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Dog Bone Recipes | Healthy Dog Treats | Peanut Butter Dog Bone Recipes

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , , , — Nick @ 2:01 am

When you have a dog at home, you know how much your dog enjoys the occasional treat. Dog bone recipes can be used to make some wonderful dog treats for your special pet. These crunchy treats are just right when you want to give encouragement to your dog or show your appreciation. There are many different dog bone recipes that you can find to make these treats at home. If you are not too keen on making these treats at home, you can buy the treats commercially as well. The biggest advantage that homemade dog treats have over commercially available dog bone treats is that they are fresh and use high quality ingredients. You never really know what the commercially made dog treats would offer you in terms of quality.

Dog treats not only are a great way to appreciate your dog, but they can also give some much needed nutrition to your favorite pet. Some of these crunchy treats also help your dog keep good dental hygiene and maintain good health. If you use organic ingredients for your dog bone recipes, you can be sure that the treats will be of high quality, nutritious and tasty. You can then say goodbye to second rate commercial ingredients and low quality foods.

Peanut Butter Dog Bone Recipes

The easy dog bone recipes are simple to make. They can be made quickly and are very convenient to store as well. When you begin giving these treats to your dog, they should not make up for more than 10% of the dog’s diet. If your dog is allergic to wheat gluten or any other kind of substances, you may avoid using peanut butter dog bone recipes or other recipes that use wheat and other starches. There are a lot of gluten free recipes available for dogs with special needs.

Healthy and Simple Dog Bone Recipes

You can also get your dog to consume some healthy dog bone recipes that are sugarless or fat free, according to your dog’s health conditions. For diabetic dogs and overweight dogs, these kinds of treats are ideal. Do not think that these recipes will take up a lot of your time. Since these simple dog bone recipes do not use very exotic ingredients and are easy to prepare, you can have a great tasting treat ready in no time.

You can make large batches of these dog bone treats and store them so that your dog has access to them whenever it wants.

Dog Water Intake | Normal, Average Dog Water Consumption

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:23 am

Dog Water Intake

Water is essential for all known life forms and a dog’s water intake as an important aspect of its care. Some dogs tend to drink a lot more water than other dogs.  This can then result in the dog urinating fairly frequently. However with these dogs, one should monitor their dog’s water intake closely. This does not mean that one should deprive the dog of water at all. Water is extremely vital for a dog’s health and well being. Those dogs that have been trained or have sufficient self control, one can leave water in a bowl out for them the entire day. This water bowl should be cleaned out regularly to avoid any bacteria collecting.

Dog water consumption will differ from dog to dog and from dog breed to dog breed. In fact some dogs that ought to be drinking more water tend to not drink as much. In these cases one can seek advice from a vet as to how to increase a dog’s desire for drinking more water. Some dogs may even be choosy about the kind of water they drink, choosing natural spring water over regular water. For those owners who have enough time to keep taking their dogs out for a walk where they can relieve themselves, then giving these dogs plenty of water is not a problem. The older dogs are more able to regulate their own water intake, thus adapting to their owner’s lifestyle and avoiding accidents. An important point to make note off is that dogs can get dehydrated fairly easily. Some dogs may get dehydrated quite fast even if they are drinking plenty of water. This can happen to those dogs that are suffering from some kind of medical conditions. Dehydration can even occur in a dog due to heat, over activity or even stress. Normal dog water intake may not serve to be sufficient in these cases.

A simple way to establish if one’s dog is suffering from dehydration is by checking the elasticity of the dog’s skin. This can be done on the dog’s upper back in the region right below the dog’s shoulders. When checking for skin elasticity in one’s dog, one should use their forefingers and their thumb to pinch the dog’s skin in a gentle fashion. Then proceed to lift up the dog’s skin and then release it. If the skin is seen to return to normal fairly fast then it can be established that the dog is absorbing a sufficient quantity of water.

