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Infectious Anemia In Horses Symptoms | Regenerative Anemia In Horses

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Infectious, Regenerative Anemia In Horses

Just as with humans, anemia in horses too is a disorder where there is a shortage of hemoglobin in your blood and leads to weakness and lethargy. Hemoglobin is a kind of protein that transports the oxygen from the lungs to the different parts of the body and this is done through the blood. When this protein drops in content anemia sets in and can also in the long run lead to other illnesses as it weakens the whole body system. The main causes of anemia in horse can be due to an acute injury where there has been a lot of blood loss, through that the hemoglobin levels have dropped drastically. It can also be due to worms or parasites that suck blood and have left a lasting effect on the horse. Sometimes natural iron and vitamin deficiency as after effects of another prolonged illness can also be a cause for regenerative and infectious anemia in horses. Some of the most prominent symptoms of infectious anemia in horses are that your horse may become slow and lethargic and might just even refuse to do any kind of exercise. This may be due to a great deal of weakness; you might notice that your horse gets tired frequently and doesn’t have the energy it had earlier.

Infectious, Regenerative Anemia In Horses Symptoms, Treatment

Your horse may also show signs of appetite and leave its food untouched; as the general health condition of your horse decreases its coat might lose its shine and start shedding large amount of fur. A drastic symptom of regenerative anemia in horses is discoloration of the mucous membrane. These symptoms will help to warn you that your horse may be anemic and the best way of diagnosis is to ask your vet to do a blood test that will be able to determine the hemoglobin levels and the degree of the anemic disorder. The best treatment that you can give your horse is to make sure that it gets enough rest and is able to relax in its surroundings. Make sure that its stable is cleaned every two days and fresh food and water at all times so that it will not be able to breed worms or parasites. Changing the horse diet to one rich in vitamins and minerals especially one with a high iron content will help to thicken the blood and raise the hemoglobin levels.