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Make Dog Smile | Happy Dog Behavior | Do Dogs Smile

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: — Nik @ 12:48 am

Make Dog Smile

A healthy and loved dog is always a happy dog. A happy dog behavior is such that it reflects its sense of security and overall health, such as wagging the tail, responding to the owner’s commands, generally sociable and so on. Almost all dogs tend to have a natural look on their face which lets their owners know that they are happy. Learning how to make one’s dog smile results in the owner also being happy and assured that his best friend is well looked after and content. Dogs are most happy when they are outdoors on walks as they get a chance to breathe in the fresh air, interact with other dogs, exercise and even catch some new and intriguing scents. Even a leisurely stroll with their owners is sufficient to make dog happy.

Hence owners are advised to make time and take their dogs out for a walk everyday which in turn also help the owners in keeping fit. In order to avoid anxiety and stress associated with being left alone, it is advisable to enroll in a dog day care which will allow them to socialize and even improve their temperaments. However adequate research should be done to confirm that the other dogs at the day care are not suffering from any contagious infections that may be transmitted to your dog. Dogs live to please their owners and hence are most happy when they are told or rewarded for positive behavior by their owner. These treats or rewards may be in the form of their favorite food or even a simple pat is sufficient. A healthy dog is a happy dog, hence ensure that the dog vaccinations are up to date and he is taken for regular health checkups to the veterinarian.

One of the patent questions asked is do dogs smile? There are certain breeds of dogs like Dalmatians, Samoyeds and others that do have a natural smile like expression whereas some other dogs can actually trained to smile on command. Some owners have trained their dogs to smile by gently pushing each side of the dog’s mouth towards the top in the form of a smile and then using reinforcing statements like “oh you’re smiling”. If this step and the reinforcement is repeated several times the dog gradually learns to smile on command within a week or so depending on how consistent and patient the owner is.

Homemade Dog Toys | Tips on How to Make Toys for Dog at Home

Filed under: dog toys — Tags: — Nik @ 12:29 am

Homemade Dog Toys

Homemade dog toys are always a good idea as compared to purchasing ready made toys that are commercially available. This is because preparing the toys for the dogs acts a stress buster for the owner and also strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner. Moreover natural dog toys are also a lot safer than their commercial counterparts. To make dog toys at home owners can use readily available materials such as old ropes, socks, and tennis balls. Rope toys not only entertain the dog but are also beneficial health wise. This is because biting or chewing on the rope tends to clean the dog’s teeth and even massages the gums thereby strengthening them. However care should be taken that the rope used is not one that will cut your dog’s gums and is preferably a thick rope. While preparing homemade dog toys one needs to be creative and innovative. Sometimes a piece of fruit is also sufficient to entertain the dog. One can fill a small pail with water and throw in a fresh apple. The dog is then occupied with trying to grab the apple and even if he does grab and bite into the apple he will end up consuming vital anti oxidants that are beneficial to his health. Some owners unintentionally give their dogs old clothes or shoes to play with. This sends the wrong message to the dog who will think that all the shoes in the house are his toys.

Some dogs usually get tired of their chew bones and tend to lose interest in them. One of the ways to revive the dog’s interest in the bone is to apply some flavoring like peanut butter on the bone or in the inside of the bone in case it is hollow. Another easy to make homemade dog toy is to tie an old tennis ball at the end of a thick cotton rope and keep this rope suspended away from the ground. The dog will be occupied trying to reach the ball and then tug it off the rope. The dog owner can also initiate a game of tug of war with an old thick rope with the dog. However do not hit the dog with the rope to get him interested in the game as this will make him angry or will lead to fear towards the rope thereby defeating the purpose of the toy.

Natural Dog Toys | Make Toys for Dogs at Home

Filed under: dog toys — Tags: — Nik @ 12:21 am

Natural Dog Toys

Most dogs resort to bad behavior such as chewing on furniture and garbage on account of boredom. Most people are not too keen on purchasing toys for dogs that are commercially available as they are very expensive and sometimes the synthetic products used may also be harmful to your dog. Hence the next option is to make dog toys at home as they tend to be more economical. The first step towards making natural dog toys is to determine what are the ideal play materials for your dog because some dogs may like the texture and taste of certain materials like mesh and toweling whereas others are not too fond of them. While making homemade dog toys care should be taken to avoid plastics parts as they can be easily chewed into small pieces by the dog and may prove to be a choking hazard. Additionally if swallowed, plastic and even rubber are known to block the digestive tract. It is advisable not to give your dog an old or discarded shoe to play with because this will indicate to the dog that it is fine to chew shoes and he will even consider shoes that are currently in use to be his toys.

