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Norwegian Lundehund Dog, Puppies and Breeders | Height and Weight of Lundehund Dog

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , , — Nick @ 12:26 am

Information on Norwegian Lundehund Dog, Puppies and Breeders

Norwegian lundehund dog, more commonly referred to as the Lundehund can be described as a rectangular Spitz dog, which is small in size and is comparative light. It is said that the Norwegian lundehund is among one of the rarest breed of dogs in the world. Like its name suggests, it originated in Norway. People used these dogs mainly to hunt puffins from the nests, placed on steep cliffs. However, as the hunting of puffins became illegal in the 1800s, farmers no longer had a need for these dogs, which is probably why their numbers diminished. The Norwegian lundehund dog was only recognized as a distinct species of dog, in 1943. The American Kennel Club first recognized the Norwegian lundehund dog in July 2008.

The average height of the adult lundehund dog is around 12 to 15.5 inches, which is around 31 to 39 cm. They usually weigh around 13 to 20 pounds, which is around 6 to 9 kilos. These dogs also possess certain qualities that are not seen in other dog breeds. For starters, the lundehund has six toes on each of its feet, which includes two dewclaws. Moreover, their shoulder joints are a lot more flexible, as compared to most other breeds. Their ears to, have much higher mobility, as compared to other average dogs. They have a small head, which is wedge shaped and their legs are very strong.

Nature wise, the Norwegian lundehund dog is very friendly and loves most people, especially their owners. Since they are not aggressive, they can actually be cuddled for hours. They enjoying playing with their families are can play for an extended period of time. However, when dealing with young Norwegian lundehund puppies, it is important for pet owners to ensure that they receive consistent crate training. In addition to that, these dogs can be very good with children, if they receive the right amount of training.

The cost of these dogs depends on their age, overall health condition, as well as the reputation of the Norwegian lundehund breeders. It is best for all potential pet owners to either speak to a vet, or to the lundehund breeders for additional information on the care sheet and training of Norwegian lundehund puppies and dogs. Since Norwegian lundehund dog breed is quite prone to several health problems, like Leaky Gut Syndrome and Lymphagetasia, this is very important, before anyone takes the decision to take on lundehund puppies.