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My Cat is Vomiting Yellow Bile, White Foam | What Causes Cat Diarrhea

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:20 am

Cat Vomiting Yellow Bile

There are a number of illnesses that your cats can get affected with and diarrhea and vomiting are some of them that are experienced by cats at some point or the other and may even occur together. The reasons for these could be varied but it is essential that you find what causes cat diarrhea vomiting in the first place. Cat vomiting white foam or yellow bile causes normally include a change in the diet or consuming things such as bones, trash, leaves, sticks and oily table food that they could not digest, a lot of stress and so on. An infection of the stomach caused due to bacteria or virus can be another cause for cat vomiting. If you observe the vomit, it might give you clues because sometimes you can see certain foreign materials in it or even blood which indicates that there is an internal bleeding. Your cat throwing up can also be due to other issues that are not related to the digestive system and could be because of a kidney or liver disease. Cat vomiting bile will occur if there is no food that is present in the stomach that they can throw up and could indicate a serious condition in some cases.

Diarrhea in cats results in a lot of difficulty and strain in passing bowels or there is very little bowel movement that is taking place. Diarrhea may last for about a day or two but if it is showing no signs of reducing then, you need to consult a veterinarian. If vomiting persists for long, it can lead to dehydration because the cat is losing a lot of body fluids and thus, you should make sure that they do not get dehydrated. Initially, you should not allow your cat to drink or eat anything for 12 hours after the particular object that they consumed has been thrown out of the body. If the cat does not vomit, you can give them to drink a couple of sips of water along with an electrolyte solution. If this is digested by the cat, then you can give them certain food to eat after consulting a veterinarian. If your cat is experiencing diarrhea, vomiting or both along with a loss in weight, loss in appetite, blood in vomit, a lot of weakness and so on, you need to take your cat for a medical examination immediately to avoid any further complications.

Read on Cat Vomiting After Eating and Cat Vomiting Blood

Calm Spooky Horse | Calming a Spooky Horse | How To Calm Spooky Horse

Filed under: Horse Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:41 am

Calm Spooky Horse

Horses are very beautiful animals and great companions if you can afford to care for one. Sometimes horses get spooky, anxious and hyperactive when they are overfed. Very often even after being trained to be tame they can get nervous about something and get agitated. This can be very dangerous for the rider and any one around the horse, so it is important to calm the horse down quickly. The way a horse reacts depends on its surroundings and the reaction of its human counterpart. Horses are somewhat restless by nature and some are easily startled. So one of the first things you could do when trying to calm spooky horse down is give the horse a nice rub on the neck and its back this will let the horse know that you are there and you will not let anything harm it.

Since a horse’s reaction depends on the reaction of its human counterpart it is important for the person handling the horse to calm down. For calming a spooky horse, the first thing you need to do is separate the horse from the person or situation that is bothering it. If you can’t do that then move to the next step, which is ensuring that the horse does not feel threatened in any way when you approach it. So walk towards it slowly looking at the ground with your hands down by your side. You should avoid any sudden movements as this too can startle the horse. It is also important not to shout and instead try to speak in a soft calm voice. The words you use are not important to the horse as although they may not comprehend your words the horse will react well to the tone you use. Try and get the horse to lower its head by firmly using your hands but not jerking the rein at the same time. Horses relate the head down position with either grazing or lying down to sleep; hence it is easier to calm them down quickly. Continue to pat the horse in a reassuring manner as you notice the stress levels going down. You can gradually release the rein every time the horse does what you want it too. When the horse starts calming down you can reward it by giving it something to eat or its favorite treat.

If you’ve tried all of this but find it very difficult to handle the anxiety you should consider hiring a horse trainer to help you out.

