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Komondor Dog Breed, Puppies and Breeders | Temperament | Grooming of Komondor

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 5:45 am

Information on Komondor Dog, Puppies and Breeders

The Komondor is a Hungarian long-haired dog whose appearance makes it a very unique dog. It is also occasionally known as the mop dogs.

It is a very old breed and has been declared by the Hungarian government as a national treasure so that it is not genetically modified. Its first mention was in the mid 16th century. The origin of the Komondor is not without argument but it is generally believed that Cumans brought the Komondor to Hungary. Cumans were nomads who were settled in Hungary in the 12th and 13th century. It is also believed that there is a genetic link between the white Russian livestock dogs – the south Russian Ovcharka.

The Komondor can be over 30 inches tall, with a thick beautifully corded coat. Its coat is very distinct and it makes the dog with the longest coat in the canine world. Komondor puppies tend to have soft coats and these cords form as the puppies mature. They have strong, short backs and muscular legs. The length of this breed is more than its height, giving the appearance of a rectangle from certain angles. The average height of the female Kommondor is about 27 inches and it can weigh between 88 and 110 pounds. The average height for a male Komondor is 32 inches and it can weigh 110 to 132 pounds.

Its biggest distinguishing factor is its dreadlock-like coat. Its coat is excellent protection for extreme dry and cold weather, for attacks of other wild animals and from vegetation, making it the perfect dog for shepherding livestock. It is a very strong dog that has traditionally guarded livestock.  This coat also makes it look like a sheep which allows it blend into the herd well.

It has the temperament of a livestock guarding dog but can be calm with children. It constantly patrols through the night while also keep a guarded eye in the day. Due to its size, dog obedience training becomes mandatory from an early age. You should start training Komondor puppies from month four onwards.  The Komondor could cause harm even if it doesn’t intend to.

Grooming in Komondor dogs is a very important aspect of dog care. The Komondor’s coat needs special care as while protecting animals it could get bitten. If you give your Komondor a bath, its coat will take two and half days to dry. Their coats also attract a lot of parasites and needs constant attention.

Harrier Dog Breed | Facts | Cost and Shedding of Harrier Dog

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , — Nick @ 5:25 am

Information on Harrier Dog Facts, Shedding and Price

The Harrier dog is truly one of the few medium-sized dogs today. The Harrier dog breed is similar to that of the foxhound. It was bred primarily to hunt hares. In America the Harrier dog is classified as a hunters’ dog. The name Harrier comes from an old Norman word harier which means hound, as this dog typically chases hares.

There are different stories about the origin of the Harrier dog breed. One says it is a mixed breed between Bloodhounds, Talbot hounds and Basset Hound. Another story says it is a mix between English Foxhound, Fox Terrier and Greyhound. Sir Elias de Midhope was the first person to introduce this breed in 1260. This was introduced as a hunting dog. But it still has to get recognition. Today the dog is in between the Beagle and the Foxhound.

Let’s look at some Harrier dog facts. These dogs grow to about 21 inches in height and could weigh up to pounds. It has a big head with a square shaped muzzle. Their coat is a short hair coat and comes in different colors and is usually tri-colored, yellow and white, white and tan or red and white. The Harrier dog is not known for shedding. It even has hanging ears that give it a cure appearance. This dog has large bones and tremendous stamina.

It is a pack dog that is cheerful and very tolerant of children. If you have other pets, you should train your Harrier dog otherwise they can be very intolerant of other pets if not trained. These dogs also have a tendency to wander off and go sniffing so it helps if you have an enclosure. It helps if you keep in mind what the original purpose of the dog was and ensure it gets activities that are close to that purpose.

This breed needs regular exercise and long walks are good. The Harrier dogs make good companions for daily jogs. Without exercise and activity these dogs become hyperactive and obese. These dogs tend to live for 12 to 15 years and have a tendency towards developing hip dysplasia and epilepsy. They tend to develop malformations of the jaw and excessive knuckling on the forelegs. This can cause the dog to collapse without a warning.

Even though the Harrier dogs are rare in America, they do not cost as much. Harrier dog puppies can be bought for a price of $300 to $400.

