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Equine Infectious Anemia Testing | Equine Infectious Anemia Transmission Test

Filed under: Equine Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:00 am

Equine Infectious Anemia Testing

Also widely known as swamp fever, equine infectious anemia is a virus that is known to affect almost all of the members of the equine family such as horses, mules and donkeys. One of the most significant characteristics of equine infectious anemia is the fact that it can affect the animal for the remainder of its lifetime – regularly producing attacks of illness that can range from being extremely mild to instances of such severity that they could even kill the animal. Equine infectious anemia testing is important for all equine animals because of the very serious consequences and outcomes that the condition has. A number of people make the mistake of thinking that the condition is limited to the confines of the United States. However, the condition is known to be a serious problem all over the planet. Proper equine infectious anemia testing will require an EIA blood test to be performed with specific checks for antibodies in the animal’s blood. The seriousness of the condition should never be underestimated and, given the fact that the condition is known to be contagious – it is no wonder that transporting any equine animal across state borders will require the owner to subject his or her animal to testing. The transport of the animal is only permitted once the test results are returned negative. Whether or not equine infectious anemia test is mandatory, it would be foolish to risk your entire horse population.

You can also read on horse anemia causes, symptoms and treatments.

If you are unsure of whether to subject your animal to an equine infectious anemia test, looking for some of the more prominent symptoms might help you make your mind up. For instance, during the early stages of the disease, the animal will be seen to feel a little feverish and uncoordinated. These symptoms are likely to be present and spread out over a number of days – during which it is most likely and easily transmitted to another animal.  After this initial phase of illness, the animal will be seen to have lost a significant amount of weight and lethargic as well as having a rather high body temperature. If the mare is pregnant, the foal is most likely to be aborted during this time. In the third stage of the illness, chances are that the animal will return to normal. However, as mentioned earlier, the horse is now a lifelong carrier of the disease and likely to also suffer from a rather weak immune system.

As of yet, there is no known method of prevention for equine infectious anemia transmission and the main method of prevention is proper identification and control of infected horses, through equine infectious anemia testing.

Chronic Diarrhea in Horses | Causes, Treatment for Horse Chronic Diarrhea

Filed under: Horse Diseases — Tags: , , — Nik @ 12:55 am

Chronic Diarrhea in Horses

Horses have more than 100 feet of intestinal tract and hence are likely to be at risk for digestive problems, with chronic diarrhea in horses being quite common. Infectious agents such as salmonella and other parasites are some of the causes of chronic diarrhea in horses. However not all cases of chronic diarrhea in horses are serious. In many cases, horses experience diarrhea after a long ride. They lose water and electrolytes in longer rides and hence undergo dehydration. Diarrhea may also occur when a horse is shifted from his usual environment. In such cases, the diarrhea subsides once the horse is given water and electrolyte supplements.

Another one of the causes of chronic diarrhea in horses, especially older ones, is bad teeth. This may sound surprising but it is one of the most common causes of horse diarrhea. When the feed is not ground properly, it can cause upset and inflammation in the digestive system. It is important to maintain good health of the horse’s teeth. Healthy quantities of grain and hay must also be fed to horses. The important thing to note here is that even though these are less serious causes, the diarrhea can quickly become severe. Therefore taking the horse to a veterinarian is essential. Diarrhea in horses can cause certain symptoms. When a horse experiences diarrhea, there is likely to be large amount of soft feces. Bowel movements will also take place more frequently. Normally, horse feces do not have a bad odor, but due to diarrhea they may take on a bad smell. The horse is also likely to lose appetite and will therefore lose weight. Some horses experience edema, which is the accumulation of fluid in the lower limbs and beneath the belly. Dehydration in horses can be detected from skin tenting, sunken eyes, reduce urination and dry mucus membranes.
Any type of diarrhea in horses requires immediate medical attention. The veterinarian may treat diarrhea in various ways. Firstly the vet may obtain samples of the feces, abdominal fluids or blood. A rectal examination may also be done. These tests will help to determine the kind of treatment that is needed.

Treatment for chronic diarrhea in horses usually involves medications to alleviate the symptoms. In case of severe diarrhea, hospitalization may become necessary so that electrolyte and fluid therapy may be administered. Horse owners may also be required to make certain dietary changes which must be introduced gradually. The horse must be encouraged to drink lots of fluids. The temperature of the horse must also be checked regularly.