One of the easy homemade dog toys is the ball which basically is an old tennis ball with holes punched in it and a small metal ball inserted in that hole. This toy keeps the dog engaged as they are intrigued by the sound made by the ball. Another toy for dogs that can be made of home is a rope Frisbee which involves taking a heavy cotton rope and tying the two ends together in the form of a circle. This toy is also suitable for small dogs that are unable to actually catch a full sized frisbee in their mouth. Additionally dog owners can also use an old clean sock and fill it with a ball or a few pellets of dog food. Sew the open end of the sock together so that the ball or food pellets cannot come out. This toy keeps the dog engaged for hours as they try to remove the object from the sock. Some dogs are able to differentiate between their toys and between their owner’s belongings whereas some aren’t. Hence if using a sock to prepare dog toy it is advisable to make interesting shapes from the socks using ones imagination rather than simply tossing a sock to the dog to play with.

Dog Food for Cats | Feeding Foods for Dogs to Cats

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: — Nik @ 11:49 pm

Dog Food for Cat

Many a times people tend to have both dogs and cats as pets and this tends to pose a problem during meal times. Cats by nature tend to be very finicky when it comes to food whereas dogs absolutely look forward to their meal times. Dogs tend to enjoy cat food because it is high in proteins and calories. However cat food for dogs is not a good idea because the high protein present in cat food is not easily digested by dogs and results in them suffering from loose stools or diarrhea later. Hence it is always advisable to discourage your dog from eating cat food as cat food is specially prepared keeping in mind the metabolism of cats which is very different in dogs. Dogs that eat cat food very often are known to gain weight excessively and even miss out on vital nutrients which are present in dog food. Dogs by nature eat both plants and meat whereas cats eat only meat, hence while consuming cat food; dogs miss out on the vitamins obtained from plants.

Similarly although cats are fussy eaters, there have been cases wherein cats are also known to consume dog food if it is easily available. One of the vital ingredients in cat food is taurine which is not present in dog food. Hence dog food for cats is a risky option as it deprives the cat of vital taurine which in turn results in heart problems and other serious health issues down the line. When dogs and cats live together and eat each other’s foods the end result is an obese dog and a thin or malnourished cat. One of the ways to prevent your dog from eating cat food is to place the food at a height. Cats are excellent jumpers and hence will be able to reach the food but this won’t be possible for dogs. However this solution is more suitable for cats that are young rather than older cats. Another option to stop cats from eating dog food is to train your dog to eat all its food fast so that it is not lying around for the cat to access. This can be achieved by taking away the food bowl as soon as the dog stops eating and moves away from the bowl. Another harmful consequence of cats eating dog food is the deficiency of arachidonic acid which is not present in dog food but is added as a supplement in cat food.

How to Stop Dog from Jumping | Train Dog Not to Jump

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:52 am

Stop Dog from Jumping

It is essential to train one’s dog from the time they are puppies itself on how to sit, stand, fetch and lie down. But more importantly one should train the dog not how to be toilet trained and also how not to jump up on people. This is especially important in the case of large dog breeds that can easily knock over a person or a child. They will also need to be trained not to jump up on furniture. When an owner or a trainer is trying to train dog to not jump they will need a few items to begin with. They will need some dog toys, some dog training equipment or aids and some dog treats which they can use to reward the dog with.

When trying to stop a dog from jumping up on the furniture or any other piece of household item, the owner or trainer will first need to take the pup or the dog off the furniture piece. When they do say they should say “off” at the same time. When an owner or a trainer tries to train their dogs the younger the dog or pup the faster do they learn. One should always remember to be consistent in the training as the dog get easily confused. For example when one is training a dog not to jump on furniture and you punish the dog on one day but ignore the situation on the other day. It is also essential when training a dog not to jump on furniture tops that the owner also does not leave any food items etc on top of furniture or tables etc. As these temptations a dog does find difficult to resist and will end up jumping up. Another useful tip is to restrict the puppy’s roaming area to include areas which do not have any furniture pieces which have nesting qualities. This is especially so for the owner is not around and the dog is alone at home. It is also essential to stop one’s dog from jumping up on people even if it’s a form of greeting or welcome. Again this behavior should be curtailed from the time they are puppies to be most effective. Here again the owner or trainer needs into be consistent in their teaching. They should not permit the dog to even jump up on them and lick them.

Dog Treats | Healthy, Natural, Homemade Treat, Recipes for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:44 am

Dog Treats

Who wouldn’t like to get tasty treats? Just like us, our dogs also love to get tasty treats from us. These treats can serve as excellent reinforcement when you are training your pet or can be simply used to show your affection.