Eurasier Dog Info | Names | Size and Temperament of Eurasier

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 4:44 am

Information on Eurasier Dog

The Eurasier originated in Germany and is a breed of Spitz.  It was created to incorporate the various favorable traits of different breeds. This dog was earlier called Wolf Chow as it was a combination of Chow Chow, Wolfspitz and Samoyed but was later named Eurasier.  The Eurasier dog is also known by the name Eurasian. Sometimes a mix of Keeshond and Chow Chow is also called a Eurasier but this mix is not a Eurasier.

The Eurasier is a medium-sized dog and can be of different colors like fawn, red, black, tan and gray. These dogs have a thick undercoat with loosely lying hair on the outer coat and a short coat on the muzzle. The breed can also have some spots in different colors but some colors are not permitted on dogs that want to compete in professional events. The males of the breed grow to a height of 23 odd inches while the female grows to about 22 inches. The males at the full growth can weigh up to 70 pounds while the female Eurasier can weigh up to 57 pounds. This dog breed can have a life expectancy of about 11 to 13 years. These dogs need regular grooming and brushing and they shed at least twice in a year.

The Eurasier has a great temperament and is known to be great to train as a family pet. Eurasier dog info is easy to collect. They are not very fond of harsh training and respond well to gentle reprimands. It is possible to communicate very efficiently with your dog. It is known for its mild temperament and yet, a reserve towards strangers. Like most even tempered dogs, they need to constantly be around their families. If they mix well with the family, they can play along with dogs with good pack leader skills. They are not dogs you can relegate to yard dog houses. Being kept away from their family would depress them and make them pine for you. They have qualities off Chow Chow, Wolfspitz and Samoyed and all together this makes the Eurasier a quiet and dignified dog. They enjoy most activities that their family enjoys.

This breed, like most inbred dog breeds, is prone to hereditary diseases. There dogs are even prone to hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism and luxating patella. This breed is even susceptible to eyelid and eyelash disorders like entropion, ectropion and distichiae.

Cesky Terrier Dogs and Puppies | Breeders | Grooming of Cesky Terrier

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , — Nick @ 2:26 am

Information on Cesky Terrier Dog Breeders, Puppies, Characteristics and Grooming

The cesky terrier dog is a moderately long and short legged dog  that is also known as the bohemian terrier.

Most cesky terrier breeders are known to charge a premium price for purebred cesky terrier puppies as this breed of dogs is known to be one of the six rarest dog breeds all over the world. The cesky terrier dog breed is known to a good, hunting, tracking, guard and even a watch dog which has a very balanced personality and is always very pleasant and non aggressive. The cesky terrier dog is also known to get along very well with people of all ages and also adjust well with other pets in the house. In its appearance the cesky terrier dog is comes across as a small and sturdy dog which has a rectangular body shape and  has short legs, a long coat and drop ears. The cesky terrier puppies are characterised by its huge moustache and eyebrows as well as their bushy beard. The cesky terrier dog coat can be of various shades of grey, white, blue, yellow and so on with some amount of white or coffee colored markings as well. With regards to its temperament, the cesky terrier is known to be a pleasant and cheerful companion to have around the house. This dog breed is also extremely playful and sporty and is very easy to train as it is extremely anxious to please its owners.

This dog breed is known to be very brave and loyal and makes a very good friend to children as well.  In fact although this dog is small it is also known to make an excellent jogging companion. However, otherwise since this dog is relatively active indoors it does not require a lot of exercise and can easily adjust to apartment life.  As part of the cesky terrier dog grooming, the owners should bear in mind that the cesky terrier dog breed requires to be groomed regularly ensuring that the hair on the legs and the stomach of the dog are left long . Similarly this breed of dogs should also be brushed at least twice a week so as to prevent and tangles. Additionally while grooming the cesky terrier one should also always use electric clippers as compared to stripping and also make sure that the hair around the face of the cesky terrier should be left long. This hair will then form the beard, moustache and the eyebrows.

