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Prednisone For Dogs Side Effects | Prednisone Dosage For Dog

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:37 am

Prednisone For Dogs Side Effects

Dogs have come to be as much a part of the family as any of our human counterparts and just as we experience illnesses and require medications from time to time dogs, inevitably fall ill and require treatment too. Very often medications that are administered to dogs, although effective against the illness, can cause other complications and side effects. The use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects quite commonly because of the widespread use of this drug.

When using prednisone for dogs, side effects do pose some risk, which is why caution needs to be exercised when administering any drugs. When administering prednisone for dogs, side effects are most likely to occur from prolonged usage or indiscriminate and careless administration of the drug. The side effects of prednisone can vary greatly in severity causing complications that could be mild and at times even be fatal. Although the use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects the drug is extremely useful in the treatment of a variety of conditions, like autoimmune diseases.

Prednisone a synthetic, inactive corticosteroid and when administered to a dog, the liver converts it into prednisolone, which is an active steroid. It is useful in the treatment of canine asthma and allergies, in managing emergencies that could arise from injury to the spinal column, in organ transplants to control rejections and also in the treatment of kidney disorders. At the same time you should be warned that use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects like panting, excessive hunger and thirst and it can also cause renal disorders. These side effects are generally observed when the drug is used for short periods.

The use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects that are more numerous and serious when administered for a lengthy duration. In such cases the side effects could include the development of ulcers in the digestive tracts, muscle loss, diabetes, pancreatic pain and inflammation, and sudden behavioral changes. Hyperadrenocorticism, also known as Cushing’s disease is however probably the most serious side effect from prednisone. It is generally caused by an overdose and can prove to be fatal.

It should be kept in mind that while various drugs and pharmaceutical medications like prednisone are often life saving for your dog, their indiscriminate usage can pose a severe threat. Exercise caution when administering any treatments to your dog and avoid self treating the dog. A veterinarian would be in the best position to advise you and it would be advisable to follow his recommendations strictly.

Safe Rabbit Foods List | Recipes, Meals Safe For Rabbits

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: — Nik @ 3:30 am

Safe Rabbit Foods

If you think that food pellets are made especially for your pet because they enjoy them, think again. While pellets usually make for safe rabbit foods you never know what is really in them. Pellets are not formulated because our pets like them, but because they are convenient for us when we decide to feed them. No one wants their pets to perish and for pets to have a long and healthy life, proper nutrition is a must. The commercially available foods do promote fast growth as well as development of fur. However, nutritionally these pellets may not be the best thing for your rabbit. Rabbits have a very delicate body and when you are planning their meals, it is imperative to consider their delicate digestive systems. The digestive system of a rabbit is designed in such a way that it can absorb as much of fat and protein as possible from its diet. Therefore, when you are giving your rabbit a high fat and protein diet, it may not be in the best interest of your pet.

Popular rabbit foods include all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as leafy greens. Here is a list of safe rabbit foods-foods which the rabbits enjoy as well. Rabbits can eat apples, barley, alfalfa, bluegrass, acacia, Bermuda grass, bread-both dry and soaked in milk, beets, buckwheat, beans, dandelions, cow parsnip, chicories, carpet grass, crabgrass, cabbage, corn, carrots, clovers, cereals, hazelnut leaves, Kentucky bluegrass, artichokes, grains, dogwood, fescue, knotgrass, Napier grass, kudzu, oats, lettuce(but beware of large quantities of iceberg lettuce), milk and milk products, millets, poplar, plantain, parsnips, peas, Rhodes grass, redtop grass, orchard grass, potatoes, sunflower, sprouted grains, rye, Timothy, sweet potatoes, spinach, sorghum, wheat, turnips, and willow.

When you are picking out grass, grains, and vegetables for your pet, make sure that you pick out only those foods which are fresh and free from mold. Whatever foods you give to your rabbit, make sure that the rabbit consumes a lot of roughage along with it. The best rabbit foods are those which have a healthy amount of roughage in them. Therefore, greens are usually considered among some of the good rabbit foods.