However if the skin does not appear to be elastic enough, then one should ensure that their pet drinks more water. One should also notify their vet as soon as possible about this situation. The average dog water consumption will also differ from dog to dog. A dog’s water intake also differs depending on the environment that the dog is living in. those dogs that live in hotter climates tend to drink more water than those dogs living in the cooler temperatures. Puppies intake of water should be monitored very closely especially when house breaking a puppy. When at a beach always ensure that fresh water is available for the dog, as in its absence the dog may end up drinking the salty sea water. A dog swimming in salt water is not considered to be harmful provided the dog does not ingest the salt water. When a dog drinks salt water it can lead to an increase in dehydration and also can cause vomiting. This condition is referred to as beach diarrhea. Can dogs swim in chlorine water is another often asked question. Just like the beach, swimming in the chlorine water or dogs swimming in pools is not considered harmful as long as they do not drink the chlorine water.

Homemade Low Protein Dog Food Recipes Treat | How To Make Low Protein Dog Food

Filed under: Dog Diet — Nik @ 2:10 am

Homemade Low Protein Dog Food Recipes

Though the vet may have asked you to keep the dog on a low protein diet, it is not advisable to eliminate proteins from the diet completely. Since dogs require protein for healthy growth, it is important that there be some amount of proteins in their diet. To prepare a simple low protein meal for your dog, simply take half a pound of beef and grind it. Brown it in a skillet by adding a small amount of water. Now add to this four cups of cooked white rice.

Boil two eggs and chop them into small pieces. Save their shells and keep them aside. Cut six slices of bread into half inch pieces. Combine together the ground beef, the rice, the bread crumbs, and the eggs. Mix these thoroughly till it becomes a uniform mixture. You can now grind the egg shells into a fine powder. You may do this manually or use a pestle. Stir this egg shell powder into the food. You could dry this food, bake it, and cut it into small pieces to use as low protein homemade dog treat or add water to it and give to your dog as a low protein homemade dog meal. There are specialized foods available commercially for a dog that needs to be on a low protein diet. However, these foods are not only difficult to find, but also extremely expensive. This mostly leaves you with the choice of preparing low protein dog food at home. Homemade dog food is much different than the commercial foods. Homemade foods are organic and fresh as compared to the commercial foods where the ingredients may not always be of the best quality.

Normally, dogs are given high protein diets because that is what their bodies require the most. Unlike humans, dogs should ideally receive the chief part of their energies from protein. However, if your dog has been diagnosed with a disorder of the kidneys, the vet will ask you to put your dog on a low protein diet. When the kidneys are already weak, it is not right to burden them further with the task of breaking down and filtering proteins. Therefore, your dog may be kept on a low protein diet for a long time. Kidney diseases are irreversible and if you want your dog’s treatment to be successful, you will have to give special attention to the diet of the dog. This may present a challenge to you, especially if you are used to giving your dog commercial foods and kibble.

Dog Food for Acid Reflux | Diet for Canine Acid Reflux

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:49 am

Dog Food for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is quite a common condition in dogs that is caused when the lower esophagus sphincter becomes weak and does not function in the proper manner. Due to a weakened muscle, the acids that are supposed to be confined to the stomach, spill over, into the esophagus. This can cause some damage to the esophagus and can even lead to erosion. This condition can get aggravated, if you give your pet heavy meals, large amounts of food at one time, or foods that are very high in fat. Some of the most common symptoms of dog acid reflux are spitting up food frequently, vomiting as well as loss of weight and appetite. Serious instances of acid reflux could lead to ulcerative esophagitis that can damage the deeper layers of the mucus lining. In such cases, you may see your dog show signs of pain (whining and howling) while eating or swallowing, in addition to the other symptoms of acid reflux.

Treatment of this condition may require the dog to fast for about a day or two, after which they will need to be put on a dog acid reflux diet. The diet would consist of small meals that are low in fat and protein, given at frequent intervals. Rich foods are very unhealthy for dogs suffering from this condition and should be strictly avoided or better yet, eliminated. Certain additives could be added to dog food for acid reflux, to help cure the condition and prevent it from occurring in the future. Given below, are some alterations that can be made to the dog’s diet:

  • Honey can coat the esophagus of the dog, protecting it from the effects of the acid to some extent. Therefore, you can apply some honey on a small piece of bread and feed it to your dog around 15 to 20 minutes, before a meal. However, never give your dog plain honey and give it along with some bread.
  • Adding apple cider vinegar to a dog’s diet is believed to have some success in controlling the levels of acid in the dog’s stomach, thereby reducing the occurrence of acid reflux. The bark derived from slippery elm trees can be added to the dog’s diet, to soothe the stomach and esophagus, as well as coat them. This helps in expediting the healing process. There are certain digestive enzymes and pro-biotic additives that can be included in the dog’s diet, either in the form of capsules or yogurt. These can help the dog to break down the food and digest it faster, reducing acidity and reflux problems.