Where can I buy baby ferret | Where to Buy Baby Ferrets

Filed under: Ferret — Tags: , — Nik @ 7:00 am

Where to buy baby ferrets from

Most people regard their pets as their friends or even family members, because of the companionship that pets offer. Therefore, pets have now become increasingly popular, not just with adults and the elderly people, but also with children. Many children are interested in keeping baby ferrets as their pets, which prompts their parents to wonder “Where can I buy baby ferrets from?” In most cases, ferrets live for a number of years - around 6 to 10 or so. As pets, they are active, playful and cuddly. Moreover, it is not difficult to train them on your own, making them an ideal choice for pets.

It is common to see pet shops with signs for baby ferrets that are for sale. Alternately, newspapers carry information about breeders who sell baby pet ferret for a living. Therefore, buying a baby ferret can be a bit complicated as there are a couple of sources to choose from. Given below are some of the most common places where you can buy baby ferrets from:

  • On of the oldest sources of obtaining pets is a pet shop. Apart from selling the pets, these shops are also great for buying pet food, pet toys, supplies and other accessories related to pets.
  • Check the daily news papers or a commercial telephone directory, for listings and contact details of professional ferret breeders, i.e., people that raise and train kits for a living. Ferrets that are bought from breeders are generally more sociable than those that are bought from pet shops. This is because baby ferrets sold by the breeders generally spend more time with their mother, as well as the breeder and are therefore more used to human interaction.
  • Anything and almost everything is available online. Virtual shops not only offer products like books, electronics and gift accessories, it is quite possible to buy ferrets from online sources too. There are some sites that address the various concerns and needs of a baby ferret.
  • News papers and commercial directories may also carry listings of farms that sell animals including baby ferrets. This may be an ideal source for first time pet owners can benefit from the knowledge that a farmer can pass on.
  • Most people regard animal shelters as unlikely places, to acquire a baby ferret from. There are several shelters that allow ferret enthusiasts to adopt ferrets, for a very nominal cost. However, it may not be easy to find baby ferrets or kits at most shelters.

Dog Allergic Reaction Vaccine, Symptoms | Dog Food, Skin Allergies Treatments

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:58 am

Dog Allergic Reaction

Just like humans, dogs also tend to have allergic responses which are observed when their immune system overreacts to certain allergens or antigens that enter the body and set off an alarm. This alarm in turn stimulates the production of antibodies in the dogs with a view to protect itself from these allergens. The antibodies then tend to attach themselves to the immune cells that are known as mast cells within the body tissues and the skin. When the allergens penetrate these body tissues they tend to get captured by the antibodies which in turn stimulate the mast cells causing them to release powerful chemicals into the surrounding tissues known as histamines that then cause inflammation and itching during a dog allergic reaction. The common dog allergic reaction symptoms include autoimmune, endocrine, parasitic and infectious skin diseases as well as an itchy sensation in the dog and hair loss. Dog allergic reaction vaccine treatment usually commences with the vet determining the cause of the allergic reaction in the dog. As soon as the dog is diagnosed as having an allergic reaction the vet will put the dg on flea control as flea allergies are the easier to control and are also known t be the most common type of allergies observed in dogs. If the flea allergy is ruled out and the itching is also non- seasonal then the vet will check for any possible food allergies which begins with putting the dg on an elimination diet for at least 10 weeks wherein the dog is fed food that contains carbohydrates and proteins that the dog has not eaten before such as venison, duck, potatoes etc. If this results in the reduction in the amount of itching then the vet will diagnose the allergen to be one of even more of the dog’s food ingredients.

Dog owners’ should remember that while the dog is being tested for possible food allergies it should not be fed any treats, table scraps, chewable medications or rawhide toys that may also contain a certain allergen. Dogs are also susceptible to allergies arising out of insect bites and stings that can affect dogs of any breed and age. The reactions of a dog to an insect bite may range for mild to severe and may include symptoms like sluggishness, fever, loss of appetite etc in case of a mild reaction to insect stings. In some cases of moderate reactions to insect stings the dog may develop wheals or hives.