Read on How to Calm Horse Down

My Horse is Sick | Signs of Horse Sickness | Feeding Sick Horse

Filed under: Horse Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:37 am

My Horse is Sick

Many horse owners have to go through the pain of caring for a sick horse at some time or the other. It is thus important for horse owners to know How to Care for Sick Horse recovering from some injury or sickness. In order to get the right treatment and diagnosis for a sick horse you have to first consult a vet.

Feeding Sick Horse

When caring for a sick horse it is important not to make any drastic changes to its routine, as this helps the horse stay calm and relaxed. If the horse is not very sick then grooming it gently will help. If it is during winter or autumn then don’t forget to have a thick rug to cover the horse in order to keep it warm. It is also important that your horse does not get dehydrated so ensure that it has a fresh supply of clean water everyday. Giving a medicine for horse sickness isn’t an easy task but there are a few tricks you could try, if you have to give the horse a medicine in the powdered form then try and mix the required dose into the feed but ensure the feed is moist and tasty in order to over power the medicine taste. You could also try and sprinkle the required dosage of medicine on a big piece of bread and cover it with some honey. If you have to give your horse a medicine that is in the liquid form then you could either use a syringe and squirt it onto your horses tongue or just mix into the feed. Pills and capsules are the toughest, as your horse will immediately spit them out. You could crush the pills into a powder and then mix it in the feed and cut a slice of an apple and press the capsule into the pulp of the apple and feed it to the horse like a treat.

Horses are generally very active animals, when sick they can be confined to the loose box for weeks and this can make them very restless so it is important for you to ensure that horse doesn’t get bored. In order to do this you can visit your horse as often as possible during the day and fuss with it and give it treats as long as the vet says it’s okay to do so. If you can’t visit the horse very often during the day then leave the radio on near the horses’ loose box or play some music as this helps keep the horse calm.

Dog Crying in Sleep | My Dog Is Whining at Night - How to Stop

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:29 am

Dog Crying in Sleep

Dog are wonderful animals to have as pets. They can be a lot of fun and very affectionate. Dogs are social animals and love to be in the company of other dogs and people they have bonded with. As a dog owner you are responsible not only for feeding and providing your pet with the medical attention it needs but you also have to train your dog with basic commands and behavior. One behavior that you may want to correct is your dog crying and whimpering in his sleep. Whining or crying is your dogs’ way of communication as they can’t speak.

There are several reasons why your dog is crying or whining at night, some of these are; it might be uncomfortable because of a new sleeping arrangement, it might be in heat, it might be in pain or it probably needs something. It is important for you not to slavishly respond every time your dog cries, because if you do then this will become a very bad habit your dog develops. There are many ways to help your furry friend overcome this problem. The first thing you need to do is take your dog to the vet in order to rule out any medical reasons that might be causing your dog to whine or cry. When dogs aren’t feeling well they have no verbal means of communicating these feelings to us so they become very quiet or cry and whine. Once the vet has examined the dog and given you the go ahead then it’s time for you to address this behavior. Try and maintain a journal where you pen down everything you notice about the behavior, both before and after the dog starts crying. You need to do this in order to find out if there is a pattern or any particular thing that triggers off this behavior.  You need to do this for at least a week and surprisingly you will notice a pattern. You must understand that if you pay attention to the dog every time it cries it will never learn to stop crying. You must teach your dog replacement behavior by ignoring it when it cries and react by giving it a treat once it is calm. You must ignore his crying especially if it is using it to escape a bath or medication and continue with what you need to do but give it a treat instead when it calms down.

