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Pet Obesity Prevention | Obese Pet Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

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Pet Obesity Control:

It’s not only you but even your pet that needs a balanced diet and exercise to stay fit and healthy. Overweight or downright obese pets are on the increase. Any weight loss program for your pet needs long term commitment as it is a gradual process. There is a need to inculcate new eating and exercise habits in your pet, which requires considerable time and patience.

An animal is considered obese when it weighs 10-15 percent above its ideal body weight. It is important to seek your veterinarian’s advice on weight management programs for your pet. The factors responsible for increasing weight in your pet are its breed, age, regular activity levels, food style, feeding portions, lifestyle habits, hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease, and insulinoma.
You have to recognize the symptoms of obesity in pets and also understand the health risks. The typical overweight signs in a pet are varied and include:

  • While walking the pet’s flank folds sway from side to side.
  • The backbone cannot be easily felt when touched because of heavy fat covering.
  • A layer of fat over the ribs.
  • The abdomen appears rounded.

These symptoms may aggravate and lead to health risks such as diabetes, kidney problems, cancer, orthopaedic dysfunction, and cardiovascular diseases. Here are a few behavioural change tips which can help your pet in leading a leaner, healthier and longer life. If left untreated, obesity can decrease your pet’s life expectancy and make the life it does have very uncomfortable.

  • You must walk your pets (especially dogs) everyday. Long walks help combat excess weight and will keep your pet active. Make sure you don’t walk on hot or hard surfaces; it’s best to walk on soft lawn grass or smooth paths. It is good for your pet’s emotional health and at the same time will improve your walking capabilities as well.
  • You must make your pet exercise 20-50 minutes twice a day as it not only helps in burning calories but also strengthens respiratory and circulatory systems, keeps muscles toned, aids in digestion, and keeps its mind active.
  • You and your furry friend can play fetch or hide and seek. You can also set up obstacle courses for them or take them swimming as this adds to mental simulation and keep them happy as well as fit.
  • You must provide a low calorie, protein rich, and high fiber diet which helps in maintaining the pet’s muscle and gives it a satisfied feeling devoid of unnecessary calories.
  • You must feed prescribed portion sizes of meals to your pet which is mentioned on the pet food packages. If you measure each serving, you will avoid over feeding your pet. Also serve smaller portions more frequently throughout the day (2-3 times) which will keep him satisfied and active.
  • You must avoid feeding your pet human foods like pizza, baked goods, ice creams or cookies. It is advised to look for high grain content in the commercial foods which you choose to buy for your pet.