Dog Pink Eye Treatment, Home Remedies | Symptoms of Pink Eye in Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:55 am

Dog Pink Eye Treatment

The most common eye problem in dogs is conjunctivitis or dog pink eye as it is called. Pink eye is the inflammation of the inside of the eyelids and the front eye. There is no major difference in pink eye in humans and dogs. It is not a severe condition unless not treated on time. If left untreated, it can become a serious condition which can affect the dog adversely. If the eyes are not swollen, you can treat the pink eyes in dog by yourself at home. Wipe the dog’s eyes with a soft cloth dipped in lukewarm water. A cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water also works well. You will have to clean the eyes twice or thrice a day to get rid of the discharge that comes out of the eyes.

Symptoms of Dog Pink Eye

A dog afflicted with pink eye will have bloodshot eyes accompanied with inflamed and irritated eyelids. This infection causes the eye lids to get puffy and the surrounding tissue gets inflamed. Due to the inflammation, the dog may not be able to open its eyes or blink. You may also observe pus-filled, thick, discharge from the eyes. Simply observing the eye color is not enough to diagnose if the dog has been infected with pink eye. Pink eye can cause severe itching as a result of inflammation. You may notice your dog wiping its eyes with its paw or scratching its eyes. You will also notice tears in the dog’s eyes. There is an increase in the amount of fluid that the tear ducts produce.  This is because the eyes also try to flush out toxins.

Dog Pink Eye Home Remedies

It is important to assess the condition of your pet’s eyes before you start any home remedies for dog pink eye. If you observe any foreign object in or around the eyes, flush your dog’s eyes with lukewarm water. Make sure the water is only lukewarm else it may cause damage to the eyeballs. Use a soft cloth to wipe the area around the eyes to clean any extra discharge or remove any foreign material. If both the eyes are infected make sure you use different cloths for both the eyes. If you don’t see any improvement or these remedies are not working, you should contact vet immediately and start administering the prescribed treatment. If your vet diagnoses canine pink eye, he/she may prescribe some antibiotics for the treatment.  Antibiotic drops and pills will definitely provide relief to the dog’s eyes. Many vets also recommend herbal drops for dogs that frequently get pink eye. This is a natural treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis in dogs.

Zebra Pleco Size, Information | Imperial Pleco Fish Price, Info

Filed under: Fish Species — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:50 am

Zebra Pleco Size

Also known as the Imperial pleco, the zebra pleco derives its name from the immediately recognizable zebra stripes and also possesses a substantially long snout and eyes that are set noticeably high in the head. The animal’s base color is whitish while the markings are black. One of the more definitive characteristics of the fish is the very noticeable inverted form of the letter ‘E’ on its forehead. Some specimens of the zebra pleco have stripes running parallel to the main band running across the fish’s body. The zebra pleco price, which is relatively high, does not seem to intimidate most enthusiasts as the species remains very popular. The average zebra pleco size may not be great but they do require large tanks because of their timid but territorial nature.

The zebra pleco’s natural habitat is around the Rio Xingu, which is a tributary of the Rio Amazon located in North Eastern Brazil. Housing them in a domesticated aquarium will require you to mimic their natural conditions, which are either soft or neutral water or the slightly acidic conditions of its natural stream. The water should be warm and well oxygenated at all times while there should also be good water movement. Organic waste within the water should always be maintained at a minimum level and never allowed to rise. Because of the fact that the zebra pleco does not eat algae efficiently, the fish needs to be fed plenty of protein rich food for it to remain healthy. The tank that contains the fish needs to be rather large and able to hold at least 30 gallons of water at a temperature of between 78 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The average zebra pleco size is about 8 to 9 centimeters and will usually take about 2 or 3 years to reach its full maturity.

The zebra pleco price will zone in around $60.00 for the cheaper ones and as much as $90.00 for the more expensive varieties. The general attitude of the zebra pleco is one of a shy and nocturnal fish whose tank mates should not be aggressive and prevent the zebra pleco from getting its share of the food. As a result, when the zebra pleco is first introduced into the tank, it is essential to make sure that the fish is getting its share of food. One method of telling their genders apart is to look at the fishes head with the male having a much broader head and the first pectoral fin ray of the male being thicker than the female. The female zebra pleco’s will lay about 7 to 15 eggs in each spawn with about 7 days to hatch.