Fresh fruits and vegetables supply all that the rabbits require nutritionally. Apart from the roughage, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, rabbits also require roughage in high amounts to keep their alimentary canal healthy. Fresh fruits, hay, green leafy vegetables, and grains provide all of these nutrients that the rabbits require.

My Cat Kneads A Lot | Cat Kneading Too Much Continuously

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:27 am

My Cat Kneads A Lot

Cats are one of the most popular domestic pets all over the world and although they have a reputation of being fairly independent minded and unconcerned about their owners apart from getting their feed, cats can actually grow very attached to the humans they live with and may at times demand their attention. At heart, cats are actually very affectionate animals but they are just not as expressive of their affection, and they don’t appreciate our methods of expression that may often seem constraining or threatening to them.  Kneading is a common habit in cats that is a part of how they communicate their feelings. However, at times, the actions can be quite irritating for the master, especially if performed on a consistent basis. One of the primary reasons why most owners will regularly think to themselves ‘my cat kneads a lot’ is the fact that the tendency actually developed from when it was a kitten and kneading the mother’s teats while feeding as a baby helps stimulate the let down response, allowing the milk to flow more freely. Factors like this play a substantial role in the cat’s adulthood and mannerisms. If you notice that your cat kneads continuously ever since he or she was a kitten, then this might be the primary cause for the habit. Another factor that should be considered is that the animal may simply be marking its territory and trying to push you away from an area that it considers to be its own.

Read more on why do cats knead

Because of the tendency for cats to knead excessively, there are a number of methods employed all over the world to rid them of the habit. Since most cats knead continuously, getting some information on natural ways to stop the habit is not hard to come by on the internet. One way of accomplishing this is to lay the cat down and as soon as you see it start to knead, pull the animal down and say ‘no’. After a few days of doing this, the animal associates the action of kneading with a rather undesirable reaction of being pulled down and therefore stops doing so. Any options when it comes to training your kitty to stop kneading will always revolve around devising some kind of uncomfortable experience for the animal. For example, some people will choose to spray some water into the animals face when it starts to knead. This will have very much the same effect. Also keep in mind that a cat kneading is also a show of contentment, so make sure you understand what you are punishing.

Mini Rex Rabbit Food | Diet, Treats for Mini Rex Rabbit

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:23 am

Mini Rex Rabbit Food

As far as domestic pets go, rabbits are definitely one of the most adorable creatures to have in your household. Their innocent and cuddly exteriors can make anyone’s heart melt but you need to keep in mind that they can be just as destructive as innocent little children can be. Rabbits are known to cause a significant amount of destruction when left out of their hutches and chewing on electric cables is one of their frequent habits. As a result, you may want to cover any loose cabling in some kind of plastic guard to ensure that there is no damage to any of your electrical appliances around the house. Studies have shown that there are about 40 different species of rabbit all over the world - most of which can be trained to live in a domestic environment. However, some are more suited to a domestic household than others with some breeds still very much at home in their natural surroundings of large open spaces.  One breed of rather popular pet rabbits is known as the mini rex - which appears to be a miniature version of the bigger rex rabbit. The mini rex rabbit is highly regarded on the aesthetical front because of the graceful proportions that it has while its fur is also rather plush and has a nice texture. Mini rex rabbit food is a very important part of the animals well being if you want to see it live out its entire lifespan of around 10 years with the minimum of complications.

On an average, the mini rex rabbit is likely to weight between 3.5 to 4.5 lbs and the prominent factors of the animal include rather strong and muscular shoulders as well as erect ears. The mini rex is available in a number of different and pleasing colors of which only a select few are regarded as being worthy of show bunnies. The mini rex rabbit diet is substantially helped by the fact that rabbit pellets are easily available in most well stocked pet stores around the country. Your mini rex rabbit food can comprise of ½ a cup of dry pellets, fed to it on a daily basis. However, if a mini rex rabbit is pregnant, then the mini rex rabbit food quantities may need to be amended to meet the additional nutritional requirements. During pregnancy, mini rex rabbit food should be increased to about a whole cup up until about 3 days prior to the delivery.

