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Dog Nausea Home Remedies | Dog Nausea Causes, Medicines

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: — Nik @ 1:54 am

Dog Nausea Home Remedies

Dogs are known to suffer from nausea and vomiting as they tend to explore the world around them mostly with their mouths and noses. In fact what may smell awful to us may actually smell very delicious to them.  There are some of the typical things that a dog may eat and vomit back up namely old clothes, garbage, feces and dirty water. Dog nausea causes may not only be because of it eating stuff that it shouldn’t but also may be an indication of an underlying medical problem. Dog nausea symptoms are typically observed in the form of the dog salivating at the mouth and of the dog actually vomits and that to frequently he may suffer from dehydration and there may also be an eventual reduction in the weight of the dog.  Dog nausea treatment is not required as such if the dog has a one off episode of vomiting however chronic vomiting may require immediate medical attention  as  the dog could be suffering from a serious medical illness that needs to be addressed immediately. Before deciding on a particular treatment for dog nausea, the owner should observe the dog after it has vomited to check if there is any change in the dog’s behavior, whether it seems to be acting depressed or is refusing to eat or drink water. If the dog starts behaving normally after vomiting a couple of times then the owner should stop feeding it for 24 hours at least after the vomiting so that the stomach is allowed to cleanse itself. This is an extremely effective dog nausea home remedy.

However the owner should never withhold water from the dog, as dehydration post vomiting is known to cause serious complications and the dog should be encouraged to drink water. Another dog nausea natural home remedy which can be used to ease the nervous system and the digestive system of the dog especially while traveling is to feed the dog a combination of mint and ginger which supports the digestive system and also helps provide same balance. Raw garlic should also be incorporated into the dog’s diet to keep its digestive system free from parasites, which may result in nausea and vomiting. The dog may also be given some peppermint to soothe its stomach either in the form of the leaves of the peppermint plant which can be eaten raw or one may also prepare some peppermint tea and feed it to the dog to treat nausea and vomiting at home. You need to exercise a great deal of caution however, and preferably consult a vet before administering any of these threatens as most herbs tend to be toxic for dogs, particular in significant dosages.

Dog Panting, Shaking, Shivering Excessively | My Dog Pants And Shakes

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:49 am

Dog Panting And Shaking

Most dogs are known to shiver or shake when they are feeling cold or they have gotten wet. However certain small breeds of dogs tend to tremble or shake for no real reason. Some of the common causes of dog shaking or shivering are if the weather is cold, if the dog has a fever, outer ear infection, ear mites, food allergies, loss of balance, or is scared, among other possible causes. Dog panting is a normal and natural process in dogs, as dogs use this technique to cool their bodies down as they are not able to sweat like humans. Hence, as dogs run around and expend their energy they will tend to pant which is considered normal. In some cases panting may also be observed in dogs as a reaction to excessive heat, which will cause the dog to pant more during the summer than at other times.

Certain dog breeds such as the pug and the bulldog are also prone to excessive panting on account of their physical structure, whereas breeds like Golden retrievers will pant excessively because of the thick layer of hair they have on their bodies, which causes their bodies to heat up. The dog may also pant when it is thirsty which again is normal. However, dog owners should be concerned if the dog is sitting idle or not moving around, but you still find the dog panting heavily as this may be a result of an underlying problem such as fatigue, lack of cooling, a lack of oxygen being absorbed into the system, and so on. If excessive dog panting is on account of a fever, the first thing the dog owner should do is to give the dog a bath with some cool water or at least sponge the dog with some cool water. However, the water should not be too cold. Excessive dog panting and shaking may also be a sign or serious medical issues such as the dog being unable to breathe on account of a cold, heart disease, and so on. In such cases, excessive panting may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as drooping eyes, drop in energy levels and the dog’s inability to perform routine tasks which require some amount of physical effort. When any of these symptoms are observed it is necessary to visit the vet for an accurate diagnosis and corresponding treatment for the dog. Sometimes a dog will pant excessively on account of an upper respiratory tract complication, which may result in the nasal passages of the dog getting blocked.

