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Make Dog Smile | Happy Dog Behavior | Do Dogs Smile

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Make Dog Smile

A healthy and loved dog is always a happy dog. A happy dog behavior is such that it reflects its sense of security and overall health, such as wagging the tail, responding to the owner’s commands, generally sociable and so on. Almost all dogs tend to have a natural look on their face which lets their owners know that they are happy. Learning how to make one’s dog smile results in the owner also being happy and assured that his best friend is well looked after and content. Dogs are most happy when they are outdoors on walks as they get a chance to breathe in the fresh air, interact with other dogs, exercise and even catch some new and intriguing scents. Even a leisurely stroll with their owners is sufficient to make dog happy.

Hence owners are advised to make time and take their dogs out for a walk everyday which in turn also help the owners in keeping fit. In order to avoid anxiety and stress associated with being left alone, it is advisable to enroll in a dog day care which will allow them to socialize and even improve their temperaments. However adequate research should be done to confirm that the other dogs at the day care are not suffering from any contagious infections that may be transmitted to your dog. Dogs live to please their owners and hence are most happy when they are told or rewarded for positive behavior by their owner. These treats or rewards may be in the form of their favorite food or even a simple pat is sufficient. A healthy dog is a happy dog, hence ensure that the dog vaccinations are up to date and he is taken for regular health checkups to the veterinarian.

One of the patent questions asked is do dogs smile? There are certain breeds of dogs like Dalmatians, Samoyeds and others that do have a natural smile like expression whereas some other dogs can actually trained to smile on command. Some owners have trained their dogs to smile by gently pushing each side of the dog’s mouth towards the top in the form of a smile and then using reinforcing statements like “oh you’re smiling”. If this step and the reinforcement is repeated several times the dog gradually learns to smile on command within a week or so depending on how consistent and patient the owner is.