Dutch Rabbit Care, Health Tips | Caring for Dutch Rabbit

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: — Nik @ 2:27 am

Care for Dutch Rabbit

Rabbits are one of the more adorable animals that make very good domestic pets. However, just because the animals look very innocent, the amount of care that needs to be provided is considerable. Unlike most cats and dogs that can be more or less set free while being unsupervised, almost all rabbits are notorious and can cause a significant amount of destruction to household property. Because of the fact that they have a tendency to nibble on electric wires, it is highly recommended that you wrap any loose cables into some sort of plastic protective layer while also expecting your furniture to be chewed on to some extent. Studies show that there are approximately more than about 40 different rabbit species all over the world, most of which make very tender and loving pets. Another factor that contributes significantly to the popularity of rabbits as household pets is the fact that they can be easily potty trained, making sure that the house remains rather clean at most times. Rabbits tend to groom themselves regularly and are rather obsessed about cleanliness when it comes to there soft fur, so there may not be too much additional cleaning that the owner is require to perform.

Dutch rabbits are one of the most popular domestic rabbits and are believed to have originated in Holland sometime around the 1850’s. The fact that the Dutch rabbits are rather small is a major contributor to their popularity all over the world and the animals will usually have erect ears and powerful back legs that are usually stronger than their front legs. Very often pet owners choose to keep smaller pets as they tend to think of them as being easier to manage, but dutch rabbit care cannot be treated so trivially. Proper Dutch rabbit care requires the owner to ensure that the animal is provided with the right kind of housing as well as food to guarantee that the animal has an enjoyable life in captivity.

Most Dutch rabbit care sheets prepared by experts on the species will require the owner to make hutches to house the animal in measurements of about 4 ft x 18 inches x 18 inches, that also comprises of a sleeping section for the animal. It is also important for optimum Dutch rabbit care that the hutch be placed a little off the ground and in a sheltered position to protect it from the direct glaze of the mid day sun and direct wind. The animals diet is a very important aspect of proper Dutch rabbit care and the feed should, as much as possible, mimic the animals natural feeing instincts. While the commercially produced rabbit pellets are fine for the day feeds, the evening feeds should generally be a good quantity of high quality hay.

Dog Water Intake | Normal, Average Dog Water Consumption

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:23 am

Dog Water Intake

Water is essential for all known life forms and a dog’s water intake as an important aspect of its care. Some dogs tend to drink a lot more water than other dogs.  This can then result in the dog urinating fairly frequently. However with these dogs, one should monitor their dog’s water intake closely. This does not mean that one should deprive the dog of water at all. Water is extremely vital for a dog’s health and well being. Those dogs that have been trained or have sufficient self control, one can leave water in a bowl out for them the entire day. This water bowl should be cleaned out regularly to avoid any bacteria collecting.

Dog water consumption will differ from dog to dog and from dog breed to dog breed. In fact some dogs that ought to be drinking more water tend to not drink as much. In these cases one can seek advice from a vet as to how to increase a dog’s desire for drinking more water. Some dogs may even be choosy about the kind of water they drink, choosing natural spring water over regular water. For those owners who have enough time to keep taking their dogs out for a walk where they can relieve themselves, then giving these dogs plenty of water is not a problem. The older dogs are more able to regulate their own water intake, thus adapting to their owner’s lifestyle and avoiding accidents. An important point to make note off is that dogs can get dehydrated fairly easily. Some dogs may get dehydrated quite fast even if they are drinking plenty of water. This can happen to those dogs that are suffering from some kind of medical conditions. Dehydration can even occur in a dog due to heat, over activity or even stress. Normal dog water intake may not serve to be sufficient in these cases.

A simple way to establish if one’s dog is suffering from dehydration is by checking the elasticity of the dog’s skin. This can be done on the dog’s upper back in the region right below the dog’s shoulders. When checking for skin elasticity in one’s dog, one should use their forefingers and their thumb to pinch the dog’s skin in a gentle fashion. Then proceed to lift up the dog’s skin and then release it. If the skin is seen to return to normal fairly fast then it can be established that the dog is absorbing a sufficient quantity of water.