House Cat Gestation Period | Length, Cycle of House Cat

Filed under: Cat Health — Nik @ 5:41 am

House Cat Gestation Period

The house cat gestation cycle or period refers to the time during which the kittens grow and develop inside the pregnant cat. A female cat may become pregnant if she mates with a male cat that is unneutered. The house cat gestation length usually ranges between 60 and 67 days. The pregnant cat displays several physical and psychological changes during this time. These changes may become more apparent about three weeks following breeding. Owners that are unable to tell if their cat is pregnant can consult a veterinarian who will be able to feel the abdomen and identify other symptoms of cat pregnancy. There are also x-rays and radiotherapy that help in diagnosing cat pregnancy, but these are best avoided.

During the house cat gestation period, an owner will be able to detect many changes in their pet. The female begins to grow in size slowly. She is also likely to become more affectionate during this time. She tends to seek more care and affection from humans. Pregnant cats must be given the extra care and attention they require. They must be also made as comfortable as possible. The pregnant cat may also go looking around the house for a quiet secluded place, where she will start spending more time. This is in preparation for the birth of her kittens. She is also likely to rest more than usual. During the initial 4 to 5 weeks, one may not be able tell if a cat is pregnant. Weight gain and enlargement of the abdomen occurs only after the fifth week. The nipples also turn pinkish and after the seventh week there is noticeable enlargement of the mammary glands. Lactation generally begins following the delivery. In some cases, the cat may get slightly aggressive if disturbed or teased during the last few weeks. This is due to the growing discomfort of the swollen abdomen. Since the uterus exerts pressure on the bladder and colon, accidental soiling may occur indoors.

The house cat gestation cycle is likely to come to an end after about 65 days. In case a cat remains pregnant even after 69 days, consult a veterinarian. It is advisable to provide the cat with a comfortable covered box where she can rest and also give birth. Once she is prepared to deliver her kittens, her body temperature may drop. There might also be a milky discharge from the nipples. Soon after this the process of giving birth will begin.

Dry Cat Food Analysis | Reviews, Ratings for Dry Cat Food

Filed under: Cat Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:37 am

Dry Cat Food Analysis

The health of cats is determined by the quality of nutrition they receive. Studies have shown that natural foods and good quality canned food promotes better health in felines than dry cat food or kibble. Offering your cat the right type of food will help to protect her from several illnesses and diseases. It will also help to keep veterinary costs low and ensure a longer and healthier life for your cat. It is advisable to make a dry cat food analysis before offering it to your cat.

Dry food for cats is composed primarily of grains. Grains mainly consist of starch and hence are considered to be carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are added to cat food to make the food firm and add texture to it. This enables the food to stay intact during production processes. Dry cat food or kibble is commonly fed to cats. However, cats are carnivorous animals and hence many experts believe that a diet consisting exclusively of carbohydrates and starch may not be suitable for them. There is up to 30 – 40 percent of carbohydrates present in dry cat food which may serve to increase the risk of diabetes in cats. Wet cat food, on the other hand, contains large amounts of protein and this is more appropriate for carnivores. Cats have increased liver enzyme activity since energy is produced from amino acids. As a result of this, cats have a higher requirement of protein. Even if they are fed low protein foods they are unable to lower this activity. Therefore many cats that eat primarily dry food tend to suffer from fatty liver disease. In their natural surroundings, cats do not eat the high levels of carbohydrates that dry foods offer. It is essential for cats to drink water along with their food as cats do not experience much thirst. Water is necessary for hydration and proper functioning of the body. Since cats do not drink enough water on their own, they must be fed wet food that contains some amounts of water in it. A strictly dry foot diet will only serve to make them susceptible to chronic dehydration. Dry food manufacturers tend to use carb rich foods like grains as fillers too, as they are much cheaper than protein rich food sources like meat. This is why most dry cat food ratings are very low. Some brands do offer high quality food though, so it is important for you to make a thorough dry cat food analysis before purchasing any product.

It is not necessary to completely eliminate dry food from the diet. Owners can feed dry food to cats when they are away as it does not spoil easily. Dry cat food is also known to keep the teeth clean by reducing plaque buildup. When buying dry cat food, it is advisable to do some research first. There are many websites that provide dry cat food ratings and dry cat food reviews that can help one make a decision.