Boerboel Dog Breed, Information and Puppies | Names | Nature of Boerboel Dog

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 1:38 am

Information on Boerboel Dogs and Puppies

The most common characteristic that will reflect in any Boerboel dog breed info is that the Boerboel dog breed is a very intelligent dog. Dogs of this breed are also generally very strong and are known for their fearless nature and intelligence. Boerboel dog information also states that this breed of dogs is known to be very gentle, playful and affectionate with its family besides being an excellent guard dog as well. Boerboel puppies since a very young age itself develop a very strong sense or territoriality which makes it almost impossible for any stranger to surpass them. Hence as part of training Boerboel puppies one should always ensure that they are socialised with family members and neighbours as early as possible. The cost of the Boerboel puppy today is quite high as compared to other breeds of dogs as this breed is now considered to be one of the rarest dog breeds.

As per Boerboel dog breed information, the Boerboel is found to be dog breed that has a muscular and robust appearance. This breed is known to be heavily built and also have a strong head and a powerful neck that is proportionate to its body. The square look of the muzzle of the Boerboel dog breed is because of the short but string jaws and muzzle as well as the well filled out cheeks. The coat of the Boerboel dog is known to be either fawn red, brown, black with some white markings that may be found on its chest.  A pure bred Boerboel puppy will have a docked up, short tail which has well pigmented and thick skin. As far as its personality is concerned , Boerboel puppies are known to obedient, reliable and overall fearless, The dog is observed to have a sixth sense of sorts when it comes to sensing that its family is in danger.

The Boerboel dog breed is known to be aggressive and protective towards its family but at the same time can also be very loving and gentle. However, although the Boerboel dog breed is known to be good around children it would be advisable to avoid leaving the dog alone or unattended with small children. The Boerboel dog information also states that this breed of dogs is not suited to be kept as an apartment pet because it requires plenty of exercise being a hunting dog. Nowadays many owners who have just got a Boerboel puppy can also access Boerboel dog names that are commonly used on the internet if they need to.

Berger Picard Dog and Breeders | Size and Personality | Cost of Berger Picard

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , — Nick @ 1:22 am

Information on Berger Picard Dog, Personality and Breeders

The Berger Picard can be described as one of the oldest breeds of French dogs, which belong to the herding groups. Pet experts are not quite sure about the history of the Berger Picard; some believe that these dogs are related to the Beauceron and the Braird, while others claim that these dogs share a common origin with the Belgian and Dutch Shepherds. Also known as Picardy Shepherds, these dogs were on the verge of extinction after both the world wars and therefore, they continue to remain a rare breed in this day and age. Studies reveal that at the moment, there are only around 200 Berger Picard dogs in all of the United States and Canada. However, in France, around 3,500 dogs of this dog breed can be found.

The Berger Picard is a medium sized dog, which has a body that is tall and quite long. They can weigh anywhere between 50 and 70 pounds, or between 23 and 32 kilos. They usually stand at a height of around 21 to 26 inches. Their coat is generally rough to the touch and is fairly long. However, since the hair is neither light, nor fluffy, it does not fly around, even in the air. Although the eyebrows in the Berger Picard dogs are big, they do not shield the eyes. Their ears are high-set, wide at the base and are erect.

Some of the personality traits observed in the Berger Picard dogs are that they are sensitive, lively, intelligent and respond to obedience training quite quickly. They are quite mellow and can even be a bit laid back in their attitude. They are alert, hardworking, loyal and sweet-tempered, especially when they are interacting with children. However, they can be a bit stubborn and are also a bit reserved when it comes to strangers. They get quite attached to their owners and their families, because of which they require constant human companionship. These dogs should not be left alone; instead they can be allowed to interact with other animals. Dogs that belong to the Berger Picard breed are also known to perform most jobs eagerly and with a lot of enthusiasm, as long as they are encouraged to do it and get praised at the end of it. However, it is important for all pet owners to ensure that the Berger picard puppies receive the right training right from the beginning. Berger picard breeders often advise potential pet owners to ensure that the dogs receive an adequate amount of physical exercise each day. This is very important for them to release some of their abundant energy, failing which, they may also engage in rowdy play and destructive behavior.

Berger picard price is dependant on several factors and therefore, it may vary. However, the average Berger picard cost could be anywhere between US $ 1,000 and US $ 2,500.