However if the skin does not appear to be elastic enough, then one should ensure that their pet drinks more water. One should also notify their vet as soon as possible about this situation. The average dog water consumption will also differ from dog to dog. A dog’s water intake also differs depending on the environment that the dog is living in. those dogs that live in hotter climates tend to drink more water than those dogs living in the cooler temperatures. Puppies intake of water should be monitored very closely especially when house breaking a puppy. When at a beach always ensure that fresh water is available for the dog, as in its absence the dog may end up drinking the salty sea water. A dog swimming in salt water is not considered to be harmful provided the dog does not ingest the salt water. When a dog drinks salt water it can lead to an increase in dehydration and also can cause vomiting. This condition is referred to as beach diarrhea. Can dogs swim in chlorine water is another often asked question. Just like the beach, swimming in the chlorine water or dogs swimming in pools is not considered harmful as long as they do not drink the chlorine water.

Californian Rabbit Facts | Info, Statistics Of Californian Rabbit Breed

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: — Nik @ 2:20 am

Californian Rabbit Facts

Rabbits are a very popular domestic pet and are definitely one of the most adorable. While being more used to open lands and living on their own, they are also very docile creatures when housed in domestic environments. But a rabbit owner should not be taken by its innocent looks as the animal can be quit a terror when let out of its cage, unsupervised. Rabbits are known to cause havoc unless they are watched over, and chewing on electrical wires is one of their favorite activities. While there are over 40 different species of rabbit in the world, the Californian rabbit facts point to this particular breed being considered as a true American original. The Californian rabbit history is a rather long one, coming into prominence around the 1920’s and originally being bred as livestock rather than as pets.  As far as the animal aesthetics go, the animal has erect ears and is rather moderately sized. The regular weight of the animal is usually about 7 to 10 pounds and the coat color of the animal is very similar to the Himalayan rabbit.

When housing one of these animals, it is important to know your Californian rabbit facts as there are certain aspects of their natural outdoor lives that might need to be created in a domestic environment. Most of these rabbits are actually very comfortable in well insulated cages and are usually litter box trained while also being compulsive groomers - sometimes even more than cats! The most comfortable dimensions for the cage in which the rabbit will be held is about 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet. It is very important to be able to effectively manage the temperature within the cage as rabbits are not used to very extreme temperatures. An addition of straw is going to help the animal regulate the temperature to its advantage. A major part of

Californian rabbit care is the kind of food that the animal is provided. Commercial rabbit pellets are highly recommended and can be purchased at any well stocked pet store. The recommended dosage is about ¼ cup of pellets for every 5 pounds of the animals body weight, fed on a daily basis. However, there is a lot of dependence on the animals age when it comes to the most appropriate feeding. For instance, if the rabbit is less than about 8 months of age, it is highly recommended that you feed it an unlimited supply of alfalfa pellets.

Infectious Anemia In Horses Symptoms | Regenerative Anemia In Horses

Filed under: Horse Diseases — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:58 am

Infectious, Regenerative Anemia In Horses

Just as with humans, anemia in horses too is a disorder where there is a shortage of hemoglobin in your blood and leads to weakness and lethargy. Hemoglobin is a kind of protein that transports the oxygen from the lungs to the different parts of the body and this is done through the blood. When this protein drops in content anemia sets in and can also in the long run lead to other illnesses as it weakens the whole body system. The main causes of anemia in horse can be due to an acute injury where there has been a lot of blood loss, through that the hemoglobin levels have dropped drastically. It can also be due to worms or parasites that suck blood and have left a lasting effect on the horse. Sometimes natural iron and vitamin deficiency as after effects of another prolonged illness can also be a cause for regenerative and infectious anemia in horses. Some of the most prominent symptoms of infectious anemia in horses are that your horse may become slow and lethargic and might just even refuse to do any kind of exercise. This may be due to a great deal of weakness; you might notice that your horse gets tired frequently and doesn’t have the energy it had earlier.

Infectious, Regenerative Anemia In Horses Symptoms, Treatment

Your horse may also show signs of appetite and leave its food untouched; as the general health condition of your horse decreases its coat might lose its shine and start shedding large amount of fur. A drastic symptom of regenerative anemia in horses is discoloration of the mucous membrane. These symptoms will help to warn you that your horse may be anemic and the best way of diagnosis is to ask your vet to do a blood test that will be able to determine the hemoglobin levels and the degree of the anemic disorder. The best treatment that you can give your horse is to make sure that it gets enough rest and is able to relax in its surroundings. Make sure that its stable is cleaned every two days and fresh food and water at all times so that it will not be able to breed worms or parasites. Changing the horse diet to one rich in vitamins and minerals especially one with a high iron content will help to thicken the blood and raise the hemoglobin levels.

