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Bunny Food and Treats | Healthy Bunny Food Guide | Baby Bunny Diet

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 1:13 am

Bunnies are vegetarian and though the idea of feeding them seems easy peasy, it is actually tricky as there are some things that can be great for bunnies while others can be trouble. It may be a good idea to look at a bunny food list to formulate the ideal bunny diet.

Healthy Bunny Food Guide

Healthy bunny food includes a food list of many fruits and vegetables. The bunny food guide includes all vegetarian food. But despite what common items suggest, apparent favorites like lettuce, cabbage, potato tops, tomato leaves should not be given to rabbits.  Even fruits like cherries, peaches, plums and apricots are not good for the bunny.

The most common favorite food for rabbits is hay. If you cannot find hay, you can certainly find nutrition packed hay pellets at your pet store. Fresh food that you can feed the rabbit can include carrot, apple, banana, broccoli, as treats.

Treats in bunnies are largely fruits and are considered fattening for rabbits. A little fruit is good but making an everyday diet of fruits is not advisable as it could cause diarrhea, causing much anguish to the bunny and you too. You can also feed your bunny things like coriander, collard greens, artichoke, arugula, basil, beet tops, brussel sprouts, celery, chard, fennel, endive, dill, cucumber and chives.

If your choose to let your bunny eat out in your garden and grow plants that it will like to eat, remember there are some plants that should not be there at all. These plants can be life threatening for rabbits. Plants like cloves, honeysuckle, poppies, ivy, oleander, holly, poinsettias, rhubarb leaves and daffodils along with many others can kill a rabbit quickly if it ingests it.

Baby Bunny Diet and Treats

The baby bunny diet has food that is also fed to adult bunnies. Adult bunnies tend to eat a lot as they are used to that in the wild, where eating a lot means getting some nutrition. That is also why digestion is so important in bunnies. You will need to monitor what and how much your bunny eats.

Your bunny also cannot see his food, rather can smell it. A bunny also cannot vomit which make a digestion irregularity that much more difficult for the bunny.

Some rare bunny treats can be raisins or dried fruits, unsalted peanuts, dried banana chips and perhaps graham crackers. But this is not food that can be given every day and the bunny needs his share of greens to keep his digestive system intact. Chocolate is a big no no as it can be toxic for bunnies.