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How to Check Dog Pulse | Checking Pulse Rate of Dog

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Check Dog Pulse Rate

It is essential for most dog handlers and dog owners to ascertain the correct way to take dog pulse solely to try and tell when a dog may be in distress at some time. When trying to take a dog’s pulse one will need only a clock that you will have to hold in one hand. The common method used to check a dog’s pulse is by first locating the dog’s main artery which is found in it groin area. One can also check a cat’s pulse in this way. Start by placing your finger tips around the dog’s hind leg front and then proceeding to move slowly up the crease that is formed between the dog’s abdomen and thigh. Next proceed to slowly move your finger tips forwards and backwards over the dog’s inner thigh till one is finally able to feel the dog’s pulse. The dog pulse can feel differently for different dogs. Some may have a strong beating pulse while other dogs may have a light beating pulse. It is essential to try and eliminate all other surrounding noises and to try and stay focused. One can even try keeping their eyes shut to help concentrate more on finding the pulse. You can try counting the frequency of pulses that occurs in say about 15 seconds and the taking that number and multiplying it four times. Thus in this way you will be able to arrive at the pulse beats of the dog in a minute.

However it is beneficial to know what your dog’s pulse rate is normally to thus measure against in a crisis.
The usual pulse rate for most dogs is between 70 to about 120 seconds per each minute. However exercise or even excitement can cause a dog’s pulse to beat much faster. Also it has been observed that smaller dog breeds tend to have faster pulses than larger dog breeds. Normally for cats the pulse rate is usually about 110 to about 130 beats in a minute. Thus it is essential to keep one’s dog in good health. If the pulse rate is unusually high it is essential to find out the cause of the elevated pulse rate and accordingly give dog medicine. One should ensure that one’s dog is eating healthy and nutritious food. Additionally it should be getting plenty of exercise and also that it is drinking adequate amounts of water.