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Show Affection to Dogs | How to Care and Love Your Dog

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 12:14 am

Show Affection to Dogs

No one can be taught how to love dogs or any pet, but mentioned below are the top 10 most popular ways guiding owners how to show affection to dogs and other pets.

  • Provide plenty of exercise opportunities to your dog: Many a times pet owners tend to feel that simply feeding their dog and grooming them is sufficient to keep the dog happy. However dogs of all breed and sizes enjoy running around and playing which helps them exercise and keeps them fit. Playing with the dog also strengthens the bond between the dog and the owner and is part of loving your dog.
  • Avoid feeding chocolates or human foods to show your affection.
  • Pet owners tend to feed their pets human foods or treats such as chocolates, raisins which are actually very dangerous for the animals and may give rise to medical issues in their pets.
  • Monitor your pet’s health. Pets tend to fall sick from time to time and this is demonstrated by changes in behavior, eating habits, activity levels. Responsible pet owners should monitor their pet’s behavior to prevent any medical problem from escalating if left unattended.
  • Spend quality time with your pet: Most pet owners provide the best of foods and  medical care to their pets but don’t spend quality time with their pet, playing them, or simply hugging them to express their affection.
  • Training your dog: A well trained dog is the best companion to have as the owner does not have to deal with unruly behavior or a messy house whereas the dog is also keen to please its owner and thus is eager to learn.
  • Reward your pet or dog: Dogs also feel loved when their owners reward them for good behavior as they aim to please.
  • Schedule regular visits to the vet: The medical health of a dog should also be given priority via regular medical checkups. This will also help avoid health problems including dental issues in future.
  • Avoid over feeding your dog as though you may do it out of love and affection, obese dogs or pets have many health complications.
  • Give your dog its own comfortable place in the house as they tend to be territorial. This will also give the dog a sense of security.
  • If traveling make sure your pet has all his vaccinations in place and his documents updated. Keep interacting with the pet while traveling if possible to reduce its anxiety.