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Facts About Kerry Beagle Dog Breed and Puppies | Size and Weight

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Information About Kerry Beagle Dog

The Kerry Beagle has descended from the Old Southern Hound. It is considered to be one of the Oldest Irish Hounds. The kerry beagle dog was originally used to track the scent of game, following which the bigger dogs were sent to complete the hunt. Kerry beagles are still used for hunting purposes. They usually hunt hares. The breed almost died, but was brought back when the French dog, Braque de l’Ariege was added. It is not known for certain why the term beagle is used in the name of this breed since the Kerry Beagle has never been a small dog like the Beagle. Previously, the Kerry Beagle was much larger, but still held the label of Beagle for many years. Today, the Irish term for this breed is Pocadan, which implies a hunting dog.

The Kerry Beagle dog breed was initially used for the purpose of stag hunting for which great stamina and speed was required. Today these dogs are used mainly for hunting hares. The sport of hare hunting on foot is a popular activity carried out in Ireland. It is an interesting experience to watch the dogs work their way around the mountainsides. Hare are not usually caught in this sport and if a hare seems to be in distress or danger, the hunt is called off. The Kerry beagle participates in drag trials which are held in Ireland. They display considerable independence and speed during the trials. The Kerry Beagle is a medium sized dog with long ears and a broad head. The muzzle is of medium length and deep. This breed is considerably larger in size than a beagle. The coat is short and usually of a black and tan coloration. In some cases, the coat may also be white and tan, black or tan and blue mottled. The dogs weigh about 60 pounds. Their height ranges between 22 to 24 inches. The appearance of this breed gives an indication of the endurance, stamina and speed that these dogs possess. The breed is primarily a pack dog and not considered to be a true breed.

Kerry beagle puppies are pack dogs and hence display strong hunting instincts. But they also make good family pets and get along well with children and other pets in the household. Kerry beagles require a great deal of exercise and need to be walked two to three times every day.