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Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs

Lymphoplasmacytic Enteritis in Dogs

Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs can be described as a common canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).

In fact, it is probably the most common form of IBD that is seen in dogs of various breeds, all across the globe. This problem can affect dogs of all sizes and ages.

Lymphoplasmacytic Enteritis in Dogs Causes

An IBD like lymphoplasmacytic enteritis could be triggered off by several factors, some of which include allergies to certain foods, genetic factors, immune system abnormalities, the presence of bacteria or other parasites, as well as exposure to toxic substances.

One of the most common causes of lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs is food allergies, which is usually the result of improper digestion of certain substances that are present in commercial pet food, like colors or chemical. At times, when animal protein is not digested properly, it could lead to the same problem. When this happens, it is important for the pet owner to identify the source of protein that triggered off the adverse effect in the dog, as it could mean that the animal is allergic to either beef, chicken, turkey or horsemeat and should refrain from eating it, in the near future.

Moreover, the presence of animal protein or even food chemicals could release free radicals in the body, which could lead to several other health conditions.

Lymphoplasmacytic Enteritis in Dogs Symptoms

The main symptom of lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs is diarrhea. However, there are several other signs and symptoms that can also be noticed, such as nausea, vomiting loss of appetite and borborygmi, which is gurgling in the intestines. In case the dog has been vomiting, it is also possible to see bile. The frequency as well as the severity of the symptoms may vary, based on how serious the condition is. For example, in some cases, the dog may only vomit once or perhaps twice a month, whereas another dog may throw up after every meal.

Lymphoplasmacytic Enteritis in Dogs Treatment

Unfortunately, it is not possible to cure lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs; fortunately, the problem is controllable. There are certain medications, usually prescribed by a doctor that can help the dog get some relief from the symptoms. The medicines that are recommended usually include antibiotics, corticosteroids and anti-diarrhea medication. Sometimes, anti-inflammatory medication may also be prescribed, to reduce the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The pet owner may also need to bring about a few changes in the dog’s diet.

All instances of lymphoplasmacytic enteritis in dogs should be closely monitored by a vet.
  Submitted on February 15, 2011  

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