Cat Mammary Cancer | Treatment, Symptoms of Feline Mammary Tumor

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:43 am

Cat Mammary Cancer

Cancer is a dreaded disease not only in human beings but also in animals. Cats are susceptible to this serious condition and there are a number of different types of cancer that can affect them. Cat mammary cancer is one such type of cancer wherein the tumor is growing in the mammary glands. Breast cancer is a common occurrence in women and also in female cats. Any old female cat can get mammary cancer and the average age of getting it is about 10 to 14 years. However, the occurrence of this cancer has reduced considerably in cats because they are spayed. If your cat is spayed within the first 6 months of her birth, her chances of getting mammary tumor is lowered to 91 percent. Also, if your cat is spayed within one year of her birth, chances that she will suffer from mammary cancer are reduced to 86 percent. However, obesity is a cause for cat mammary tumor and Siamese cats and Japanese breed of cats are more at risk of getting this cancer. A study carried out also states that if the tumor is less than three cm the average survival time for these cats is 21 months and if the tumor is bigger than 3 cm then the survival time on an average is 12 months.

Since the occurrence of this cancer is very low in cats, the tumor is mostly malignant due to which it proves fatal. The mammary tumor can be identified easily as it will mostly appear as firm nodules and maybe moveable or in one place only. Symptoms for cat cancer include an infection, pain, swelling or fever. Treatment for cat mammary tumor mostly involves a surgery wherein the tumor and the mammary gland surrounding it is removed. Chemotherapy may also be required along with the surgery. There is no treatment that can prevent cats from getting this cancer but the risk of getting it can be reduced greatly by spaying cats before they get into their first heat cycle. Cats should be taken to the veterinarian on a regular basis for check ups in order to erase the possibility of tumors or any other symptoms. With the increase of diseases and cancer that cats are prone to these days, it is highly essential that owners be alert and watch out for any lumps that they feel especially in the mammary glands.

Read on Cat Breast Cancer and Cat Liver Cancer

Good, Best Quality Cat Foods | What is Highest Quality Cat Food

Filed under: Cat Diet — Tags: , , — Nik @ 6:34 am

Quality Cat Foods

Caring for any pet involves regular visits to the vet, adequate exercise, and an observant eye looking out for any signs of illness. One of the most important tasks for you as a cat owner however would be to pick out quality cat food. Choosing a quality cat food may seem simple enough, but it can turn out to be quite a task, with vast variety of brands and products available in the market. Knowing and understanding your cat’s nutritional needs would take you closer towards this goal and make it a lot easier for you to pick out best quality cat food.

The first rule is that economy foods, though easy on your wallet are almost always a bad choice, and will also end up costing you a lot more in veterinarian fees. With the large amount of brands and choice for consumers the market is quite competitive and with quantity there is a drop in quality. Many unscrupulous manufacturers use fillers and artificial ingredients, some of which may even be harmful to your cat. Always look at the ingredients carefully before picking up any product, and ask your vet for specific recommendations and what ingredients should set off those alarm bells.

Good Quality Cat Foods

Here are some basic facts that concern a cat’s basic nutritional needs.

  • Cats are extremely different from us and as carnivores they require a lot of meat or in other words protein in their diet. High quality cat foods are meats like fish and poultry which make a healthy meal for a cat.
  • Taurine, which is an essential amino acid, is another vital ingredient in a cat’s diet. Taurine is added to a number of cat foods that are sold in the market.
  • A cat’s diet should also have certain other vitamins and minerals as well as fatty acids and enzymes. If the diet is lacking in any essential nutrient your vet would be able to recommend dietary sources of the nutrient or nutritional supplements.
  • Water is absolutely essential and it’s important that your cat always has access to clean drinking water. Dehydration can set on rapidly and you may have to watch your cat deteriorate rapidly in a matter of hours. Cats do tend to be finicky about their food and water bowls, so try and make changes and adjustments till your cat is satisfied.

Keep in mind that most dry cat food and canned cat foods that are available at stores contain a lot of carbohydrate rich fillers like rice, wheat and corn, all of which can be harmful to your cat.

Bird Species Identification | Tips on How to Identify Bird Species

Filed under: Bird Species — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:35 am

Bird Species Identification

Bird species identification is one of the most pleasurable sports for nature lovers and bird lovers alike. Since specific birds are found only in specific places, bird watching and identification can be a very interesting exercise. Birds have some characteristic identification marks as well as calling sounds. For identifying bird species, ornithologists not only note physical characteristics, but also observe the nesting and other behavioral traits that can help them identify one species from another similar subspecies. In order to identify bird species, an enthusiast may have to be extremely patient.