Dog Paw Licking, Chewing Causes | Why Dog Licks, Chews Paw

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:44 am

Dog Paw Licking

Dogs often lick, chew, and bite their paws if they suffer from injuries like sprains, strains or an injured foot pad. Anxious dogs, especially ones who have experienced separation anxiety, may chew their paws or ankle area. These dogs may chew or lick their paws when left alone or when exposed to a stressful situation such as a thunderstorm. Every dog has different fears or stress triggers however. Treating the dog’s anxiety with behavioral therapy or medication may stop it from licking and chewing its paws.

Dog paw licking and chewing may occur for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons are:

  • The dog has some allergy and its paws are itchy. The allergy may be due to food, change in weather, or a new carpet.
  • The dog may have dermatitis.
  • The dog might have cut or scraped its paw pads.
  • If dogs are under stress they may show symptoms like panting, salivating, diarrhea, excessive scratching, or licking of the paws.
  • A broken nail may also cause dog paw licking.
  • If the dog is bored of staying alone, it might chew its paws out of boredom.

If you do not notice any physical injury, then you can consult your vet for an accurate diagnosis. If your dog is stressed, think of the reasons for this stress, as this is the most common cause of problematic dog paw licking and chewing. Changes in the dog’s routine or environment can put it under stress. If you think your dog is feeling lonely you should take it out at least two to three times a day. A dog is a social animal and doesn’t like to be at home all the time.  It is important to rule out any medical reason for such behavior. If medical reasons are ruled out, the problem can be approached as a behavioral one. In some rare cases, foot licking starts due to some medical reason and then becomes habit or compulsive behavior.

If the feet are swollen, flaky, or crusty it may indicate inflammation or infection, due to bacterial, fungal, or parasitic sources, to be behind the dog paw licking and chewing. In some cases of dog paw licking, allergies could be the causative agent. If there is no noticeable injury or inflammation, it could be due to inhalant allergies which can cause dog arthritis, itching, and pain in the area without any visible infection on the foot. If you notice any lumps or bumps between the toes or footpads, they may be cysts or small abscesses that can occur and cause discomfort. Consult a vet when necessary. Once you know that there is no physical injury, you may have to change your dog’s lifestyle and make necessary adjustments. If you leave the problem unattended, it may worsen instead of resolving naturally.

Living with a Blind Dog | How To Live With A Blind Dog

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: — Nik @ 1:35 am

Living with a Blind Dog

Training is an essential part of living with a blind dog as it also helps alleviate fear, dependency and depression. In fact with proper training living with a blind dog will become much safer and easier enabling the blind dog to participate better in everyday activities with its owner. For those who have a blind dog as a family pet, they should remember not to move furniture around or leave any obstacles on the floor as the dog trains itself to know the positions of various materials and furniture in the house and any movement or rearrangement of the same will confuse the dog causing it to walk into things and even injure itself. While conducting blind dog training one should remember to emphasize on the other senses of the dog such as smell, hearing, touch and taste as blind dogs are known to feel vibrations caused by the movement of a person. In some cases, when living with a blind dog, meeting new people may be a fearful experience that may even result in biting if not addressed with correct blind dog training. In such cases one should allow the dog to smell the hand of the person before allowing that person to touch the dog so that they are conformable and the dog does not bite out of fear.

One can help a dog identify different rooms or different areas in the house by probably placing different scented candles in different rooms of the house or even hang an air freshener or a pot pourri sachet at the door enabling the dog to distinguish one fragrance from the other and hence correctly judging which part of the house it is in. While living with a blind dog, owners should try and keep landmarks in the house pertaining to some daily objects such as the dog’s water or food bowl or even the place where the dog’s toys have been kept. The owner should help the blind dog to feel connected via daily interactions with them through short verbal cues. The owners voice will not only guide the dog but will also reassure it. One should remember to always return objects to their original place or position because if a blind dog accidentally bumps into them, as it may disorient the dog and also lead to fearfulness or anxiety in the dog. Sometimes the dog may get distressed as it is not able to locate its owner; to prevent this owner should always wear a familiar scent

