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Prednisone For Dogs Side Effects | Prednisone Dosage For Dog

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Prednisone For Dogs Side Effects

Dogs have come to be as much a part of the family as any of our human counterparts and just as we experience illnesses and require medications from time to time dogs, inevitably fall ill and require treatment too. Very often medications that are administered to dogs, although effective against the illness, can cause other complications and side effects. The use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects quite commonly because of the widespread use of this drug.

When using prednisone for dogs, side effects do pose some risk, which is why caution needs to be exercised when administering any drugs. When administering prednisone for dogs, side effects are most likely to occur from prolonged usage or indiscriminate and careless administration of the drug. The side effects of prednisone can vary greatly in severity causing complications that could be mild and at times even be fatal. Although the use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects the drug is extremely useful in the treatment of a variety of conditions, like autoimmune diseases.

Prednisone a synthetic, inactive corticosteroid and when administered to a dog, the liver converts it into prednisolone, which is an active steroid. It is useful in the treatment of canine asthma and allergies, in managing emergencies that could arise from injury to the spinal column, in organ transplants to control rejections and also in the treatment of kidney disorders. At the same time you should be warned that use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects like panting, excessive hunger and thirst and it can also cause renal disorders. These side effects are generally observed when the drug is used for short periods.

The use of prednisone for dogs causes side effects that are more numerous and serious when administered for a lengthy duration. In such cases the side effects could include the development of ulcers in the digestive tracts, muscle loss, diabetes, pancreatic pain and inflammation, and sudden behavioral changes. Hyperadrenocorticism, also known as Cushing’s disease is however probably the most serious side effect from prednisone. It is generally caused by an overdose and can prove to be fatal.

It should be kept in mind that while various drugs and pharmaceutical medications like prednisone are often life saving for your dog, their indiscriminate usage can pose a severe threat. Exercise caution when administering any treatments to your dog and avoid self treating the dog. A veterinarian would be in the best position to advise you and it would be advisable to follow his recommendations strictly.