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Skin Supplements for Dogs | Nutritional Supplements for Dog Skin

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Skin Supplements for Dogs:

Pets require nutrition in order to maintain a healthy and shiny coat. Depending on the breed, and the coat type and length of the dog, arise different nutritional needs for different kinds of dogs. Dogs that have longer coats may need more supplements than those who have a wiry coat which is close to the skin. Available, are many different nutrients that are good for the dog’s coat. These supplements provide nutrition to the coat of the dog, not only making it lustrous, but also improving the texture of the skin. Most of the skin and coat supplements for dogs contain fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Together, these nutrients help the coat remain supple and silky even when the dog sheds its coat to get a new one.

Certain kinds of polyunsaturated fats are also good for the coat of the dogs. Two specific classes of fats – Omega – 3s and Omega – 6s, are great skin supplements for dog. Though dogs do produce some fatty acids themselves, they cannot produce the essential fatty acids. Sometimes, the body needs one kind of essential fatty acids and the enzymes present in the body convert them into other kinds of fatty acids. Certain diseases may cause a deficiency of such enzymes. In such a case, the dog may require several fatty acids which are then converted into other nutrients by the dog’s body.

In overweight dogs, fat is usually restricted and they may tend to have rough and sticky coats. Also, their skin texture may not be very smooth and clear because of the deficiency of fatty acids.
Recent researches have shown that both, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are extremely essential for growth and the maintenance of the skin and the coat. If your dog has skin infections or inflammation of any kind, these fatty acids can help improve such conditions.

Skin supplements for dogs tend to work best when the dog is kept on a low fat diet. A dog’s diet is usually designed in such a manner that it has more of omega 6 fatty acid, than omega 3. When supplements are taken, omega 3 fatty acids are also received in good amounts, creating a better ratio between the two and providing optimum benefit. Once the veterinarian recommends a supplement, adhere to feeding it to your dog. Usually, it takes about 12 weeks to determine if the supplements are working well, and that the dog is benefiting from them.