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Equine Pneumonia Symptoms, Treatment | Equine Foal Pneumonia

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Equine Pneumonia Symptoms

The equine family, covering horses, mules and donkeys, have all been of great help to the development of civilization over the centuries. From being the primary modes of transport, these majestic beasts have always had to bear a huge burden and a weight of expectations that may have been unimaginable at times. However, because of the close relationship that horses and man have shared over the centuries, it is these beasts that we have come to know almost better than any other in terms of care giving as well as the nutrition that makes them healthier and more stable. Some of the conditions that horses are most susceptible to are respiratory infections. Pneumonia, for example, is one of the most common conditions to affect horses. Studies have also shown that pneumonia in horses is one of the primary causes of death in foals aged between 1 and 4 months. The condition can be caused by a number of avenues including fungus, parasitic infection, a virus or simply even bacteria.  The initial symptoms of pneumonia are likely to be a little vague at first – with the animal simply seeming to be unwell with malaise and fatigue being most prominent. A loss of appetite and diarrhea are likely to develop as well while nasal discharge and an intolerance to exercise are some of the most obvious signs. It’s important that you get a veterinarian to examine the horse at the first signs of illness as the horse’s condition can deteriorate rather rapidly and its important to begin equine pneumonia treatment promptly.

Foals that are suffering from a lower respiratory tract infection are likely to cough up whenever forced to take deep breaths. They will also seem to be rather distressed as a result of the rebreathing bag and tend to show a rather prolonged recovery once the bag has been removed. Some of the more severe equine pneumonia symptoms include abdominal breathing, nostril flaring and cyanosis. It is also important to be aware of the effect that the condition has on the animal over the course of its life. For instance, while most foals that have been affected by the condition will generally grow up to be bright and sprightly, the ones that have been affected more severely are known to become lethargic and anorexic in their mature years. Beginning equine pneumonia treatment promptly may help avert such an outcome.

Equine pneumonia treatment is highly dependent on how soon the owner of the animal alerts the veterinarian about the condition. As a result, it is very important that the owner be able to identify the symptoms correctly. The chronic versions of the condition can usually be treated over a period of time, but the acute versions of the condition could prove to be fatal in as little as 3 to 4 days if not treated adequately.