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Neutering Dog Pros, Cons | Castration in Dogs Benefits, Effects

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Neutering Dogs

The process of neutering or castration of dogs involves the surgical removal of the dog’s testicles after which he will become sterile. In some cases many dog owners are curious as to how to neuter dogs, this is usually done by the veterinarian who will administer a general anesthesia to the dog and will keep it under observation for 3-4 days. Most healthy dogs will return to their normal behavior and eating habits within 5 days post surgery. The ideal age as to when to neuter dog is around nine months of age because they are young and tend to recover faster. Similarly neutering in bitches is known as spaying which involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries thus making them sterile.

Neutering dog pros would include elimination of the possibility of testicular tumors and prostrate diseases related problems. Additionally they are not as sexually excited and hence will be less likely to stray in search of a female mate. Most owners have also stated that their dogs tend to be calmer and less aggressive towards people and other dogs. Infact many unneutered dogs are known to be very territorial and provoke dog fights to prove their male dominance. Neutering of dogs has both health and behavioral benefits.  Most veterinarians also state that dogs that are neutered have lower chances of developing perianal fistulas, diabetes or even ulcerative lesions in their anal area which is observed in dogs that are not neutered. Another benefit of neutering dogs is controlling the already existing problem of pet overpopulation by not allowing your dog to breed. This also gets rid of the problem of finding new homes for the puppies.

At the same time neutering dog cons include exposing the dog to certain health risks in the later part of their lives such as osteosarcoma which is a type of bone cancer. Chances of a dog suffering from bone cancer increase if the dog is neutered before he completes one year of age. Other medical disorders that may arise include malignant heart tumors, cardiac hemangiosarcoma and urinary tract cancer. Some dogs that are neutered are also known to be more prone to imbalance in their thyroid levels and even adverse reactions to vaccines besides other orthopedic problems. Another common side effect of dog neutering is the dog becoming quieter and less active on account of change in the hormones. This reduction in activity and hormonal changes also result in the dog gaining weight.