Dog Stomach Cancer - Causes, Signs and Symptoms | Tumor and Lump

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 12:57 am

Dog stomach cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancers seen in dogs. Dog stomach cancer accounts for only 1% of all kinds of cancers found in the species. This cancer is usually found in older dogs. It has also been found in studies that male dogs are more susceptible to dog stomach cancer than females. There are many different cancers that are found in dogs. The most common kind of cancer in the stomach is adenocarcinoma. This often metastasizes to the other organs of the digestive system. Dogs suffering from adenocarcinomas in the stomach are often seen to develop tumors in the lungs, liver, and the lymph nodes as well. Since this is a cancer that is primarily found in the glands of the animal, it is common to find it in other glands of the body as well.

Dog Stomach Cancer Tumor

A dog stomach cancer tumor is usually a mast cell tumor. Mast cell tumors are extremely common in the dogs. Mast cells are a part of dog’s immune system. These cells come into play when there is inflammation or allergy in the dog’s body. The tumors, since they consist of mast cells, secrete a lot of heparin and histamines among other biochemical fluids. When these chemicals are produced in excess, it can damage the body. A leiomyosarcoma is another kind of dog stomach cancer. These cancers form in the cells of the outer walls of the organs. The GI tract is most commonly affected by these tumors.

Dog Stomach Cancer Causes, Signs and Symptoms

Dog stomach cancer causes include adulterated foods, unhealthy lifestyle, hereditary conditions, and other illnesses that have been associated with cancers. Dog stomach cancer symptoms are usually dependent on the kind of cancer that the dog experiences. These cancers cause a lot of damage to the dog. A dog stomach cancer lump is usually the most common of all symptoms and can be felt by the veterinarian when giving the dog a complete physical examination. Other signs include weight loss, low activity, and listlessness in the dog.

If you begin to see the initial dog stomach cancer signs like blood in stools or vomit, discomfort, swollen nodes or lumps in the abdomen, take your dog to the vet immediately. The vet will give a complete blood work to the dog and perform some additional tests in an attempt to ascertain whether or not the dog does suffer from cancer. There are some breeds that are genetically predisposed to dog stomach cancer. These are mastiffs, boxer, bulldogs, St. Bernards, and Scottish terrier.

Dog Bone Recipes | Healthy Dog Treats | Peanut Butter Dog Bone Recipes

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , , , — Nick @ 2:01 am

When you have a dog at home, you know how much your dog enjoys the occasional treat. Dog bone recipes can be used to make some wonderful dog treats for your special pet. These crunchy treats are just right when you want to give encouragement to your dog or show your appreciation. There are many different dog bone recipes that you can find to make these treats at home. If you are not too keen on making these treats at home, you can buy the treats commercially as well. The biggest advantage that homemade dog treats have over commercially available dog bone treats is that they are fresh and use high quality ingredients. You never really know what the commercially made dog treats would offer you in terms of quality.

Dog treats not only are a great way to appreciate your dog, but they can also give some much needed nutrition to your favorite pet. Some of these crunchy treats also help your dog keep good dental hygiene and maintain good health. If you use organic ingredients for your dog bone recipes, you can be sure that the treats will be of high quality, nutritious and tasty. You can then say goodbye to second rate commercial ingredients and low quality foods.

Peanut Butter Dog Bone Recipes

The easy dog bone recipes are simple to make. They can be made quickly and are very convenient to store as well. When you begin giving these treats to your dog, they should not make up for more than 10% of the dog’s diet. If your dog is allergic to wheat gluten or any other kind of substances, you may avoid using peanut butter dog bone recipes or other recipes that use wheat and other starches. There are a lot of gluten free recipes available for dogs with special needs.

Healthy and Simple Dog Bone Recipes

You can also get your dog to consume some healthy dog bone recipes that are sugarless or fat free, according to your dog’s health conditions. For diabetic dogs and overweight dogs, these kinds of treats are ideal. Do not think that these recipes will take up a lot of your time. Since these simple dog bone recipes do not use very exotic ingredients and are easy to prepare, you can have a great tasting treat ready in no time.

You can make large batches of these dog bone treats and store them so that your dog has access to them whenever it wants.