Why Dogs Pant When Not Hot | Dog Pants Heavily At Night

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:31 am

Why Dogs Pant When Not Hot

Many a time owners are concerned as to why dogs pant excessively and whether there is any cause for concern. Dogs pant when not hot to cool down as they can not sweat and in most cases this should explain why dogs pant excessively. Panting tends to lower the body temperature of the dog and the salivary glands further help the cooling process. It isn’t uncommon to observe excessive dog panting if the dog has been involved in any strenuous physical activity such as going for a long walk, running around, playing, or if it has been outside in the hot weather. In such cases the dog will have as rapid and shallow breathing with its mouth open which is considered to be normal. Dogs may also pant as a reaction to an environmental change or even as an emotional response on account of feelings of anxiety, fear, excitement, and so on. However, excessive dog panting may be indicative of a life threatening underlying medical condition which could require a swift diagnosis and appropriate treatment. One of the commonly observed reasons for a dog to pant heavily may be on account of respiratory problems; this could include both upper and lower respiratory tract problems. Upper respiratory tract problems involve blockages in the nasal passages of the dog, the development of growths in the back of the throat or the nose of the dog or even a collapsed trachea, which may cause excessive dog panting.

Dog panting heavily on account of a lower respiratory problem may be because of excessive gas in the chest cavity or accumulation of fluid in the lungs or even development of masses in the chest cavity. In some cases the dog may pant excessively on account of certain blood disorders such as anemia or even carbon monoxide poisoning. Similarly heartworm or heart disease, blood clots and other such cardiovascular problems may also result in excessive dog panting. Dog panting heavily is also observed in dogs because of neurological problems, which are basically diseases affecting the nervous system that tend to adversely affect the respiratory system. The nervous system of the dog may get damaged by head trauma, brain tumors or even abnormalities in the muscles of the respiratory system. Some other health complications that may cause abnormally excessive panting in dogs are illnesses caused by heat, drug poisoning, and pregnancy, among others. In all the above cases, it is necessary to seek veterinary guidance to determine the root cause of the excessive dog panting so that the appropriate treatment can be administered at the earliest.

Stop Dog Eating Cat Food | Keep Dog Away From Cat Food

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:25 am

Stop Dog Eating Cat Food

Many pet owners have this common complaint and struggle to stop their dog eating cat food. This is because cat food is richer in protein and has a stronger smell hence this makes it irresistible for the dog, making it near impossible for owners to stop a dog eating cat food. There are many ways to stop your dog from eating cat food.

  • The first thing you could do to stop a dog from eating cat food is to yell a basic command like “No” or “bad dog” the minute you catch your dog in the act. Along with this command you could also have a water spray bottle ready to squirt the dog in order to stop him. But ensure that you do this immediately as waiting for too long will only confuse the dog as he wouldn’t remember the crime he had committed.
  • Another command you could use to stop your dog from eating cat food is “leave it” So the minute your dog tries to get to the cats food you shout ”Leave it” and give it a little correction in order to get its attention. When the dog turns to look at you, you should praise it and give it its favorite toy or any kind of special treat only once it leaves the cats’ food. The main idea behind doing this is to teach the dog that it will be corrected if it goes near the cats food and given treats if it doesn’t.
  • You could place the cats food in a spot that is easy for the cat to get to but difficult for the dog. If the cat can jump high then place the food on a high table or shelve so that the cat can reach it but not the dog.
  • You could also try to feed both your pets at the same time in order to avoid this problem. However most cats rarely eat a lot of food at one time in stead they spread out their food into a lot of tiny meals. You could also build a little baby fence around the area where you place the cats food in order to keep dog from eating cat food.
  • Remember that you should never physically abuse your dog in anyway. Even a little tap on the butt or the nose should be used as the last resort. By hitting your dog too often it will only end up making the dog unhappy and confused. This ultimately leads to a more disobedient dog than before.

