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Angelfish Care Secrets | Angelfish Diseases And Habitat

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Angelfish Care Secrets

Angelfish are one of the most beautiful and eye-catching fish in any reef. They are known for their timid nature, which makes them great as pets. Their beauty, size, and ease of care are a few reasons why Angelfish are so popular as pets.

By following these angelfish care secrets, you can help pet fish live a long and healthy life in your aquarium. A proper diet and nutrition is essential for these beautiful creatures to survive. They can be fed with all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. By giving them special care and proper food supplies, you will get healthier angels. Angelfish care secrets pertaining to their environment are probably among the most useful because of the tremendous influence that their surroundings have on their health. You should provide the right kind of aquarium for them with the optimal water temperature, filtration system, water pH, and some live plants. Good water quality will make your angels healthy and lively. Here are a few interesting angelfish care secrets and facts:

  • Angelfish can grow larger than the size of your palm
  • Angelfish can be kept with any type of small fish
  • Angelfish can live over 15 years
  • They eat algae, worms, shellfish, and sponges
  • They are best kept in a warm aquarium, ideally around 80°F (27°C). They prefer a pH of below 7.5 but can thrive in a wide range of pH values.

As a responsible owner you must be aware of the normal behavior of your fish. Any unusual behavior is generally an indication of illness or disease. It is important to detect the problem and get your fish treated in time.  One of the best courses of action is heat treatment. For proper and effective heat treatment, all that is required is to raise the temperature of the aquarium over a period of 24 hours to 95 °F to- 96 °F. Maintain the same temperature for at least a week. You must ensure that the aeration is good.

There are many types of afflictions that can affect the health of your angel fish. The most common maladies seen are usually either bacterial or parasitic in origin. Diagnoses of angel fish diseases can be very tricky sometimes. Here are a few guidelines which will help you to identify the current state of your fish:
If your angel fish are not eating, that means they have internal parasites. In such cases, you must immediately heat the tank for a week to 10 days. This helps in stimulating their immune system and gets them eating again. Rotting fins are a symptom which you must look out for. Rotting fins are either the result of introducing a virulent pathogen or from overfeeding. Angel fish that have red streaks around the mouth or base of the dorsal usually have a systemic bacterial infection. This type of angel fish disease requires medicated food with an antibiotic to cure your fish. If you see you angel fish floating around in the current, this implies that it has a swim bladder infection. This angel fish disease almost always results in a fish that has permanent swimming difficulty and prevention is the only cure.

Preventive Measures for Angel Fish Diseases

Some steps can be taken to reduce the possibility of your fish getting a disease which include:

  • Quarantine new fish before adding them to the aquarium.
  • Avoid stressing the fish with rough handling or sudden changes in conditions.
  • Never over feed your fish.
  • Remove sick fish to a hospital tank for treatment.
  • Don’t let any metal come in contact with the aquarium water.