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Californian Rabbit Facts | Info, Statistics Of Californian Rabbit Breed

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Californian Rabbit Facts

Rabbits are a very popular domestic pet and are definitely one of the most adorable. While being more used to open lands and living on their own, they are also very docile creatures when housed in domestic environments. But a rabbit owner should not be taken by its innocent looks as the animal can be quit a terror when let out of its cage, unsupervised. Rabbits are known to cause havoc unless they are watched over, and chewing on electrical wires is one of their favorite activities. While there are over 40 different species of rabbit in the world, the Californian rabbit facts point to this particular breed being considered as a true American original. The Californian rabbit history is a rather long one, coming into prominence around the 1920’s and originally being bred as livestock rather than as pets.  As far as the animal aesthetics go, the animal has erect ears and is rather moderately sized. The regular weight of the animal is usually about 7 to 10 pounds and the coat color of the animal is very similar to the Himalayan rabbit.

When housing one of these animals, it is important to know your Californian rabbit facts as there are certain aspects of their natural outdoor lives that might need to be created in a domestic environment. Most of these rabbits are actually very comfortable in well insulated cages and are usually litter box trained while also being compulsive groomers - sometimes even more than cats! The most comfortable dimensions for the cage in which the rabbit will be held is about 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet. It is very important to be able to effectively manage the temperature within the cage as rabbits are not used to very extreme temperatures. An addition of straw is going to help the animal regulate the temperature to its advantage. A major part of

Californian rabbit care is the kind of food that the animal is provided. Commercial rabbit pellets are highly recommended and can be purchased at any well stocked pet store. The recommended dosage is about ¼ cup of pellets for every 5 pounds of the animals body weight, fed on a daily basis. However, there is a lot of dependence on the animals age when it comes to the most appropriate feeding. For instance, if the rabbit is less than about 8 months of age, it is highly recommended that you feed it an unlimited supply of alfalfa pellets.