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Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs Symptoms | Effects of Ethylene Glycol Toxicity in Dog

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Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs

Antifreeze smells and tastes very attractive to most animals. However ingestion of this product can be very dangerous and deadly for the animal. When trying to ascertain if one’s dog has ingested antifreeze, some of the basic signs to look for include nausea and vomiting accompanied by excessive canine drooling and loss of appetite. The other signs are increased drinking and also an increase in the urination. This can however progress to a point where there is no urine being produced. There may also be signs of lethargy, a drunk like or a wobbly gait and also some muscle twitching. There may be some signs exhibited by the dog of rapid eye movement. The worst case scenario is of coma and death. Thus antifreeze toxicity in dogs should be taken very seriously and one should get medical intervention as quickly as possible. If the dog exhibits any of these symptoms have the vet check the animal.

Antifreeze is easily available and thus is easy for one’s pets to lick up. Every year lots of dogs and cats end up licking up some of the antifreeze that has pooled under cars with a leaking radiator and will end up suffering from antifreeze poisoning. The substance known as ethylene glycol is found commonly in the antifreeze and will result in this poisoning. This product is also found in the toilet bowls of houses which are being winterized. It is also present in the coolant that is used for air conditioning, and also in brake fluids. Even those who are into professional photography will have many products around their house that contain ethylene glycol. Once the dog has ingested this ethylene glycol it becomes toxic in their bodies. In this stage the liver begins to metabolize the ethylene glycol and converts it into other toxic substances. One should try and use antifreeze products that are less hazardous to one’s pets. Once the pet has ingested these toxic substances it can also lead to kidney failure. If a 10 pound dog has had about a spoon or two of the ethylene glycol, it is sufficient to poison the animal. If a 10 pound cat was to consume that amount, it would prove to be fatal. It is essential at this juncture to rush the animal to the vet hospital and get treatment for the animal. Otherwise it may be too late to prevent damage to its vital organs.

Read more on Iron Toxicity in Dogs and Metal Poisoning in Dogs