How to Identify Bird Species

Here are some common birds and the tips to identify them in the wild.

  • Whooping Crane: The crane is so called because of the whopping sounds it makes when calling out. This is a beautiful, however, endangered bird. Like all other types of cranes, the whooping crane also has a long neck and is white in color. When the crane flies up, the neck is kept perfectly straight. During flight, its long and dark legs trail backwards. It also has black tips on its wings and this is only noticeable when it is taking flight. Great Egret. Egrets are commonly found near water bodies. Also known as the white heron, the egret is a large bird. The egret is a wading bird and is typically found in tropical and warmer climates. The bird has completely white plumage. The flight is slow and deliberate. The neck remains retracted during flight.
  • Golden Eagle: The golden eagle is a commonly spotted bird of prey in the Northern hemisphere. This bird is not seen in areas that are densely populated but can be noticed in woodlands. The color of the plumage ranges from blackish brown to dark brown. The nape of the eagle is golden in color, from which it gets its name. The bird has a large wingspan which ranges from 7 feet to a whopping 2 meters.
  • Pileated Woodpecker: This woodpecker is of the size of a medium crow. The pileated woodpecker is the largest bird in its species. It makes characteristic rectangular shaped excavations in the trees. It has a loud call that can often be heard ringing through the trees. The bird is easily identifiable because of the red colored crest on its head. The wings contain white colored markings and the underwing lining can be seen when the bird is in flight. Just below the red colored crown, a white stripe can be seen extending from the bill down to the neck.

Homemade Baby Bird Food Mixture, Recipes | How to Make Baby Bird Food

Filed under: Bird Food — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:02 am

Homemade Baby Bird Food

Baby birds are delicate and need special care. They must be kept in the proper conditions and given appropriate baby bird food. Just like other infants, they must be fed at regular intervals. If you come across a baby bird that has fallen out of its nest, it is advisable to call a veterinarian. If you decide to administer baby bird care on your own, there are some measures you will need to take.

There are many brands of baby bird food available in the market. Your local veterinarian or pet supply store will be able to advise you on the right kind of food to feed baby bird. Some birds have different fat requirements and hence it is important to ensure that they are on a proper diet. When using bird formula, add some warm water to the formula and blend into a thick consistency. It should not be very watery as the bird may suffer from diarrhea. A formula that is too thick may also cause problems as the bird could choke on it. It is advisable to offer warm food to a baby bird. Birds are not likely to eat food that is too hot or cold.

The ideal temperature of food should be between 102 and 108 degrees F. Check the temperature of food by touching it. If it is comfortable enough to touch, the temperature is right. Discard the leftovers once feeding is complete. Many formulas cannot be reheated and used again. You can store pre-mixed bird formula in the refrigerator. If you do not have any bird formula handy, you can grind bird pellets and add to hot water. One can also make homemade baby bird food by adding some sugar to warm water. This will hydrate the bird and increase its chances of survival until you are able to give it proper bird food.

Do not feed baby birds seeds and other adult bird foods. While feeding you may open the beak of the bird gently using your fingernail. Place the food at the back of the mouth through a syringe and then allow it to close its mouth. The syringe must have a long tube at the end so that food may be easily placed inside the bird’s mouth. Do not place baby birds on their backs during feeding as this may result in choking. Generally baby birds are to be fed after every 2 hours during the day and night. This must be continued until they are a week old.

Goldfish Health Problems, Symptoms | Goldfish Health Care Issues

Filed under: Fish Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:34 am

Goldfish Health

If you have a pet fish, you probably know how susceptible they can be to health problems. Goldfish, when kept in an indoor aquarium, become susceptible to several diseases. Fortunately, not only can these diseases be treated, they can be prevented as well. Goldfish health is very delicate and it is important to take care of the fish well in order to prevent them from suffering from any diseases. Here are some common goldfish health problems and common ways of dealing with them.

