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Lowchen Dog Breed, Breeders and Puppies | Height, Weight and Cost of Lowchen

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , — Nick @ 12:09 am

Information on Lowchen Dogs, Puppies and Breeders

The lowchen dog, also at times referred to, as the Little Lion is a small sized dog, whose coat is usually cut in a certain way, so that it resembles a lion. The lowchen dogs originated around 400 years ago, in Europe. It is believed that these dogs are originally from Germany, since the word Lowchen stands for Little Lion in German language. These dogs have always been groomed to resemble lions, and the exposed part of their skin was used by ladies, as a foot warmer. Due to several factors, in the 1960s this breed became almost extinct and was in fact also given the moniker of being the “rarest breed”, by the Guinness Book of world records. These dogs have a life expectancy of around 12 to 14 years and are quite popular as pets nowadays.

The average height of a full grown Lowchen is between 10 and 13 inches, which is around 25 and 33 cm. Their approximate weight could be approximately 9 to 18 pounds, i.e., around 4 to 8 kilos. They have a short head, broad skull and its muzzle is fairly broad. Although their coat is long and wavy, it is not curly. The coat of the Lowchen should be brushed at least once in a day, or else tangles can get formed in it. Fortunately, this breed does not shed a lot, which is why this is a good pet for people who suffer from allergies.

Lowchen dog breed is also ideal for those who live in apartments, even though they are quite active. This is why they need to be taken for a walk each day. Alternately, if they are allowed to play a lot, they can do without their walk. Unfortunately, they can suffer from human induced behavior problem, which is why it is the duty of every responsible pet owner to ensure that lowchen puppies receive the appropriate dog training, right from a young age.

The cost of this dog depends on several factors, such as its age, overall health and the lowchen breeders. There is a lot of information that is easily available on lowchen dogs and puppies through various resources, which could include websites, books, TV shows and articles on pet care. However, all potential pet owners are strongly advised to set up an appointment with a vet, so that they can get as much information as possible, on the health problems that dogs of these breed are prone to. In addition to that pet owners could also consult a professional lowchen breeder, for accurate information on taking care of and training lowchen puppies and dogs.

Koolie Dog Breed | Breeders | Size, Weight and Temperament of Koolie Dog

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 11:49 pm

Information on Koolie Dog, Breeders and Temperament

The Koolie dog has origins in Australia and the Koolie dog breeds have been around for many centuries. Its ancestors are believed to be German Tigers and the blue merle coasted Collie. There are many stories about the genealogy of the Koolie Dog. He dog’s photographs have been found in many old breeders’ journals.

Most Koolie dog breeders refer to this dog as a breed rather than a type. A breeders’ organization decides the standards for Koolie dogs in Australia. Since 2000, Australian breeders are working towards preserving the breed. Today, in New Zealand, there is an attempt to get the Koolie dog recognized from New Zealand as it has been recognized in Australia. Nowadays this dog is getting popular in other countries.

This is a medium sized dog that is athletic and apparently tireless. It looks like a cross between the Australian Collie and the Australian Kelpie. One of the most distinct features of this dog is the color of its eyes. It has either one or both blue eyes. If it has one eye blue, then the other tends to be black or brown. It has a short coat and medium in length. It tends to shed but no more than an average dog. It also needs regular grooming and cleaning. The colors that a Koolie is available in are red, black, merle, blue merle, tri merle, and occasionally there are even patches and markings on the coat. This breed’s average weight is about 44 pounds and can grow to a height of 22 inches. It has a life expectancy of 15 to 18 years. An average litter size is 6 puppies.

The koolie dog has an affable temperament but will not lead a happy life in an apartment. It is a herding dog and is still sought after in Australia for its herding capabilities. If it is kept as a pet, it will generally herd family around. They can herd any animal from ducks to bulls. These dogs are very agile and excel at any kind of sports. These dogs often make it to films and television series. It is not an aggressive breed and gets along well with other pets in the family too.

This dog breed is also prone to health problems. These dogs are susceptible to joint problems and injuries. As the dogs get older, they become prone to muscle and ligament tears due to jumping activities. Some dogs have defective genes that can cause blindness.

Facts About Kerry Beagle Dog Breed and Puppies | Size and Weight

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , — Nick @ 6:27 am

Information About Kerry Beagle Dog

The Kerry Beagle has descended from the Old Southern Hound. It is considered to be one of the Oldest Irish Hounds. The kerry beagle dog was originally used to track the scent of game, following which the bigger dogs were sent to complete the hunt. Kerry beagles are still used for hunting purposes. They usually hunt hares. The breed almost died, but was brought back when the French dog, Braque de l’Ariege was added. It is not known for certain why the term beagle is used in the name of this breed since the Kerry Beagle has never been a small dog like the Beagle. Previously, the Kerry Beagle was much larger, but still held the label of Beagle for many years. Today, the Irish term for this breed is Pocadan, which implies a hunting dog.

The Kerry Beagle dog breed was initially used for the purpose of stag hunting for which great stamina and speed was required. Today these dogs are used mainly for hunting hares. The sport of hare hunting on foot is a popular activity carried out in Ireland. It is an interesting experience to watch the dogs work their way around the mountainsides. Hare are not usually caught in this sport and if a hare seems to be in distress or danger, the hunt is called off. The Kerry beagle participates in drag trials which are held in Ireland. They display considerable independence and speed during the trials. The Kerry Beagle is a medium sized dog with long ears and a broad head. The muzzle is of medium length and deep. This breed is considerably larger in size than a beagle. The coat is short and usually of a black and tan coloration. In some cases, the coat may also be white and tan, black or tan and blue mottled. The dogs weigh about 60 pounds. Their height ranges between 22 to 24 inches. The appearance of this breed gives an indication of the endurance, stamina and speed that these dogs possess. The breed is primarily a pack dog and not considered to be a true breed.