However, before making any dietary changes, or giving your pet dog food for acid reflux, it is advisable to check with a veterinarian.

Read on home remedies for dog acid reflux

Low Protein Dog Food Recipes | Low Protein Canine Diet Recipes

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 1:36 am

Low Protein Dog Food Recipes

Low protein food for dog refers to foods that are designed for canines, with a protein content that is much lower than that what is usually found in regular pet foods. There are several pet owners, who opt to switch over to the use of low protein dog food for their pets, for various reasons, like kidney problems, acid reflux and other digestive concerns. Recognizing this need, there are some pet food manufacturing companies that have started using low protein dog food recipes, to meet the growing requirement. Such foods can be bought from most pet stores or in specialist shops that sell dog food. In fact, you may also be able to buy a variety low protein dog food, from your vet in the form of a dry food mix. Unfortunately, some of them could be quite expensive.

The good news is that there are several online pet forums, blogs, discussion boards, books and so on, that can help you with recipes for low protein dog food. These are easy to make at home and can help you save a bundle. Moreover, by giving your dog homemade low protein dog food, you can monitor the ingredients and the amounts that go into the recipe, giving you a better idea of exactly what your dog is eating. Recipes for low protein dog food include cooked beef, vegetable biscuits and wheat and beef morsels, to name a few. Given below is an example of one such recipe that can be prepared at home:

Beef and rice:


  • Ground beef                ¼ lb
  • White rice, cooked, unsalted        2 cups
  • White bread, crumbled        3 slices
  • Egg, hardboiled and chopped        1
  • Calcium carbonate            1 teaspoon


  • In a large skillet, cook the beef, till it turns lightly brown.
  • Once the beef has cooked add in the cooked rice, finely chopped hardboiled egg, crumbled bread and calcium carbonate. Stir all the ingredients properly, till they are well mixed.
  • If the mixture is too dry, you may improve its palatability, by adding some water to it. Do not add milk or any other condiment, to moisten the food.
  • Cover the mixture and keep it in the refrigerator, till your pet is ready to eat.

Before you choose to put your pet on a low protein dog food diet, or try out recipes for low protein dog food, it is important to consult a veterinarian and get a go ahead on this.

Garlic for Dogs Fleas | Is Garlic Safe, Good, Bad for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:34 am

Garlic for Dogs

Garlic is known to be an excellent home remedy for humans since it treats several different disorders. Garlic extracts, which act as powerful antioxidants in our bodies, are also extremely beneficial for dogs. In fact garlic for dogs is considered to be an excellent remedy against ticks and other parasites.

Is Garlic Safe For Dogs?

For thousands of years, garlic has been used in traditional medicine. Even the most ancient of civilizations were aware of the medicinal properties of garlic. When a dog is given even small amounts of garlic, it can help treat flea problems naturally. In fact, by consuming garlic, the dog can repel fleas on its own. Along with this, garlic also has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. With the help of garlic, the production of white blood cells also increases in the body, thus increasing the immunity. Garlic is especially beneficial to dogs that have a compromised immunity because of any recent illnesses. Dogs that have diabetes can also greatly benefit from garlic. The chemical properties of garlic help naturally reduce sugar levels in the blood. Since it is an antioxidant, garlic can also help the body get rid of free radicals which are carcinogenic.

The healing properties of garlic come from an active component named allicin. Allicin gets destroyed on cooking and therefore the medicinal capacity of garlic greatly reduces when it is cooked. Naturally dehydrating garlic in the sun allows maximum preservation of allicin and is therefore the ideal method of processing garlic. To ensure that your pet gets a healthy dose of garlic, simply crush some dehydrated garlic and add it to your pet’s food.