Azteca Horse Facts | Azteca Horse Breed Colors, Information

Filed under: Horse Breed — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:46 am

Azteca Horse Facts

Horses have, for a long time, been a vital part in the overall development of our civilizations – playing important roles in not only transport, but also in the hunting and other means of food retrieval amongst a number of other chores. While horses are highly regarded for the immense usefulness that they provide in our lives, they are also very good and tender companions – with a streak of rather fierce loyalty. With the advent of the motorcar and other forms of transport vehicles, the use of horses is becoming more restricted to that of a pet or for sport as in the case of race horses. There are a number of different varieties of horses – ranging in special skill sets from being domestic horses and cart pushers to race horses. Within each group there are a number of sub breeds that have their own defining features. One of the most popular types of race horse is known as the Azteca race horse breed. There is a lot of information available on the breed and here are some interesting azteca horse facts; hails primarily from Mexico and combines three different bloodlines – the Iberian horse blood, the Criollo and American Quarter horse. All compiled Azteca horse facts show the animals generally being of a rather large size – no smaller than 14.3 hands on an average.

Azteca horse colors are generally solid and marks are generally indicative of the animal not being of pure breed. Some of the most interesting Azteca horse facts include the animal holding its head rather straight or having a slightly convex profile with small and well pricked ears as well as expressive eyes. The Aztec horses’ mane and tail are rather flowing and slightly arched with the tail set noticeably low.

Some of the more interesting Azteca horse facts when it comes to the animals overall physical profile and nature include the animal being of high agility, power, speed and strength. It is also an animal with an undying spirit – something that makes it one of the marquee racehorses of most circuits. Some of the more common activities for which an Azteca horse is used include bull fighting, reigning, team penning, polo, pleasure riding, and classical riding. The Azteca horse breed is widely known to be the national horse of Mexico, largely because the local populace at the time were of the opinion that Mexico needed its own horse breed. With the help of a number of local associations, breeding of the animal was rather rapid and increased the breed’s popularity in the area as well.

Large Breed Puppy Food | Best Large Breed Puppies Diet, Foods

Filed under: Puppy Food — Nik @ 1:28 am

Large Breed Puppy Food

Dog owners typically try to provide the best possible nutrition and medical care  to their puppy and nowadays it’s possible to have the right kind of nutrition for ones dog on account of the variety of dog foods available. Most large breed puppies should be ideally fed specialized large breed puppy dog food thrice day till the puppy is almost three months old. Some large breeds of dogs may appear to be fairly big and grown up physically even after they complete eight weeks of age however their stomachs are not big enough to handle the huge meals. While feeding ones dog’s large breed puppy dog food it is always advisable to keep the dog food bowl on the ground and not to elevate it. Many people mistakenly believe that raising the digs food bowl is known to prevent dog bloat however it has been found that dogs are in fact even more likely to gulp air while eating from elevated bowls and this is a serious risk factor for bloat.

Dog food should ideally be fed in stainless steel bowls as they are the most sanitary and are also the easiest to clean. While choosing the best large breed puppy dog food one should pay special attention to the calcium levels mentioned on the package as research has shown that for large breed puppies to have a safe growth rate they should be fed dog food that is low in calcium. One should in fact try and feed ones large breed puppy dog food that does not have more than 1.2 percent of calcium in it. Similarly a common misconception that large breed dog owners have is that such breed puppies need to be fed food that is low in proteins , however puppies actually need a lot of protein for optimal levels of growth and hence dog owners should not falsely believe that high protein diets would cause joint and bone problems in growing puppies. In order to meet the protein requirement of the large dog breed one may also add some turkey or ground beef to the dog’s regular food. One should remember that while deciding which dog food to purchase for the puppy one should always choose puppy food because adult dog food is specifically designed to meet the nutritional requirements of the adult dog and it may also be possible that the puppy may get extra calcium from adult dog food which is undesirable.

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