Norwegian Lundehund Dog, Puppies and Breeders | Height and Weight of Lundehund Dog

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , , — Nick @ 12:26 am

Information on Norwegian Lundehund Dog, Puppies and Breeders

Norwegian lundehund dog, more commonly referred to as the Lundehund can be described as a rectangular Spitz dog, which is small in size and is comparative light. It is said that the Norwegian lundehund is among one of the rarest breed of dogs in the world. Like its name suggests, it originated in Norway. People used these dogs mainly to hunt puffins from the nests, placed on steep cliffs. However, as the hunting of puffins became illegal in the 1800s, farmers no longer had a need for these dogs, which is probably why their numbers diminished. The Norwegian lundehund dog was only recognized as a distinct species of dog, in 1943. The American Kennel Club first recognized the Norwegian lundehund dog in July 2008.

The average height of the adult lundehund dog is around 12 to 15.5 inches, which is around 31 to 39 cm. They usually weigh around 13 to 20 pounds, which is around 6 to 9 kilos. These dogs also possess certain qualities that are not seen in other dog breeds. For starters, the lundehund has six toes on each of its feet, which includes two dewclaws. Moreover, their shoulder joints are a lot more flexible, as compared to most other breeds. Their ears to, have much higher mobility, as compared to other average dogs. They have a small head, which is wedge shaped and their legs are very strong.

Nature wise, the Norwegian lundehund dog is very friendly and loves most people, especially their owners. Since they are not aggressive, they can actually be cuddled for hours. They enjoying playing with their families are can play for an extended period of time. However, when dealing with young Norwegian lundehund puppies, it is important for pet owners to ensure that they receive consistent crate training. In addition to that, these dogs can be very good with children, if they receive the right amount of training.

The cost of these dogs depends on their age, overall health condition, as well as the reputation of the Norwegian lundehund breeders. It is best for all potential pet owners to either speak to a vet, or to the lundehund breeders for additional information on the care sheet and training of Norwegian lundehund puppies and dogs. Since Norwegian lundehund dog breed is quite prone to several health problems, like Leaky Gut Syndrome and Lymphagetasia, this is very important, before anyone takes the decision to take on lundehund puppies.

Lowchen Dog Breed, Breeders and Puppies | Height, Weight and Cost of Lowchen

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , — Nick @ 12:09 am

Information on Lowchen Dogs, Puppies and Breeders

The lowchen dog, also at times referred to, as the Little Lion is a small sized dog, whose coat is usually cut in a certain way, so that it resembles a lion. The lowchen dogs originated around 400 years ago, in Europe. It is believed that these dogs are originally from Germany, since the word Lowchen stands for Little Lion in German language. These dogs have always been groomed to resemble lions, and the exposed part of their skin was used by ladies, as a foot warmer. Due to several factors, in the 1960s this breed became almost extinct and was in fact also given the moniker of being the “rarest breed”, by the Guinness Book of world records. These dogs have a life expectancy of around 12 to 14 years and are quite popular as pets nowadays.

The average height of a full grown Lowchen is between 10 and 13 inches, which is around 25 and 33 cm. Their approximate weight could be approximately 9 to 18 pounds, i.e., around 4 to 8 kilos. They have a short head, broad skull and its muzzle is fairly broad. Although their coat is long and wavy, it is not curly. The coat of the Lowchen should be brushed at least once in a day, or else tangles can get formed in it. Fortunately, this breed does not shed a lot, which is why this is a good pet for people who suffer from allergies.

Lowchen dog breed is also ideal for those who live in apartments, even though they are quite active. This is why they need to be taken for a walk each day. Alternately, if they are allowed to play a lot, they can do without their walk. Unfortunately, they can suffer from human induced behavior problem, which is why it is the duty of every responsible pet owner to ensure that lowchen puppies receive the appropriate dog training, right from a young age.

The cost of this dog depends on several factors, such as its age, overall health and the lowchen breeders. There is a lot of information that is easily available on lowchen dogs and puppies through various resources, which could include websites, books, TV shows and articles on pet care. However, all potential pet owners are strongly advised to set up an appointment with a vet, so that they can get as much information as possible, on the health problems that dogs of these breed are prone to. In addition to that pet owners could also consult a professional lowchen breeder, for accurate information on taking care of and training lowchen puppies and dogs.

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