Garlic also contains another compound named thiosulphate, which can be a dangerous toxin if consumed in large quantities. In dogs, large quantities of thiosulphate are known to cause a condition known as hemolytic anemia. However, large quantities means that the garlic will only be harmful to the dog if the dog ends up eating about 50 to 60 cloves of garlic in a single sitting. Still, if at all the dog ends up eating such large quantities of garlic, there will be symptoms like diarrhea, depression, vomiting, weakness, and general loss of appetite. If you see your dog experiencing such symptoms, you can take the dog to a vet immediately, who will induce vomiting and clean the dog’s system of any traces of thiosulphate.

Apart from any accidental gorging on garlic cloves, garlic remains a perfectly safe and healthy supplement for your dog.

Dog Food Protein Requirement, Level | Dog Protein Needs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , — Nik @ 6:44 am

Dog Food Protein

Dog food protein is an important factor that dog owners should take into consideration while formulating your pet’s diet. Different types of dog food may contain different kinds and levels of protein. It is important to take a few factors into consideration before deciding on introducing a protein rich diet for your pet. Firstly, take your dog to his/her veterinarian to ensure that there is no medical condition that needs to be taken into account while assessing your dog’s protein needs. Every dog’s protein needs are different and are dependent upon various factors like age, medical history and lifestyle. In addition, it is important to ensure that your dog eats the right kind of protein in a protein rich diet. This means that you should read dog food labels carefully to ensure that its protein content is easily digestible for your dog. Dog food that contains beef, chicken, fish, poultry and lamb are easily digestible sources of protein for your dog. In addition, ingredients prepared from meat like fish meal, bone meal, meat meal, poultry and animal by-products are also good sources of protein for your dog.

Dog food protein should not be your only consideration for the healthy dog diet, because your dog needs other nutrients as well. Therefore, in addition to dog food protein, ensure that your dog is supplied an adequate amount of carbohydrates, lipids, phosphorus, calcium and fat to keep him/her healthy. Dog food protein can be classified as low protein dog food and high protein dog food. These foods are available in both dry and canned varieties and are normally prescribed for very specific reasons. It is important to make a switch to high protein dog food or low protein dog food only after consulting your veterinarian. These two kinds of dog food contain different sources of protein and thus offer different levels of protein. You should decide what is most suitable for your dog after taking his/her health and age into account. For instance, puppies require high protein dog food, as do dogs that are pregnant or lactating. Low protein dog food is normally recommended to dogs that are undergoing specific health problems. Normally, diseases related to the renal system require dogs to be on a low protein diet. Exercise caution while choosing a high protein diet for your pet to ensure that the sources of protein are usable and easily digestible by your pet.

Vitamin C for Dogs Benefits | Best Liquid Sources of Vitamin C

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: — Nik @ 12:17 am

Vitamin C for Dogs

Vitamin C is one of the most debatable nutrients for dogs. It has long been debated that vitamin C may not be as important for dogs as it is for humans. Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient which is stored only in small quantities in the body and therefore, is required as a daily supplement. The dog utilizes the vitamin C that it needs in the body, excreting the rest in urine, therefore making it impossible for vitamin C to be toxic to the dog.

Unlike most other nutrients, vitamin C is not bound to any proteins and can easily be destroyed in a short period after the consumption of the nutrient. There have been many researches in the past which have proved that vitamin C for dogs is an important nutrient. There are several diseases that could be caused due to the deficiency of the vitamin. Vitamin C has many crucial functions to perform in your dog’s body. It is critical in the binding of connective tissues, tendons, muscles, and ligaments for proper movement of the body. Apart from that, vitamin C also helps bind the blood vessels, bones, and skin of the dog. Vitamin C also helps stimulate the production of a protein called interferon which is an important part of the immune system and is also required in the production of red blood cells as well as for triggering adrenaline.

Vitamin C affects the immune system in many different ways. It can improve the activity levels of lymphocytes and inhibit other immune cells, making the dog’s immune system more robust. There are three different kinds of vitamin C which are good for your dog’s health. The three main types of vitamin C that the dog requires are ascorbic acid, dehydroascorbic acid and finally, sodium ascorbate. Though researches have shown that these three vitamins are important for the dogs, not much is known about which of these is the most useful. There are numerous benefits of these three kinds of vitamins. If the dog has a mild form of scurvy, vitamin C is excellent for treating it. The vitamin is also excellent for treating hip dysplasia in dogs and arthritis. However, as the dog ages, these vitamins do not have as much effect as they would when the dog is still younger. Dog vitamin supplements usually contain healthy doses of vitamin C. Vitamin C for dogs can also be found in dog multi vitamin pills.

