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Cat Fur Care Tips, Treatments, Techniques | Fur Loss Problem in Feline

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:01 am

Cat Fur Care

Cats may be finicky about cleanliness and seem to be constantly grooming themselves, but they do need some amount of cat fur care. Different types of cat breeds differ in the type of fair or hair they possess, so your cat fur care needs may differ slightly, but cat hair care is essential for all cats, to avoid problems of cat hair loss, hairballs and some other common conditions. Some general cat fur care and grooming practices are all it takes to ensure that your cat has a healthy coat and doesn’t suffer excessive cat hair loss.

Brushing that luscious coat: All cats and long haired breeds like Persian cat in particular, need to be groomed regularly, as they can be particularly vulnerable to skin conditions and fur loss.  You’ll probably need two types of grooming devices for this – a wide toothed, and a metallic brush. You can ask your vet for recommendations as he would be best acquainted with your particular cat and the best practice for it. Some of these devices may look painful, but you can be sure they’re not. Brushing shouldn’t take more than ten minutes a day, but getting your cat to sit through it may prove challenging. Short haired breeds may not need to be groomed as regularly, but it is not something that should be neglected. Besides, grooming a short haired cat is a lot easier and would take a lot less time. The first time you brush your cat’s fur you will probably be astounded at the amount of loose fur you collect, but this is normal. It saves the cat a lot of trouble and harm that could be caused from ingesting it and it also helps keep your house relatively fur free.

Bathing your Cat: This may be your worst nightmare but it is unavoidable. Cats sweat quite easily and they can’t really wash themselves. Their meticulous grooming routines do help keep them clean, but your intervention is necessary.  Make sure you bathe your cat at least once a week, and for short hairs at least twice a month. Avoid using any human products on the cat, and only use special cat shampoos. Your vet would be able to recommend the ideal brand, as your cat may be allergic to certain artificial ingredients. Make sure the water isn’t too cold and hot and don’t allow any water to get into the cat’s mouth, nose or ears. It’s also important that you wash your cat thoroughly after shampooing to make sure there’s no residue. Gently towel dry the cat with a soft towel once done.

Understanding Cat Behavior | Feline Behavior Problem Training

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:21 am

Cat Behavior

Cats communicate with one another in many interesting ways, and understanding cat behavior may take a great deal of time, patience and perception, as they are pretty complex creatures. A flick of the tail and a little movement of the ear sends a message. Since their body language is so controlled, humans’ find it difficult to understand. We find it easy to understand cats from the sounds they make. They make a lot of different sounds, the most famous being “The Meow”. This sound when made by little kittens could mean a variety of things such as, they are hungry, feeling cold or they are trying to help their mother find them. As these kittens grow older The Meow is used to grab the owners’ attention. Another sound made by an aggressive, angry or frightened cat is the Hiss. This indicates that you should go no closer to the cat. A sound that sounds a little scary and mournful is the yodeling. This is a sound generally made at night. Female cat in heat makes this sound in order to signal that they are ready to mate.

It is important to understand your cat well in order to train them. You will never be able give cat training for doing something out of the ordinary, but teach it to adapt those behaviors. If your cat is very aggressive and destructive, many vets’ will suggest getting a second cat. This is so that the cats energy is focused on the new cat. If your cat attacks you for no reason and without any warning you have to get it examined by the vet. Many cats react in this way, as there is something wrong but don’t know how to explain it. This behavior could be related to a hormonal imbalance, pain or a problem with the nervous system. Cats are very finicky eaters so you need to learn to put your foot down and teach your pet to eat the food that is given to it. Most cats will eat the same kind of food more than once a day all their lives as long as it tastes good. Cats by nature are considered to be very clean animals. As kittens they are instinctively cover their waste in order to keep parasites away and not attract other cats due of the scent. This is not a behavior they learn by watching their mothers, as the mother never eliminates near the nest. Surprisingly if you put a little kitten in the litter box it might just eliminate there and cover up the mess.

Catnip Effects | Catnip Side-Effects, Reaction on Feline Health

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: — Nik @ 5:43 am

Catnip Effects on Cats

Catnip is something that we’ve all heard of but know very little about. Catnip is actually the name for an herb of the mint family. This herb was not a local one and was imported from Europe where it grew traditionally. Catnip oil isolated through steam distillation has been found to work as an effective insect repellent.

Catnip can produce pretty strange reactions in most cats, and pet owners are often baffled by the seemingly inexplicable changes in behavior. Catnip effects on cats may vary wildly however, with some displaying almost no reaction, while others can act completely berserk. In cats that do react to catnip it can be quite a sight. The cat will rub against it almost affectionately, loll about with it, kick at it, and all in all go quit nuts. This reaction lasts for several minutes, after which the cat loses interest. The cat then wanders off and in all probability may return and react in the same manner after a couple of hours.

So why do cats like catnip? We don’t really know what goes on in that cat brain, but what is known is that a chemical present in catnip called nepetalactone is what triggers the response. In most cats that are sensitive to the chemical it seems to set in motion a somewhat stereotypical pattern. This reaction and sensitivity is hereditary, and some cats may simply not respond to it. This behavior may even be observed in big cats like tigers. This reaction does not last for more than a few minutes but it would be at least an hour before the cat returns to normalcy. Of course the cycle can then begin all over again. Catnip does not seem to produce much reaction in older cats and very young kittens however.

Although catnip produces a strangely euphoric reaction in cats almost akin to what we would experience from certain recreational drugs, catnip is not a drug.  This similarity is what worries many cat owners but you really don’t need to be concerned. It is completely safe to give to your cat provided you don’t over feed it. The only reaction known from over eating catnip would be diarrhea, or cat vomiting, both of which are quite rare. The best solution would be to simply give your cat the occasional catnip puffs as treats from time to time. Catnip is completely nontoxic to cats, and if you wish to you can even grow it at home.

Cat Adoption Tips Things to Know | Before Getting a Cat

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 7:01 am

Adopting a Cat

Many a time’s kittens are considered as the most popular pets to gift to children on account of their mischievous temperaments and manageable size. However before adopting a cat there are various factors that should be taken into consideration because the cat will require a significant investment of time, money and energy depending on the breed.

Common cat adoption tips involve the prospective owner first ascertaining if there is adequate space in their house or living space to accommodate the cat comfortably as they tend to enjoy their freedom of movement. The temperament, physical attributes such as size, length of coat etc of the cat breed should also be researched upon before getting a cat. There are some breeds of cats that are more likely to aggravate allergies than others hence those who are sensitive should take the right decision while adopting a cat. The gender of the cat also is a deciding factor during cat adoption. This is because male cats are usually more friendly and comfortable with their owners as compared to female cats who are more reserved and cautious. It is always beneficial to contact your vet or an authorized cat adoption center so as to ensure that there is no indiscriminate breeding and the cats are healthy. After getting the cat ensure that it is given all the necessary vaccinations against Rhinitracheitis, Panleukopenia etc and should also be treated against ticks and fleas. Before adopting an adult cat always ask for its medical records to ensure that it has received all its vaccinations and to check for any alarming medical issues in the past. While adopting a cat it is also necessary to match your lifestyle to see if it is suitable to owning a pet. Although your kitten may be adorable initially it will still require a significant amount of commitment and training to ensure that they do not claw the furniture thereby ruining it and are used to using the litter box or even don’t chew on the plants in the house.

While adopting a cat from a breeder or an adoption center make sure that you are aware of the kind of foods that are good for cats or the ones your cat in particular has been fed. There are various accessories that may also need to be purchased from your local pet store such as collars, toys, feeding bowls, litter box etc.