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Common Dog Vaccinations | Vaccinating Dogs | Vaccination for Puppies

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Common Dog Vaccines:

There are many dangerous infections that could affect our dogs. Right from the time they are puppies, dogs are susceptible to many health risks. Vaccinations, however, are what help the dog fight these infections and survive. There are different kinds of vaccinations for puppies and older dogs. These vaccinations are based on their requirements at a particular age.

Puppies require a series of vaccinations which are grouped together and known as DHLPPC vaccinations. These are given to puppies when they are 3-4 weeks old. A booster shot may be given every 3-4 weeks. Vaccinations are usually given till the time the dog is about 16 weeks old. After this, there are yearly immunization shots, the frequency of which may depend on the vaccination. Since older dogs are not susceptible to the same infections as young puppies, their vaccinations too are different.

Here are some of the common vaccines for dogs:

• Distemper:

Distemper is a highly contagious virus. There was a time when this virus was the leading cause of death in puppies. This virus causes infection in the upper respiratory tract and is accompanied by high fever and other neurological signs. Since this is a fatal disease, vaccination is extremely important.

• Adenovirus:

This is a virus which thrives in the body and is passed on to other animals through the excretions of the infected animal. This virus may cause damage to the liver and kidneys. Some of the other symptoms of the disease are bloody diarrhea, lethargy, fever, pain in the abdomen and anorexia.

• Leptospirosis:

This is another contagious disease which causes damage to the liver and the kidneys. This is a fatal disease that is passed on through the excretions of the infected animal. The animal shows signs of fever, jaundice and dehydration.

• Parainfluenza:

This is an influenza virus which causes infections in the upper respiratory tract. This disease spreads through nasal secretions of dogs.

• Parvovirus:

This is a virus that affects the intestinal tract, causing severe diarrhea and vomiting. A highly contagious virus, this is passed through infected stools and urine.

• Corona Virus:

This virus attacks the intestines and causes diarrhea and vomiting.
Some of the other vaccinations that dogs receive are for diseases like bordetella, lyme disease, giardia and rabies. These are all contagious diseases and may spread through excretion or body fluids. Some of these diseases may be dangerous for humans too, and therefore, care should be taken to get young dogs vaccinated as per their schedule.