Dog Multi Vitamin Powder, Mineral | Dog Multi-Vitamin Supplements

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:00 am

Dog multi vitamins are available commercially but it is best to give them to one’s pet under the guidance of a veterinarian. This is because the kind of vitamins required and quantity will depend upon its age, breed and general health condition. Dogs that are advanced in age may not consume as much food as usual and hence they lack certain vital vitamins and nutrients and this will have to be supplemented by multivitamins.

Dog vitamin supplements are required to regulate the day to day activities of the dog for it aids in reproduction, digestive functions, bone growth when young, muscle development, breaking down of nutrients, carbohydrates, protein and flushing out harmful toxins from the body. Vitamins for dog are both fat soluble and water soluble and are usually present in sufficient quantities in high quality pet food. Vitamin C for dogs along with Vitamin A has generally been claimed to be not as necessary as other vitamins because their bodies produce them naturally. Vitamin C has gone through a great deal of controversy as regards possible toxic effects in dogs. However, this is a water soluble vitamin and any excess is flushed out of the body when the dog urinates.

Vitamin C is essential for dogs primarily because of its function as a binder in that it binds muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissues in the dog’s body. This vitamin is known to help in cases of viral attacks, urinary tract infections, lameness, and conditions like hip dyspepsia and disks that have been ruptured. In younger dogs, vitamin C has been known to cure certain ailments and in older dogs it does provide some amount of relief from pain and in case of hip problems, it does allow for greater movement. Dog vitamin supplements must ideally include Vitamin A which is necessary to keep its night vision sharp and to maintain a strong immune system to ward off harmful infections. Other vitamins to be included are vitamin D that aids in calcium absorption which in turn promotes bone growth. Calcium which is an essential component ensures strong bones, teeth and cardiovascular health. Vitamins also ensure a healthy and lustrous coat and one sign that the dog is not getting its necessary vitamin intake is a dull, unhealthy coat. Over consumption of certain vitamins, particularly fat soluble ones can prove hazardous to health as they do not get flushed out of the body like water soluble vitamins.

Kinds of Dog Food | Different Varieties of Dog Foods Homemade, Natural

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , — Nik @ 6:59 am

Kinds of Dog Food

The kind of food you feed your pet is going to play a very important role in the quality of life the animal leads. Apart from the fact that the kind of nutrition generates the energy the animal is going to require over the course of the day, it also plays a significant role in the aesthetics of the animal where the gloss and sheen of the coat are very dependant on the nutrient and vitamin intake from the animals diet. As wit almost all health related questions about your dog, asking your vet to recommend a good dog food quality can help you narrow down the best options available in your local market. Moreover, the fact that your veterinarian will also have first hand information about how beneficial different types of food act on different types and breeds of dog will help considerably.

However, it is also important to keep in mind the fact that most vet recommended dog food also contains a number of substances that can be harmful to your canine pet. A homemade dog diet is probably the best option as, considering the fact that you are preparing it yourself, there is little or no chance of any synthetic based proteins and preservatives being added to the animal’s diet. The best proportions to maintain when making a natural dog food would be to maintain about 40% of meat, as this will provide the animal with the required amount of protein; while the vegetable content should be at about 30% and the remaining 30% should be of starch.

For a more appetizing version of homemade dog food, you can try creating a mixture of ground turkey, carrot and rice or even create a meal of ground beef, brown rice and carrots along with some brewer’s yeast. When deciding to feed your pet primarily homemade dog food, it is important to know what types of foods and ingredients should be strictly avoided. Xyltiol is an artificial sweetener that is often used in the production of chewing gum and, when ingested by a canine turns into a very toxic substance within the animals stomach, causing death almost instantaneously. Even a small amount of the substance can have very tragic outcomes. Chocolate is another substance that should be kept away from canines because of the fact that it turns into a poison in the animal’s stomach. Also be careful of mushrooms, mustard seeds and raisins.

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