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Dog Nausea Home Remedies | Dog Nausea Causes, Medicines

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: — Nik @ 1:54 am

Dog Nausea Home Remedies

Dogs are known to suffer from nausea and vomiting as they tend to explore the world around them mostly with their mouths and noses. In fact what may smell awful to us may actually smell very delicious to them.  There are some of the typical things that a dog may eat and vomit back up namely old clothes, garbage, feces and dirty water. Dog nausea causes may not only be because of it eating stuff that it shouldn’t but also may be an indication of an underlying medical problem. Dog nausea symptoms are typically observed in the form of the dog salivating at the mouth and of the dog actually vomits and that to frequently he may suffer from dehydration and there may also be an eventual reduction in the weight of the dog.  Dog nausea treatment is not required as such if the dog has a one off episode of vomiting however chronic vomiting may require immediate medical attention  as  the dog could be suffering from a serious medical illness that needs to be addressed immediately. Before deciding on a particular treatment for dog nausea, the owner should observe the dog after it has vomited to check if there is any change in the dog’s behavior, whether it seems to be acting depressed or is refusing to eat or drink water. If the dog starts behaving normally after vomiting a couple of times then the owner should stop feeding it for 24 hours at least after the vomiting so that the stomach is allowed to cleanse itself. This is an extremely effective dog nausea home remedy.

However the owner should never withhold water from the dog, as dehydration post vomiting is known to cause serious complications and the dog should be encouraged to drink water. Another dog nausea natural home remedy which can be used to ease the nervous system and the digestive system of the dog especially while traveling is to feed the dog a combination of mint and ginger which supports the digestive system and also helps provide same balance. Raw garlic should also be incorporated into the dog’s diet to keep its digestive system free from parasites, which may result in nausea and vomiting. The dog may also be given some peppermint to soothe its stomach either in the form of the leaves of the peppermint plant which can be eaten raw or one may also prepare some peppermint tea and feed it to the dog to treat nausea and vomiting at home. You need to exercise a great deal of caution however, and preferably consult a vet before administering any of these threatens as most herbs tend to be toxic for dogs, particular in significant dosages.

Dog Nausea Medication, Home Remedy | Dog Nausea Treatment

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:28 am

Dog Nausea Medication, Home Remedy

Dog nausea is a common problem that can occur due to a variety of causes. This ailment can cause discomfort to the dog and hence an owner should be aware of how to relieve it. It is advisable to take a sick dog to the vet immediately in order to rule out more serious underlying causes of the nausea. Dog nausea treatment depends upon the cause of the problem.  Some cases of dog nausea may not be serious and may vanish without treatment. However, in other cases, there may be a more serious underlying illness and medical treatment becomes vital. Some of the causes of dog nausea include change in the diet, motion sickness, stomach upset, worms, stomach or intestinal problems, illness and pregnancy in female dogs. There are some signs and symptoms which dogs tend to display when they feel nauseous. These symptoms are indicative of nausea, but they could also occur due to other factors. Some of the signs of nausea include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, and dry heaving. The dog may also lick or chew excessively when they are suffering from nausea. In case the dog exhibits other symptoms such as abdominal swelling and dullness of the coat, the problem could be worms. Dog owners that are not familiar with these signs may find it difficult to identify that their pets are suffering from nausea. If the dog is still displaying good appetite and continues to be alert, then it may not be a cause for concern. In case an owner suspects a temporary cause such as a new type of dog food, then there are certain ways to relieve the symptoms.

If the nausea symptoms last for only a couple of hours, then it is likely that the problem will subside by itself. In the meantime, ensure that the dog gets plenty of water to drink so that dehydration is prevented. This is especially important if the dog has been vomiting. Dehydration caused by vomiting can make an illness worse. Nausea often occurs when the dog consumes an excess amount of dry food at once. If this is the case, then feeding the dog frequent smaller meals is beneficial. The dog’s food may also be mixed with some water so that the nausea is relieved. A dog nausea home remedy involves giving peppermint to the dog. However, one should always consult a vet before administering any home remedy to dogs. The vet may also prescribe certain dog nausea medications depending on the severity of the problem. Dog nausea medicine is usually administered intravenously or through an injection.