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My Horse is Sick | Signs of Horse Sickness | Feeding Sick Horse

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My Horse is Sick

Many horse owners have to go through the pain of caring for a sick horse at some time or the other. It is thus important for horse owners to know How to Care for Sick Horse recovering from some injury or sickness. In order to get the right treatment and diagnosis for a sick horse you have to first consult a vet.

Feeding Sick Horse

When caring for a sick horse it is important not to make any drastic changes to its routine, as this helps the horse stay calm and relaxed. If the horse is not very sick then grooming it gently will help. If it is during winter or autumn then don’t forget to have a thick rug to cover the horse in order to keep it warm. It is also important that your horse does not get dehydrated so ensure that it has a fresh supply of clean water everyday. Giving a medicine for horse sickness isn’t an easy task but there are a few tricks you could try, if you have to give the horse a medicine in the powdered form then try and mix the required dose into the feed but ensure the feed is moist and tasty in order to over power the medicine taste. You could also try and sprinkle the required dosage of medicine on a big piece of bread and cover it with some honey. If you have to give your horse a medicine that is in the liquid form then you could either use a syringe and squirt it onto your horses tongue or just mix into the feed. Pills and capsules are the toughest, as your horse will immediately spit them out. You could crush the pills into a powder and then mix it in the feed and cut a slice of an apple and press the capsule into the pulp of the apple and feed it to the horse like a treat.

Horses are generally very active animals, when sick they can be confined to the loose box for weeks and this can make them very restless so it is important for you to ensure that horse doesn’t get bored. In order to do this you can visit your horse as often as possible during the day and fuss with it and give it treats as long as the vet says it’s okay to do so. If you can’t visit the horse very often during the day then leave the radio on near the horses’ loose box or play some music as this helps keep the horse calm.