Horse Pregnancy Stages, Length | Horse Pregnancy Timeline, Calendar

Filed under: Horse Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:20 am

Horse Pregnancy Stages

Horse breeding is not only a huge business; it also requires a certain amount of understanding and study of the animals that are involved. Horse breeding is a specialized business in an attempt to merge the best qualities of two individual animals into a single newborn creature. The bloodline from which a race horse is born plays a huge role in the amount of ability is has. Race horses, for example, are specifically bred to help stud the next generation of speed horses. Having been fathered by a champion horse is more likely to have a foal carry on the tradition. Given the size of the animals, one should surely not expect the horse pregnancy stages to be as short or pass as swiftly as in the case of other pets like cats and dogs. The horse pregnancy stages are a little more drawn out and cover an 11 month gestation period that makes sure the foal is born rather strong and agile. The mares body size and shape is unlikely to vary significantly during the first two thirds of the pregnancy.

Having mentioned the horse pregnancy length to be about 11 months, it helps to know that, unlike most other animals that are likely to birth their children roughly round the expected date, the gestation period in mares should be taken merely as a guideline for an approximate date. It is common for the mare to give birth to the foal a whole month before it is due. Because of the fact that the animal’s body is unlikely to change much during the first two thirds of the pregnancy, visibly identifying the pregnancy is likely to be harder than initially anticipated. Since a mare retains the hormones from the estral cycle for a period of weeks, a urine test is largely unreliable for the first two months of the pregnancy. As a result, most veterinarians are likely to resort to urine or blood tests taken around the 60 or 100 day mark and ultrasound a little later to confirm the pregnancy. Around the 30th week of gestation, the foal embryo is likely to be about 1 inch long with tiny bumps that are going to develop into legs. From between the 100 and 250th day of the horse pregnancy calendar, the mare enters the middle of the horse pregnancy stages and the foal will roughly weigh about 2 pounds with the extremities having been fully formed.

Horse Care Equipment | Horse Care Supplies, Tools and Products

Filed under: Horse Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:16 am

Horse Care Equipment

Owning a horse can be a rewarding experience. However, many individuals are of the opinion that owning a horse is easy. Of course, there are some owners who are experienced in the field of horse care. But there are also some who are only aware of the basics of caring for a horse. Good horse care involves healthy food and safe shelter. Caring for a horse can be quite a task because of the high maintenance costs in terms of horse care equipment and supplies, and also the amount of time and effort required.  The list of horse care equipment and supplies may seem endless, but horses do require these to stay healthy and comfortable.
It is easy to get confused considering the variety of tack equipment supplies available today. One of the most important items is saddle blankets. These help to keep the horse warm and also offer protection from insects. This promotes good horse health and cleanliness. Horse blankets also promote better circulation of blood in horses. When you are selecting horse blankets, ensure that you opt for those that are water proof and durable. They must be made from high quality materials. An important fact about horses is that they can tolerate even the coldest of temperatures. Hence it is advisable to take into consideration the blanket weight and climatic conditions before you decide to buy it. You will also require horse grooming equipment such as hoof picks, curry combs and body brushes. A hoof pick helps to clean debris from the underside of the horse’s hoof. Using a hoof pick should be a part of daily grooming. You can also carry one with you whenever you are exercising the horse so that any stones or objects can be removed from the horse’s hoof. A curry comb can be used to get rid of mud and remove tangles from the horse’s body.  A mane comb is another important piece of horse care equipment and supplies. For bathing the horse, you may require a sweat scraper and a sponge. A sweat scraper was originally used to remove sweat from horses, but it can also be used to get rid of the excess water from the horse’s coat after a bath.

Safety is also an essential aspect of horse care. There should be good horse fences that can keep out predators from the stable. Fences can be wire mesh, rail horse or electric. You can approach a horse professional to put up these fences in your ranch. Tack trunks are helpful in organizing all your tools. Every stable should have one as it keeps everything handy and also prevents you from misplacing or losing any of the tools.