Treats are popularly given to pets to show appreciation for good behavior, as reinforcements, and even for just being a valuable companion. There are a variety of treats available in the market. However, it is important to choose the right kind of treats for your pet which can make it feel both healthy and happy.

Dog treats are available in many different shapes, sizes and flavors. Treats can be hard and crunchy or soft and mushy. However, it is important to make sure that the treats you get for your dog are of a size which is right for your dog. A brand which offers high quality hygienic food should be preferred over other brands.
Soft, chewy treats are also available in a variety of flavors, shapes and sizes. These treats are useful during training due to their pleasing taste and texture. Use small sizes during training for immediate gratification. Choose a brand that meets the same standards as high-quality dog foods.

Dog treats can be of the hard or soft variety, but apart from that, there are also freeze dried and jerky treats. Trends have shown that dogs prefer jerky treats and frozen dried tidbits. These are usually made up of chunks of meat or parts of poultry, liver or seafood. Since their flavors are extremely desirable, they are preferred for being used while training the dog.

It is also common to see treats which are shaped like a bone. These are hard and chewy treats, which though not made from actual bones of animals, may taste similar as they contain animal matter. Dental chews also contain other ingredients like corn starch and other materials which are easily digested. Though these chewy treats cannot injure the dog, they can cause gastrointestinal problems if they are not chewed properly and therefore only small sized treats of these kinds should be given to the dog. However, since these treats have to be chewed well to be digested properly, they are considered excellent for dental health. Pieces of fruit can serve as natural dog treats. You an also make some homemade dog treats using ingredients from your kitchen. You can make some homemade treats and store them over a longer period too.

Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infection | Canine Ear Care, Treatments

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:40 am

Dog Ear Infection Home Remedy

Dog ears are found to be very prone to all kinds of infections especially bacterial ear infections. This is primarily so due to the shape of the dog’s ear canal. Due to this particular shape it has it allows for parasites, moisture, and even all kinds of debris to get collected or to get caught in the dog’s ear canal. The oil in the dog’s ear canal also causes an infection if dirt collects there.  One can tell if the dog has an infection when you see the dog scratching its ears. Another way to tell if the dog is infected is by smelling the ear. If there is a strong odor emanating then that means that there is an ear infection in the canal. The smell will have a sour under lying smell which is a result of the yeast or bacterial infection that has occurred.

Besides taking the dog to the vet there are many home remedies for dog ear infections. The first step one needs to take when dealing with an ear infection in one’s dog is to try and clean out the dog’s ear. Dog ear care involves the owner needing to keep the ears clean by trying to remove all the dirt and the debris from the dog’s ears. Try taking a piece of gauze and use it carefully to try and scoop out all the dirt. Avoid using a piece of cotton swab as this can further aggravate the problem by pushing the dirt down even further. This can worsen the problem.  Another method of cleaning the dog’s ear canal is by flushing out the dog’s ear with a special dog ear wash. One can use a cotton ball to dip into the ear wash and then squeeze in to the ear canal. Then with the next hand the owner should proceed to massage the dog’s ear at the base. This helps in distributing or moving the ear wash to all parts of the ear canal. Some of the ear washes that one can make at home include ear wash made out of alcohol and vinegar. Mix equal parts of both the alcohol and vinegar and use this solution to flush out the dog’s ear passage. The vinegar present in the solution makes it next to impossible for any bacteria or any yeast to survive in the dog’s ear canal. A dog ear infection remedy which is an ear wash can also be made out of mullein along with some garlic oils.

How to Check Dog Pulse | Checking Pulse Rate of Dog

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:23 am

Check Dog Pulse Rate

It is essential for most dog handlers and dog owners to ascertain the correct way to take dog pulse solely to try and tell when a dog may be in distress at some time. When trying to take a dog’s pulse one will need only a clock that you will have to hold in one hand. The common method used to check a dog’s pulse is by first locating the dog’s main artery which is found in it groin area. One can also check a cat’s pulse in this way. Start by placing your finger tips around the dog’s hind leg front and then proceeding to move slowly up the crease that is formed between the dog’s abdomen and thigh. Next proceed to slowly move your finger tips forwards and backwards over the dog’s inner thigh till one is finally able to feel the dog’s pulse. The dog pulse can feel differently for different dogs. Some may have a strong beating pulse while other dogs may have a light beating pulse. It is essential to try and eliminate all other surrounding noises and to try and stay focused. One can even try keeping their eyes shut to help concentrate more on finding the pulse. You can try counting the frequency of pulses that occurs in say about 15 seconds and the taking that number and multiplying it four times. Thus in this way you will be able to arrive at the pulse beats of the dog in a minute.

