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Sick Dog Winter Diseases | Dog Winter Care Tips

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Sick Dog Winter Hazards:

With a change of season, both humans and their pets become susceptible to many illnesses and disorders. Therefore, to ensure a healthy run through a season, especially during winter, humans should take special precautions for both themselves and their dogs. There are some common dangers that pet owners should look out for. These winter hazards for dogs are bad, but are especially dangerous for older dogs and dogs that are already ailing.

Dog Winter Ailments:

•    Antifreeze:

Though this is a potential problem in both summer and winter, it becomes more evident in the winter season. Antifreeze smells sweet due to its chemical composition, and because of this smell, dogs can resist it. If you spill some antifreeze or if you have a container full of antifreeze within reach of your pet, chances are the dog will ingest it. Antifreeze gets absorbed very quickly and is highly toxic. Ingesting it can cause death within minutes, depending on the amount ingested. Some heat exchange fluids and transmission fluids contain this toxic chemical. Other chemicals which contain antifreeze are brake fluids and fluids used in the processing of camera film. Some of the common signs of anti freeze toxicity are lethargy, depression, intoxicated effect and vomiting. The kidneys are affected first, and the dog may die soon after due to kidney failure.

•    Arthritis:

Humans and their pets who suffer from arthritis or any other degenerative condition, find it difficult to live comfortably in cold and damp weather. In winter, even younger pets could get affected by arthritis. However, older pets are more susceptible to it. Cold and damp climate can also cause fractures to heal slower than usual. If you notice your pet struggling to lie down or get up from the floor, it is possible that the dog suffers from arthritis. Dogs may also cry often or snap when they are picked up. In any case, don’t try to avoid going to the veterinarian in such a condition.

•    Flu and Pneumonia:

Pets that are housed outside are susceptible to dying from cold or developing infections and disorders. If your dog’s kennel is outside, make sure that the kennel is adequately protected from wind and cold. In case it snows, bring your pet inside. Also make sure that your dog is always supplied with warm water. You can also opt for non-electric warm bedding for your dog. Alternatively, you can also get heated floor mats.