Kerry beagle puppies are pack dogs and hence display strong hunting instincts. But they also make good family pets and get along well with children and other pets in the household. Kerry beagles require a great deal of exercise and need to be walked two to three times every day.

Facts About Alaskan Malamute Dog Breed, Puppies and Breeders | Temperament and Price

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — Nick @ 1:58 am

Alaskan Malamute Dog

Very often mistaken for the Siberian husky, the Alaskan malamute dog is known to be a very quiet and sociable animal. In the world today dogs are one of the most common domesticated pets all over the world and are also very regularly used to perform a number of security tasks because of their keen natural hunting instincts. However, for all their ability to provide a considerable layer of security to a domestic environment, to be able to detect the presence of narcotics or explosives when serving the national guard or even acting as an instrument of vision for the visually impaired, the trait that dogs – regardless of breed – are most well-known for is the fact that they are very loyal and caring animals towards their masters. When treated well a layer of mutual respect develops between man and beast that will see the master be able to tell when the animal isn’t feeling too well and vice versa despite the fact that no words can be exchanged.  The Alaskan malamute is a breed of dog that falls into the ‘large’ category and is an animal that looks rather majestic, albeit a little intimidating for someone that isn’t too comfortable around dogs.

Information on Alaskan Malamute Facts, Puppies and Breeders

Right from being Alaskan malamute puppies, these dogs are extensively trained to grow into their role of sled dogs and mushing. Although, it must be said that recently, more and more Alaskan malamute breeders say that an increasing number of this dog breed are being solely kept on as house dogs. With regards to size, the Alaskan malamute dog is definitely the largest of all arctic dogs and some of its more noticeable features include the plumed tail that is held over its back. Aesthetically majestic, the animal has a wide head that sports erect ears and medium sized almond or dark brown colored eyes. The animal’s feet are surprisingly large, but help it maneuver the terrain more proficiently. Alaskan malamute facts state that a dog with blue eyes is not considered to be standard as per the kennel club authorities. There is a lot of Alaskan malamute information available over sources such as the internet as well as pet books that should be available in your local bookstore, all listing interesting Alaskan malamute facts as well as tidbits that will help you care for the animal better were you to go down to the local pound and perform a Alaskan malamute rescue.

Temperament and Price of Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan malamute temperament sees it being a very docile dog that is extremely family oriented and loyal. However, to ensure that the animal has the right mentality as an adult, the canine instincts need to be met while still Alaskan malamute puppies. Because of their natural habitat, the Alaskan malamute is likely to feel more at home when it is outdoors rather than being locked up in the confines of a tiny apartment. The Alaskan malamute puppy is a very physical dog – meaning that they need to make sure they get a considerable amount of exercise over the course of day in order to make sure that the do not have too much energy to burn when inside the house. It is also important for the Alaskan malamute to be handled by an owner with a strong character as they have rather strong characters themselves and in the event that they start to believe that the owners character is not as strong or stern as it should be to lead, they will assume leadership and getting them to perform most actions when they have this understanding built up in their heads can be very hard to do. Unless trained when still Alaskan malamute puppies, they can be rather hard to train at later stages. If one is considering buying the dog, it is best to check on the alaskan malamute price at various places.

Best Dog Breed | Selecting Right Breed of Dog for You

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: — Nik @ 5:19 am

Best Canine Breed

There are a lot of things to consider when selecting dog breed. You have to first make sure that you are ready to be a dog owner in every aspect of your life. Analyze the time and money you will be able to invest. Dogs can be very expensive; you have to set aside a budget for basic things such as food, cleaning products, toys, visits to the vet and any other emergencies.

You need to consider which breed suits your lifestyle best. There are a lot of books as well as online sites that will give you a lot of information on the best dog breeds. You should also consider visiting the dog show in your area as you will be able to get in touch with the local breeders and get all the information you need about a particular breed. If the breed is not important to you then adopt a dog from the local pound as there are so many homeless and deserted dogs that are put to sleep every year for no reason.

Evaluate your living arrangements. If it’s a smaller space like an apartment, then getting a large dog like a Doberman or a German Shepard is not the right choice. However smaller dogs like Pomeranians, dachshunds or a Jack Russell Terrier are more suitable. The climate also plays an important role, as if it is very hot and humid then dogs such as St Bernards or a Siberian husky will not survive easily, as they are used to a cooler climate. You should write a list of features you want in a dog. If you want a quiet and peaceful environment then a Pomeranian or a Boston terrier is not a good idea. If you are an athletic person and enjoy hiking and jogging then you’d get along well with a Labrador, collie, border terriers and any other active breed.

If you have any medical conditions or suffer from asthma you might want to avoid breeds that have long hair and a thick coat. Dog such as the St. Bernard and Collie shed most of the year. If you have children in the house it is advisable to avoid the more aggressive breed such as Pit bulls, Chowchows and Rottweilers. It is important for you to invest some time to train the dog as well as child to treat one another appropriately. After considering all your options you will be able to choose your dog breed by making a well thought decision and not a hasty impulsive purchase.

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