Equine Pneumonia Symptoms, Treatment | Equine Foal Pneumonia

Filed under: Equine Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:11 am

Equine Pneumonia Symptoms

The equine family, covering horses, mules and donkeys, have all been of great help to the development of civilization over the centuries. From being the primary modes of transport, these majestic beasts have always had to bear a huge burden and a weight of expectations that may have been unimaginable at times. However, because of the close relationship that horses and man have shared over the centuries, it is these beasts that we have come to know almost better than any other in terms of care giving as well as the nutrition that makes them healthier and more stable. Some of the conditions that horses are most susceptible to are respiratory infections. Pneumonia, for example, is one of the most common conditions to affect horses. Studies have also shown that pneumonia in horses is one of the primary causes of death in foals aged between 1 and 4 months. The condition can be caused by a number of avenues including fungus, parasitic infection, a virus or simply even bacteria.  The initial symptoms of pneumonia are likely to be a little vague at first – with the animal simply seeming to be unwell with malaise and fatigue being most prominent. A loss of appetite and diarrhea are likely to develop as well while nasal discharge and an intolerance to exercise are some of the most obvious signs. It’s important that you get a veterinarian to examine the horse at the first signs of illness as the horse’s condition can deteriorate rather rapidly and its important to begin equine pneumonia treatment promptly.

Foals that are suffering from a lower respiratory tract infection are likely to cough up whenever forced to take deep breaths. They will also seem to be rather distressed as a result of the rebreathing bag and tend to show a rather prolonged recovery once the bag has been removed. Some of the more severe equine pneumonia symptoms include abdominal breathing, nostril flaring and cyanosis. It is also important to be aware of the effect that the condition has on the animal over the course of its life. For instance, while most foals that have been affected by the condition will generally grow up to be bright and sprightly, the ones that have been affected more severely are known to become lethargic and anorexic in their mature years. Beginning equine pneumonia treatment promptly may help avert such an outcome.

Equine pneumonia treatment is highly dependent on how soon the owner of the animal alerts the veterinarian about the condition. As a result, it is very important that the owner be able to identify the symptoms correctly. The chronic versions of the condition can usually be treated over a period of time, but the acute versions of the condition could prove to be fatal in as little as 3 to 4 days if not treated adequately.

Dutch Rabbit Size, Care | Dutch Rabbit Personality, Colors

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:06 am

Dutch Rabbit Size

The Dutch rabbit is a beloved pet which originated in Europe, as its name suggests. Though the precise period of the discovery of the Dutch rabbit is not very specific, it is believed that the Dutch rabbit first gained popularity in 1850, when it became immensely popular as a pet. The Dutch rabbit size makes it an extremely adorable and affectionate pet. Though a native of the Netherlands, as its name suggests, the popularity of the Dutch rabbit was so much in the late nineteenth century that the rabbit was exported to many different parts of the world.

Apart from the Dutch rabbit size, another important characteristic which makes the animal so popular are the royal Dutch markings.  Also known as the Hollander rabbit, the Dutch rabbit is one of the oldest breeds of domesticated rabbits known to man. However, since the rabbit has extremely fancy markings all over the body, it is considered a fancier pet than the regular wild rabbits which were the original domesticated rabbits in Europe.

Breeders from all over the world try to breed the Dutch rabbit carefully in order to enhance the fancy markings on the body. Though not much consideration is given to the size of the Dutch rabbit, over the years, there have been many attempts to improve the breed by careful breeding. The Dutch rabbit size and the shape of the body get special attention when the breeders are pondering selection for crossing the rabbit.

Professional breeders find breeding Dutch rabbits a true challenge since there is a considerably high demand for creating perfection in the markings of the Dutch rabbit. Only the most ardent and experienced breeders have been able to achieve the level of excellence that is demanded of these rabbits. However, there are many breeders who try very hard to achieve the same level of finesse in their results.

The Dutch rabbit personality is something which is as likeable as the Dutch rabbit size. The rabbit has erect ears and back legs which are very powerful. However, what makes it such a precious pet is its personality. The rabbit is extremely friendly and very playful. When let out in the open, the rabbit loves to frolic around. When kept in pairs in a pen, the rabbits can be very playful with each other. They are extremely sociable and have a lot of fun with each other. It is a pleasure watching them interact with each other and play. The Dutch rabbit colors are as fancy as its markings and the breeders continue to endeavor to create better looking rabbits. b

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