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Baby bird care

Baby Bird Care

We sometimes come across baby birds in need of help.

In order to be able to help, we need to understand how to care for baby birds. To administer proper care to a baby bird there are a few points we must keep in mind. It is also helpful to be aware of the behavior and requirements of different species of birds. For a baby bird that has fallen off its nest, certain precautions need to be taken.

The first step in baby bird care is to keep the bird in a comfortable and warm area.

It has been seen that many abandoned birds contract pneumonia. It is important not to forcibly place anything inside the bird’s beak even if you feel it may be thirsty or hungry. It is also advisable to contact a local veterinarian so that the right kind of assistance may be provided to the bird. If you decide to care for the bird yourself, first prepare a good shelter for it such as a shoe box lined with soft towels.

Avoid using materials such as cotton or paper. You may also keep the shelter warm using a heating pad. Do not keep the shelter where the sunlight will hit it directly. Proper feeding is another important step in caring for baby bird. In the initial few days, it is better to hand feed the bird. After that the food may be kept in the cage. You may soak some bread in sugar water and feed to the bird. Abandoned baby birds are usually dehydrated and they require food that will replenish the nutrition levels in their bodies. One may identify a dehydrated bird by the reddish tint of their skin. Once the bird is healthy enough it may be released. It is recommended that you first test the bird for flying indoors and if it is strong enough to reach a proper height during flight, you may release it outdoors.

When administering emergency care for baby bird, keep in mind that the younger the bird is the more attention and care it needs. Overfeeding may cause the bird to become ill and hence it is advisable to use commercial hand feeding formulas when deciding the dose. The behavior of baby birds must be carefully observed as small changes in behavior may be a sign of illness or disease.  In case you come across an abandoned egg, you may place it in an incubator at 100F.

  Submitted on July 16, 2010  

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