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Bird Species Identification | Tips on How to Identify Bird Species

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Bird Species Identification

Bird species identification is one of the most pleasurable sports for nature lovers and bird lovers alike. Since specific birds are found only in specific places, bird watching and identification can be a very interesting exercise. Birds have some characteristic identification marks as well as calling sounds. For identifying bird species, ornithologists not only note physical characteristics, but also observe the nesting and other behavioral traits that can help them identify one species from another similar subspecies. In order to identify bird species, an enthusiast may have to be extremely patient.

How to Identify Bird Species

Here are some common birds and the tips to identify them in the wild.

  • Whooping Crane: The crane is so called because of the whopping sounds it makes when calling out. This is a beautiful, however, endangered bird. Like all other types of cranes, the whooping crane also has a long neck and is white in color. When the crane flies up, the neck is kept perfectly straight. During flight, its long and dark legs trail backwards. It also has black tips on its wings and this is only noticeable when it is taking flight. Great Egret. Egrets are commonly found near water bodies. Also known as the white heron, the egret is a large bird. The egret is a wading bird and is typically found in tropical and warmer climates. The bird has completely white plumage. The flight is slow and deliberate. The neck remains retracted during flight.
  • Golden Eagle: The golden eagle is a commonly spotted bird of prey in the Northern hemisphere. This bird is not seen in areas that are densely populated but can be noticed in woodlands. The color of the plumage ranges from blackish brown to dark brown. The nape of the eagle is golden in color, from which it gets its name. The bird has a large wingspan which ranges from 7 feet to a whopping 2 meters.
  • Pileated Woodpecker: This woodpecker is of the size of a medium crow. The pileated woodpecker is the largest bird in its species. It makes characteristic rectangular shaped excavations in the trees. It has a loud call that can often be heard ringing through the trees. The bird is easily identifiable because of the red colored crest on its head. The wings contain white colored markings and the underwing lining can be seen when the bird is in flight. Just below the red colored crown, a white stripe can be seen extending from the bill down to the neck.