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Why Dogs Pant When Not Hot | Dog Pants Heavily At Night

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Why Dogs Pant When Not Hot

Many a time owners are concerned as to why dogs pant excessively and whether there is any cause for concern. Dogs pant when not hot to cool down as they can not sweat and in most cases this should explain why dogs pant excessively. Panting tends to lower the body temperature of the dog and the salivary glands further help the cooling process. It isn’t uncommon to observe excessive dog panting if the dog has been involved in any strenuous physical activity such as going for a long walk, running around, playing, or if it has been outside in the hot weather. In such cases the dog will have as rapid and shallow breathing with its mouth open which is considered to be normal. Dogs may also pant as a reaction to an environmental change or even as an emotional response on account of feelings of anxiety, fear, excitement, and so on. However, excessive dog panting may be indicative of a life threatening underlying medical condition which could require a swift diagnosis and appropriate treatment. One of the commonly observed reasons for a dog to pant heavily may be on account of respiratory problems; this could include both upper and lower respiratory tract problems. Upper respiratory tract problems involve blockages in the nasal passages of the dog, the development of growths in the back of the throat or the nose of the dog or even a collapsed trachea, which may cause excessive dog panting.

Dog panting heavily on account of a lower respiratory problem may be because of excessive gas in the chest cavity or accumulation of fluid in the lungs or even development of masses in the chest cavity. In some cases the dog may pant excessively on account of certain blood disorders such as anemia or even carbon monoxide poisoning. Similarly heartworm or heart disease, blood clots and other such cardiovascular problems may also result in excessive dog panting. Dog panting heavily is also observed in dogs because of neurological problems, which are basically diseases affecting the nervous system that tend to adversely affect the respiratory system. The nervous system of the dog may get damaged by head trauma, brain tumors or even abnormalities in the muscles of the respiratory system. Some other health complications that may cause abnormally excessive panting in dogs are illnesses caused by heat, drug poisoning, and pregnancy, among others. In all the above cases, it is necessary to seek veterinary guidance to determine the root cause of the excessive dog panting so that the appropriate treatment can be administered at the earliest.