cat Mange Home Remedy, Treatment | Notoedric, Otodectic Mange in Cats

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Cat Mange Remedies

Mange is a skin disease that affects domestic pets. Mange is caused by parasites in the animal’s skin. The type of parasite that is found in the skin may defer from case to case but the classification remains as a mange infection. Parasites that cause mange are found in the hair, the open hair follicles and in the skin. Mange is contagious as the parasites and the infections caused by them can spread from pet to pet. Mange infections can also affect human beings. Parasites that cause cat mange can live on the skin of the pet but can also burrow tiny microscopic tunnels where they may spend their whole lives. They lay their eggs in the burrows from which new born mites come.

Infected cat mange symptoms include constant scratching due to itching, bumps or lumps on the skin that look like human chicken pox infections and patches where hair is lost. These patches appear as the disease progresses. Mange can also cause scabs on the skin. These form due to the cat’s habit of scratching the irritated skin. There are different scientifically classified cat mange types. Otodectic mange affects the cat’s ear and the ear may appear to have pus seeping out of it and may be bright red in color. Notoedric mange is known by the term scabies. This affects the entire body of the cat and can cause hair loss and red, irritated skin. A crust may also form on the skin surface due to the skin injuries that occur from scratching and from the mites themselves. Notoedric mange is caused by the type of mites that burrow into the skin surface and treating this is more complicated than treating Otodectic mange.

You can solve your pet’s mange condition at home with some useful home remedies. It is always good to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, but there are ways to make your cat’s life easier at home using some simple remedies. Primarily, you should clean your cat’s bedding and change the entire area that it lives in. Bedding should be washed thoroughly. Bathing your cat regularly with an antiseptic soap will also help to heal the sores although it might be uncomfortable for the pet. You can even prepare a lemon based concoction as an effective cat mange home remedy. A half lemon, with its peel should be kept overnight in boiled water as the water is cooling. The resulting lemon water can be used on the sores and scabs.