Also read on moist cat food

Dog Sprained Paw Treatment | Dog Foot, Paw Sprain Relief

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 5:32 am

Dog Sprained Paw

Just like human beings and especially children, dogs can sprain their paws too, when they hurt themselves while jumping, running, bouncing or playing. A dog’s sprained foot is caused by injury or damage to the tissues that support the joints in a dog’s foot. Identifying a sprain in a dog can be a bit stressful for any pet owner, as most animals cannot communicate and let their owners know exactly where they are hurt. At most times, the only indicator of a sprain may be a cry or a limp. A dog’s sprained paw could range from mild to severe.

Dog Sprained Paw Treatment

It is not advisable to treat dog paw sprain injury at home. In case you notice your pet limping or suspect that a foot may be sprained, you need to take your dog to a vet, without any delay. Even the smallest limp should not be ignored, as it could indicate a serious injury. Allow the vet to check the paw along with the joints, hips, legs & toes carefully to confirm if there is a sprain. Painkillers & anti-inflammatory medication should only be given to the dog, upon a vet’s recommendation. At times, the vet may also suggest that a supplement be added to the dog’s diet, to prevent any further injuries and to strengthen the dog’s bones and joints. It is usually difficult to get dogs to take pills and supplements. Check with your vet if they can be hidden in peanut butter, just so that your dog can take them.

Regular activities should be restricted until the time when your dog’s sprained paw heals. Your dog should only be allowed to walk to the bathroom and back. This could be a problem for younger puppies or dogs that are usually very active. Do not take your dog for walks and avoid playing games like tug of war and fetch. Instead, try to reinforce activities for your dog that are much calmer. You could encourage your dog to stay in one place, by purchasing an edible bone and a mat that he could lie down and chew on.

Most paw sprains take approximately 2 weeks to heal properly. Make sure that you keep revisiting your vet for follow-up appointments till the time that your dog’s paw has completely healed. At least one follow-up appointment is important, even if your dog appears to have healed, as some dogs are good at adapting to the pain. In case the paw has not healed the way it should have, further x-rays and instructions may be required.

Dog Growing Too Fast | Dog Growing Stages | Dog Growth Rate

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:22 am

Dog Growing Too Fast

There are several first time pet owners, who often wonder if their pet dogs are growing at the pace that they are supposed to or if their dog’s growing too fast. Just as in the case of human beings, there are various dog growing stages too. Most puppies go through predictable stages, while they mature. Although the growth stages differ slightly for each breed, the general timeline will be more or less the same. Being aware of the various dog growing stages is important for every single pet owner, to know what to expect at different stages. If you are a pet owner it can also help you in planning any socialization and training activities for your puppy. It is also very important for you to monitor your dog’s growth, so as to assess if your dog is growing too fast or too slow. It isn’t uncommon for us to wish that our babies or pets would stay small for a bit longer, so it is normal to fell that your dog is growing too fast, but more often than not this is not the case.

There could be several reasons for a dog growing too fast. At times, this rapid growth can be caused by the diet that your dog is on. Puppies or younger dogs that are regularly fed foods that are very high in calories may grow at a faster rate than seems normal. Therefore, before planning a diet, it is important to consult a veterinarian and find out about the total caloric intake that is recommended for your dog, along with the recommended doses of calcium, protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. An overdose of any nutrient is just as harmful as the lack of it. Therefore, make sure that your dog follows a healthy and balanced diet. Dog treats should be restricted to certain occasions only, or during training sessions, as they could add to your pet’s caloric intake of the day, leading to problems, where you may see your dog growing too fast.

Apart from a rich diet, there may be other factor that causes dog growing at a rapid rate. This includes certain conditions such as

  • Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD): HOD is a very painful bone disease that affects young puppies that belong to the “large dog” breed. While treating this condition, anti-inflammatory medicines, antibiotics & painkillers are prescribed for the dog. Certain steroids and supplements may be also be used in the treatment. During this time, the dog should be strictly on bed rest.
  • Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD): This disease usually affects the joint cartilage in larger dogs. Treating this condition could either require strict rest and medication or surgery, depending on the dog’s age & medical condition.
  • Panosteitis (Pano): Pano refers to a painful bone disease that affects young dogs. Though there is no specific treatment for this condition, painkillers may be prescribed to control the pain.

Never give your dog any medication without consulting a vet. In case you notice any health problems in your pet, please consult a vet immediately.

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