  • Ichtyopthirius: This is one of the most common goldfish diseases. Ich is a parasite which attaches itself to the body of the goldfish. When undue stress is put on the goldfish due to fluctuations in water temperature or bad weather conditions, the fish might begin to develop small spots on the body. The fin and the gills may show small white colored spots. The parasite sticks to the body of the fish and begins to reproduce at a very fast pace. Ich can be easily prevented by keeping the fish tank clean.
  • Fin Rot: Fin rot is a very common goldfish health problem. This is a condition in which the fins or the tail of the fish appear to be rotting away. Fin rot is usually caused due to poor water conditions and bacterial infections. If a fish is already weak, it can easily fall victim to this disease. Fin rot can be treated using anti bacterial and anti fungal medications. It is however recommended that the water quality of the tank should always be kept high so that this disease can be prevented.
  • Fungus: The easy formation of fungus in an unclean aquarium tank can make fish care very difficult. Tanks should always be kept clean and to keep the water quality high, the water should be changed frequently. Fungus usually appears on the area of the goldfish’s body where an ulcer or a wound is already present. The growth of the fungus can further complicate the condition of the fish. Adding anti fungal medications can help treat the fungus.
  • Constipation: Another common goldfish health problem, constipation affects fish that are over fed. Fish do not have large appetites. However, if large quantities of fish food are added to the aquarium, they continue eating till the food is all finished. The fish appears visibly bloated and becomes very less active. To treat constipation, you can give them boiled peas, which act as a laxative and allow them to relieve themselves.

Parakreet Bird Care Information | How to Care for Parakreet Bird

Filed under: Bird Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:19 am

Parakreet Bird Care

Parakeets are beautiful little birds, and are usually found in central Australia. They are also often referred to as ‘budgerigars’ or ‘budgies’. While its scientific name is ‘Melopsittacus undulates’, it is also called ‘parakeet’ because it looks like a little parrot. These birds are very popular as domestic pets, because they look pretty, are friendly and easy to train. But if you wish to bring one home for the first time, it is best to know some basic parakeet bird care, to keep your pet happy and comfortable.

How to care for parakeet’ will be your prime concern, but don’t worry, here are a few simple guidelines.

Surroundings: One of the basic lessons of parakeet bird care is to provide your pet with a good home. Get a large bird cage. A couple of bird toys would be good. Line the cage with newspaper or a cage liner. Change the paper everyday. Caring for parakeet bird means keeping the cage clean at all times, since bacteria can grow in a dirty cage. Parakeets catch cold very easily so keep the cage away from strong drafts. At night, cover the cage with a cloth or large towel as a protection from cold. But remember to remove it in the morning.

Parakeet bird care also involves good placement of the cage. These are sociable birds. So put the cage in a room where you work most of the time. Keep some light music on or talk to the bird in friendly tones. Keeping the cage high up, will make it feel safe from predators like cats. You can also consider placing a side cloth on the cage to make it feel safe and protected.

  • Exercise: Exercising your pet shows good parakeet bird care. After your pet settles down and gets used to you, let it out of its cage and allow it fly around the room or house. But make sure that there are no dangers. Close the curtains or your parakeet may fly outside, or if there are glass windows, it may hurt itself against it. If you have ceiling fans, keep them switched off. Keep the stove shut and all hot foods placed away safely. Ensure that the lids of toilets are closed, or your parakeet can fall inside and drown.
  • Food and water: Proper nutritious food is an important part of good parakeet bird care. Make sure that your pet always has plenty of fresh water to drink. Give it high quality bird seeds and also some fruits, berries and fresh green grasses. Keep a cuttlebone in the cage for it to gnaw.

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