However it is beneficial to know what your dog’s pulse rate is normally to thus measure against in a crisis.
The usual pulse rate for most dogs is between 70 to about 120 seconds per each minute. However exercise or even excitement can cause a dog’s pulse to beat much faster. Also it has been observed that smaller dog breeds tend to have faster pulses than larger dog breeds. Normally for cats the pulse rate is usually about 110 to about 130 beats in a minute. Thus it is essential to keep one’s dog in good health. If the pulse rate is unusually high it is essential to find out the cause of the elevated pulse rate and accordingly give dog medicine. One should ensure that one’s dog is eating healthy and nutritious food. Additionally it should be getting plenty of exercise and also that it is drinking adequate amounts of water.

Show Affection to Dogs | How to Care and Love Your Dog

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:14 am

Show Affection to Dogs

No one can be taught how to love dogs or any pet, but mentioned below are the top 10 most popular ways guiding owners how to show affection to dogs and other pets.

  • Provide plenty of exercise opportunities to your dog: Many a times pet owners tend to feel that simply feeding their dog and grooming them is sufficient to keep the dog happy. However dogs of all breed and sizes enjoy running around and playing which helps them exercise and keeps them fit. Playing with the dog also strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner and is part of loving your dog.
  • Avoid feeding chocolates or human foods to show your affection.
  • Pet owners tend to feed their pets human foods or treats such as chocolates, raisins which are actually very dangerous for the animals and may give rise to medical issues in their pets.
  • Monitor your pet’s health. Pets tend to fall sick from time to time and this is demonstrated by changes in behavior, eating habits, activity levels. Responsible pet owners should monitor their pet’s behavior to prevent any medical problem from escalating if left unattended.
  • Spend quality time with your pet: Most pet owners provide the best of foods and  medical care to their pets but don’t spend quality time with their pet, playing them, or simply hugging them to express their affection.
  • Training your dog: A well trained dog is the best companion to have as the owner does not have to deal with unruly behavior or a messy house whereas the dog is also keen to please its owner and thus is eager to learn.
  • Reward your pet or dog: Dogs also feel loved when their owners reward them for good behavior as they aim to please.
  • Schedule regular visits to the vet: The medical health of a dog should also be given priority via regular medical checkups. This will also help avoid health problems including dental issues in future.
  • Avoid over feeding your dog as though you may do it out of love and affection, obese dogs or pets have many health complications.
  • Give your dog its own comfortable place in the house as they tend to be territorial. This will also give the dog a sense of security.
  • If traveling make sure your pet has all his vaccinations in place and his documents updated. Keep interacting with the pet while traveling if possible to reduce its anxiety.

Neutering Dog Pros, Cons | Castration in Dogs Benefits, Effects

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:09 am

Neutering Dogs

The process of neutering or castration of dogs involves the surgical removal of the dog’s testicles after which he will become sterile. In some cases many dog owners are curious as to how to neuter dogs, this is usually done by the veterinarian who will administer a general anesthesia to the dog and will keep it under observation for 3-4 days. Most healthy dogs will return to their normal behavior and eating habits within 5 days post surgery. The ideal age as to when to neuter dog is around nine months of age because they are young and tend to recover faster. Similarly neutering in bitches is known as spaying which involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries thus making them sterile.

Neutering dog pros would include elimination of the possibility of testicular tumors and prostrate diseases related problems. Additionally they are not as sexually excited and hence will be less likely to stray in search of a female mate. Most owners have also stated that their dogs tend to be calmer and less aggressive towards people and other dogs. Infact many unneutered dogs are known to be very territorial and provoke dog fights to prove their male dominance. Neutering of dogs has both health and behavioral benefits.  Most veterinarians also state that dogs that are neutered have lower chances of developing perianal fistulas, diabetes or even ulcerative lesions in their anal area which is observed in dogs that are not neutered. Another benefit of neutering dogs is controlling the already existing problem of pet overpopulation by not allowing your dog to breed. This also gets rid of the problem of finding new homes for the puppies.

At the same time neutering dog cons include exposing the dog to certain health risks in the later part of their lives such as osteosarcoma which is a type of bone cancer. Chances of a dog suffering from bone cancer increase if the dog is neutered before he completes one year of age. Other medical disorders that may arise include malignant heart tumors, cardiac hemangiosarcoma and urinary tract cancer. Some dogs that are neutered are also known to be more prone to imbalance in their thyroid levels and even adverse reactions to vaccines besides other orthopedic problems. Another common side effect of dog neutering is the dog becoming quieter and less active on account of change in the hormones. This reduction in activity and hormonal changes also result in the dog gaining weight.

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