Pet Blogs, Pet Health Care Advice, Symptoms | Pet Care Tips, Info

Pet Health Problems, Symptoms | Pet Health Care Treatment

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:48 am

Pet Health Issues:

A healthy pet can be a wonderful companion but will require careful and patient care to keep him/her in optimum health. Each species and breed is susceptible to certain kinds of health issues and the owner needs to look out for early signs of these conditions so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. Unfortunately, ignored signs of pet disease can usually become fatal for the pet concerned. Every breed also has specific requirements; for instance, some dogs that are naturally hyperactive require large open spaces to romp in and lots of play time lest your tiny garden gets remodeled every time the pet is let out. So choosing a pet should also involve careful consideration of the home environment and so on.

There are a few symptoms which are indicative of the onset of a deadly disease in most pets and these are a loss of appetite, acute weight loss or a steep weight gain, an unusual amount of water consumption, sudden changes in behavior such as viciousness or lethargy, a dull, ragged coat, constipation or diarrhea, unusual shaking of the head, excessive scratching, licking or biting some parts of the body, discharge from the nose, eyes, mouth and other openings of the body, limping, difficulty while lying down or getting up, abnormal lumps, foul breath and too much tartar on the teeth. Cancer is one disease that attacks a lot of pets and the symptoms include an offensive odor, bleeding from body openings, reluctance to exercise and a lack of stamina, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, sores that refuse to heal and so on apart from the symptoms mentioned earlier. Rabies can be a pet health problem and since it is difficult to keep track of mild injuries, nips and bites your pet may have incurred from another animal, it is necessary to keep them vaccinated regularly along with all the other necessary shots. In case the pet is bitten by another animal, they will have to be revaccinated and kept under strict observation for a month and a half. Ear mites are another common pet health problem. These pests are found in the animal’s ears and it is only once the infestation is very advanced that owners usually note the signs. A regular examination by your veterinarian is the only way to prevent an infestation as the chances of it spreading deep into the ear and affecting the brain, causing convulsions and death is a possibility. Take care of your pet’s oral hygiene with regular visits to the veterinarian to remove plaque from the teeth. Avoid feeding your pet junk food, and try to steam a few vegetables and add it to a well cooked meat or fish diet. Do take care to remove sharp bones though as it can prove harmful for your pet.

Pet Health Treatments, Care | Pet Health Problems, Issues

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:35 am

Pet Health Tips:

Pet health treatments are generally determined by your vet after a through examination and diagnosis. There are various pet treatments and the most common among them are pet flea treatment, pet allergies treatment, and pet arthritis treatment. In addition to these, pet gastrointestinal disorders treatment and pet urinary tract infection treatment are also common pet health treatments.

Pet health treatments can consist of creams for topical application or medications that need to be ingested. Depending on the condition and the severity of the situation, the doctor may prescribe a combination of both topical applications as well as prescribed medications. Pet health treatments like pet flea treatment are among the most common of health treatments for a variety of pets.

De-worming treatments are another common and routine treatment for almost all pets, just as with humans. De-worming is extremely important as parasitic worm infestations can pose serious threat to your pet, and there is also a risk of contagion to humans.

Vaccinations and shots are another important area of pet health treatments, and this should in fact be the first treatment that will also be a routine treatment. Your local veterinarian would provide you with information regarding the necessary vaccines and also a schedule for the vaccinations that are necessary. For example, rabies vaccinations are among the most common, but there are also other vaccines against common viral and bacterial infections. Getting tests and checkups done for pets that have been imported is also absolutely essential.

There are also many other treatments that may be specific to certain species or certain breeds. Cats are known to suffer from problems due to ingestion of fur and most of us know of this as ‘fur balls’.

Another routine pet health treatment that is common at least for cats and dogs is spaying or neutering. This is extremely important if the animal has not been kept for breeding purposes. Apart from the fact that it prevents any unwanted pregnancies it is also highly beneficial for the health of your pet. It helps prevent the animal from going in to heat, which also means that your pet will not attempt to wander of in search of a mate or keep you up at night with the incessant howling. This procedure also helps eliminate the risk of several diseases and cancerous growths that can afflict the reproductive system.

Your veterinarian would be the best source of information on pet health care and treatments that are necessary for your pet, as these can vary significantly, not just from species to species, but also among different breeds, within a species.

Pet Health Issues, Problems | Pet Health Conditions

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:16 am

Pet Health Problems:

Caring for a pet can be one of the most rewarding and exuberating experiences you will have. Pets do however require special care, as just like humans they are susceptible to a variety of ailments, but unlike us they can’t really point these out. There are many health conditions that are common and it would help to be on the look out for, or cautious about these. At most times prompt detection of a condition will enable a swift diagnosis and treatment that could make a world of difference to your pet. Not all health conditions can be treated easily though, and some may require greater care and attention.

Here are some of the most common pet health issues and problems that you would most likely encounter. Not all of these problems may be widespread among all species, but most of them are, while all of these are common to the most popular species of pets like cats, dogs, rabbits, and others.

  • Gastrointestinal disorders can affect almost any pet and you would easily notice such a problem as it would be accompanied by obvious symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, or a stomach upset. At times these may be symptomatic of a more serious condition, and at times there may even be no visible symptoms. Although it isn’t always necessary to bring your pet in to the clinic for every digestive or gastrointestinal disorder it does help to play safe, and most importantly you need to observe any changes in behavior or appetite and report these to the vet.
  • Obesity is another problem that seems to be on the rise not just among humans, but among their domesticated counterparts too. This could be caused by a variety of factors, but very often the culprit is low quality food. Pet food formulas are often inappropriate as a diet for many species, particularly for cats. This holds true for dogs as well.
  • Cancers are another ailment that almost all pets are susceptible to.  Cancer is in fact so widespread that it is believed to be the cause of at least half of all deaths in aged pets. Abnormal swellings or lumps, difficulty eating, difficulty walking, and observable weight loss are just some signs that could accompany cancer. Not all forms of cancer are hard to treat, and some can be cured quite easily. The main reason for the high death rate from cancer is that the symptoms most often go unnoticed until the cancer is well advanced.
  • Rabies is another common pet health problem that you need to be very guarded against. It is a fatal condition that can easily be prevented with vaccination. It’s also easily communicable to humans.